Gregorian Chants

No matter what our faith or walk of life, our belief in angels and longing for their protection binds all of humanity together. May the prayers changed here bring reassurance of the love of God in sending these guardians and messengers to His people.

Join the robust Gloriae Dei Cantores Men's Schola for this 24-part performance of The Chants of Mary. Taken from the various feasts honoring the Blessed Virgin, these Gregorian chants are crisply recorded and expertly performed, a fitting tribute to the Mother of God.

For over 150 years the monks at Solesmes have been in the forefront of recovering the lost treasures of Gregorian chant. This CD brings together widely used examples from "Tantum Ergo" to "Adoro Te," the service of compline to kyriales. Leading choices that date from the 10th to 17th centuries.

      Saulnier, who teaches at the abbey of Solesmes, opens up the world of Gregorian chant for both newcomer and veteran alike. Learn about its origins, the manner in which it is composed, its use of the Psalms and the divine office, how it compares to other forms of chant, plus important source manuscripts for further study. 144 pages, softcover. Paraclete.

      Levy portrays the promulgation of an authoritative body of plainchant during the reign of Charlemagne by clearly plaining between actual evidence, hypotheses, and received ideas. How many traditions of oral chant existed before the tenth century? Among the variations noted in written chant, can one point to a single version as being older or more authentic than the others? What precursors might there have been to the notational system used in all the surviving manuscripts, where the notational system seems fully formed and mature? In answering questions that have long vexed many scholars of Gregorian chant's early history, Levy offers fresh explanations of such topics as the origin of Latin neumes, the shifting relationships between memory and early notations, and more.