REAL Science Odyssey

R.E.A.L Science Odyssey homeschool science curriculum from Pandia Press is full of serious science taught in a fun and engaging style.

R.E.A.L. Science Odyssey

R.E.A.L (Read, Explore, Absorb, Learn) Science Odyssey homeschool science curriculum from Pandia Press is full of serious science taught in a fun and engaging style and is specifically written for teachers without a science background!

Each course infuses scientific method and age-appropriate mathematics. Students learn how to speculate, hypothesize, experiment, and conclude, while observation skills are developed through sketch drawings and written descriptions. Analytical skills are encouraged through comparing, forming questions, and interpretations. Students will make age-appropriate calculations, plot results, make graphs, and diagram information, just like R.E.A.L. scientists!

Earth & Environment Level 1

Packed full of serious science and loads of fun, REAL Science Odyssey is an incremental secular science program that gently builds knowledge and incorporates mathematics, scientific method, and science terminology. Created with the science novice in mind, you don’t need any science background to teach REAL Science Odyssey. Earth & Environment Level 1 is a 25-week course that includes units on scientific modeling, study of three of Earth’s “spheres,” weather, climate, the environment, erosion, and plate tectonics. Students will also study climate change; the age of the earth and forces that shape it, and current pollution and environmental issues that affect water, land, and air. Short lessons are followed by several hands-on labs and activities, such as making a Pangaea puzzle, testing various methods of cleaning an oil spill, making a geologic timeline, and water cycle in a bowl. Rocks and minerals are studied in depth with students identifying their samples through the same tests used by geologists. Each topic includes one to three lessons complete with lesson story, labs, reading, and other activities. 318 pages, softcover. Grades 1 – 4.


Please note: REAL Science Odyssey is a secular program and refers to billions of years.

Chemistry: Level 1

REAL Life Chemistry covers atoms, the periodic table, elements, molecules, matter, chemical reactions, genetics, and more. Instructor sheets are included with supply lists, procedure instructions, and "read-aloud" instruction/mini-lesson. Students then receive a story-lesson that presents science vocabulary in context, and is followed by 1-4 hands-on lab activities that often include charts, questions, or room to record findings, observations, and discussions.

Each book of RSO level one is a complete one-year science curriculum if used one or two times a week. Level 1 is appropriate for Grades 2-5. 430 pages, softcover. Revised edition.

Physics Level 1

Packed full of serious science and loads of fun, REAL Science Odyssey is an incremental secular science program that gently builds knowledge and incorporates mathematics, scientific method, and science terminology. Created with the science novice in mind, you don’t need any science background to teach REAL Science Odyssey. Physics Level 1 is a full-year program that includes units on study of matter, motion, friction, work, sound and wave, magnetism, electricity, and even a glimpse into the quantum world. Students will not only learn Newton’s three laws of motion, but they will experiment with them and develop simple models of real-world applications such as rockets, auto safety, and electric motors. Each topic is introduced with a lesson story that is read aloud by the parent or instructor and is followed by 1 to 5 hands-on activity labs that reinforce the material and introduce science terminology and age-appropriate math. 498 pages, softcover. Grades 3 – 6.


Please note: REAL Science Odyssey is a secular program and supports a secular worldview.

Astronomy Level 1

Packed full of serious science and loads of fun, REAL Science Odyssey is an incremental secular science program that gently builds knowledge and incorporates mathematics, scientific method, and science terminology. Created with the science novice in mind, you don’t need any science background to teach REAL Science Odyssey. Astronomy Level 1 is an 18-week course that includes units on scientific modeling, solar system, space, physics of light, space travel, cosmology, the universe, and gravity. Students study each planet separately as they travel through the solar system with Bunny and Dusty, the adorable space-dust bunnies. Short lessons are followed by several hands-on labs and activities including mixing and separating light waves, learning why the sky is blue, modeling the Earth/moon/sun system, creating a Big Bang timeline, and making a comet. Space travel and exploration is a highlight of the course. Students make models of several spacecrafts, create a travel map of the solar system, and launch a soda bottle rocket.  Each topic includes one to five lessons complete with lesson story, labs, reading, and other activities. 248 pages, softcover. Grades 1 – 4.


Please note: REAL Science Odyssey is a secular program and refers to the Big Bang and billions of years.

For Additional Students

Biology Level 2

Packed full of serious science and loads of fun, REAL Science Odyssey is a secular incremental science program that gently builds on knowledge and incorporates mathematics, scientific method, and science terminology. Created with the science novice in mind, you don’t need any science background to teach REAL Science Odyssey. Biology Level 2 is a full-year comprehensive course for life science at the middle school to high school level that includes units on cells, genetics, organisms, ecology and population dynamics, evolution, and classification as well as human anatomy, physiology, and reproduction. Students will learn how to speculate, hypothesize, experiment, and conclude, while observation skills are developed through sketch drawings and written descriptions based off the lab. Biographical sketches of famous scientists are integrated throughout, as well as poems, writing & research activities, and diagram identification exercises. Lessons include textbook reading assignments along with labs and worksheets assignments in the sold separately Student Workbook. Most lab supplies are household items, with dissection and microscope labs also included. Combine with the sold separately required resources REAL Science Odyssey Biology 2 Student Workbook  and RSO Biology 2 Teacher Guide for a full year of science.  306 pages, softcover. Grades 6 – 10.


Please note: REAL Science Odyssey is a secular program and includes a unit on evolutionary theory. The human reproductive system is also covered with line-drawn illustrations.

Astronomy Level 2

Packed full of serious science and loads of fun, REAL Science Odyssey is a secular incremental science program that gently builds on knowledge and incorporates mathematics, scientific method, and science terminology. Created with the science novice in mind, you don’t need any science background to teach REAL Science Odyssey. Astronomy 2 is a semester-long course that covers scientific modeling, the origin of the universe, black holes, space exploration, dark matter, different astronomical bodies in our solar system, Kepler’s and Newtons’ laws, our earth as a planetary body, and much more. Lab sheets, lab reports, problem sets, activities, famous science research assignments, poetry, quizzes, and assessments are all included. Combine with the sold separately resources, required RSO Astronomy 2 Teacher Guide and optional Stargazer’s Notebook for a fascinating semester of science! 324 pages, softcover. Grades 6 – 10


Please note: REAL Science Odyssey is a secular program and refers to the Big Bang and billions of years.