C. Richard Churchill, Linda ChurchillWalch Education / 2002 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$17.833.0 out of 5 stars for Where Is It? World Geography Fun for Middle School. View reviews of this product. 2 Reviews
Retail Price$26.00Save 31% ($8.17)Availability: In StockStock No: WW727475
This variety of engaging activities will hold your students' interest while providing the repetition of vital information they need for developing a real grasp of world geography.
The book includes eight units arranged by continent or region. Use the self-contained student pages to introduce one region at a time, or choose pages from several units to teach a specific topic such as latitude and longtitude.
Each unit has a pretest that students can go through on their own before consulting a map or atlas to check their answers.
Each unit also includes:
- a self-checking crossword puzzle that reviews political features
- a self-checking hidden-phrase puzzles that reviews physical features
- a study page that gives students practice in using scales of distance and direction to locate given features
- a study page in which students use latitude and longtitude to locate given features
- a final review in which students find 20 geographic features on a map and then write clues for locating them
Marvin ScottWalch Education / 1986 / OtherOur Price$20.492.3 out of 5 stars for World History Map Activities. View reviews of this product. 3 Reviews
Retail Price$26.00Save 21% ($5.51)Availability: In StockStock No: WW0109715
Why was the Nile so important in Ancient Egypt? Why did Japan need the Dutch East Indies in 1941? Why was Europe divided during the Cold War? Answering these questions requires a solid knowledge of world geography. Packed with activities and 35 ready-to-use reproducible maps, this resource features 70 units to help teens understand the role of physical geography in global history. 140 pages, softcover from Walch.
Power Basics Geography & Government Courses
Walch Education / 2005 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$20.495.0 out of 5 stars for Power Basics United States History Student Textbook. View reviews of this product. 1 Reviews
Retail Price$26.00Save 21% ($5.51)Availability: In StockStock No: WW156610
Watch the United States grow from a few colonies to a mature nation! Unites cover the Birth of a Nation, Development of the Nation I & II, and 20th Century American & Beyond. Lessons include "words to know", a lesson goal, "think about it" boxes, practices with multiple-choice questions, tips, biography portraits, small illustrations, timelines, and more. 240 pages, softcover, with index and glossary.
This teacher's guide to Walch's U.S. History Workbook contains the goals for each lesson, along with "words to know" lists. Notes on application activities in the student text, additional activity suggestions, tips, thinking skills ideas, tidbits to intrigue students, graphic organizers, reproduction of the Declaration of Independence, glossary and practice answers included. 41 pages, softcover.
Word box activities, charts, timelines, puzzles and more are all included in this United States History Student Workbook. Each exercise helps to reinforce, extend or enrich the material found in the textbook Powerbasics ® United States History (stock #156610) with deeper development of topics, critical thinking questions, research questions and personal application. From Native American life to September 11, a wide range of historical events, periods and people are covered. 80 pages, softcover. A workbook answer key/use chart is also included as loose-leaf pages stapled together.
Walch Education / 2006 / OtherOur Price$47.355.0 out of 5 stars for Power Basics American Government Set. View reviews of this product. 2 Reviews
Retail Price$61.00Save 22% ($13.65)Availability: In StockStock No: WW16124X
Perfect for families needing flexibility while teaching, the Power Basics curriculum provides core American Government units that can be taught sequentially or on an "as-needed" basis. This course explores the organization of the US Government; the historical events that lead to the development of US Democracy; the facets of elections; and landmark court decisions that helped to shape the modern US government. This kit includes:
Walch Education / 2005 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$20.404.0 out of 5 stars for Power Basics: American Government Student Textbook. View reviews of this product. 2 Reviews
Retail Price$26.00Save 22% ($5.60)Availability: In StockStock No: WW156521
This Power Basics student textbook focuses on one concept at a time, illustrates lessons with concrete models and examples, and provides sample practice to achieve proficiency and mastery. Grades 6-12. 240 pages, paperback. Non-reproducible.
Get to know what a democracy is, learn about differences in the left-to-right political spectrum, and discover what the Constitution is all about. Designed to be used with the Power Basics: American Government Student Textbook, this workbook contains reinforcement and extension activities that invite kids of multiple intelligences to learn together. Writing activities, flow charts, drawing exercises, and fill-in-the-blank questions are included. A separate workbook answer key is included in this set. 86 reproducible pages, softcover. 10 page answer key, looseleaf-stapled.
This set of tests is part of the Power Basics American Government curriculum. Assess student comprehension with a pretest, posttest, unit tests, scoring keys, and test-taking strategies. Non-reproducible consumable.
Walch Education / 2006 / OtherOur Price$47.355.0 out of 5 stars for World Geography Set. View reviews of this product. 1 Reviews
Retail Price$61.00Save 22% ($13.65)Availability: In StockStock No: WW161266
Travel the world without leaving the classroom! Power Basics World Geography provides a current overview of world boundaries; helps students readily visualize other parts of the world with easy-to-read, detailed maps; explains how boundaries change as new nations are formed; and gives students an appreciation for other cultures with in-depth country profiles.
This Kit Includes:
Increase the proficiency of your students' world geography knowledge with Walch's Power Basics series. Units cover the basics of geography and maps, as well as the continents with simple, two-tone text, large font, boxed tips, practice, "words to know", "Place to know", and a goal for each lesson. Unit review and application activities are included as well. 270 indexed pages, softcover. Answers not included.
This student workbook accompanies the Power Basics World Geography Student Textbook. Designed to extend and enrich the student text with a variety of critical-thinking challenges, practice activities, and cooperative learning opportunities, students will deepen their understanding of the subject while building thinking skills. Grades 6-12. 102 pages, paperback.