Ruth BeechickMott Media, LLC / HardcoverOur Price$11.955.0 out of 5 stars for You CAN Teach Your Child Successfully, Hardcover. View reviews of this product. 1 Reviews
Retail Price$15.00Save 20% ($3.05)Availability: In StockStock No: WW319055
This classic gives nitty-gritty help for each subject in each grade. Become an informed, confident teacher, free from rigid textbooks. Learn how to individualize spelling, how to use "real books" in history and reading and other studies, how to make arithmetic meaningful, how to avoid the grammar treadmill, how to develop advanced reading skills, and much more. Grades 4-8. 388 pages, hardcover.
Ruth BeechickMott Media, LLC / 1992 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$12.495.0 out of 5 stars for You CAN Teach Your Child Successfully, Paperback. View reviews of this product. 1 Reviews
Retail Price$14.00Save 11% ($1.51)Availability: Expected to ship on or about 03/18/25.Stock No: WW19047
Learn the "secrets" that will help you teach better! Covering grades 4 through 8, this informative book by experienced educator Beechick shows you what issues in science every child needs to know, what should be learned in each grade, why the Bible is the best foundation for education, how you can teach music and art without being a musician or an artist, and more. 388 pages, softcover from Arrow.
Ruth BeechickMott Media, LLC / Trade PaperbackOur Price$9.005.0 out of 5 stars for The Three R's, One-Volume Edition. View reviews of this product. 4 Reviews
Retail Price$12.00Save 25% ($3.00)Availability: In StockStock No: WW620749
Simple and direct, this little book has nonetheless been used by many homeschoolers to teach reading, language and math without expense! Charts and guiding explanations allow you to teach phonics and math with ease; the writing section explains the time-tested method of copying and dictating. A wonderful alternative to overly academic books! Includes a phonics/arithmetic chart. Grades K-3. 85 pages, softcover.
Benefit from the voice of experience! Collected from a variety of magazines, including Evangelizing Today's Child, Home School Digest, Homeschooling Today, and The Teaching Home, Beechick's essays address a wide range of common questions, including "What Happened to the King's English?"; "Should We Buy an Encyclopedia?"; and "How Can I Help My Dyslexic Child?" 249 pages, softcover from Arrow.
A quick read, How to Write Clearly gets to the root of the matter. This common-sense approach will help you learn to link sentences, follow the story thread, solve most comma problems, write with verbs, and other techniques. No drills or assignments are included, rather, the historical roots of the old English (versus Latin-driven English) system are explained so you can go to "The Meaning Approach." Focusing on good writing before technical grammar, examples are presented through "thinking and clear writing, not on rigid rules and grammar." 83 pages, softcover.
Ruth BeechickMott Media, LLC / 2006 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$13.942.0 out of 5 stars for World History Made Simple. View reviews of this product. 1 ReviewsAvailability: In StockStock No: WW620730
Ruth Beechick offers this short book/workbook for aligning historical events such as the Babylonian Empire, destruction of Ai, Egyptian chronology and other ancient events with the biblical dates. Rejecting current scientific dating techniques, she argues for matching history to the Bible, not attempting to fit the Bible in a constructed time frame. Follow-up review questions and activities are included. Grades 5 & up. 1121 indexed pages, softcover.
Ruth BeechickMott Media, LLC / 1991 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$7.123.9 out of 5 stars for Adam and His Kin: The Lost History of Their Lives. View reviews of this product. 7 Reviews
Retail Price$9.49Save 25% ($2.37)Availability: In StockStock No: WW19071
What actual events lie behind ancient mythologies? Drawing on linguistics, archaeology, astronomy, the Bible, and the world's earliest traditions, Beechick's narrative journey offers a fascinating excursion into the forgotten years of the distant past! Arranged along the biblical timeline, it weaves a continuous story that imaginatively fleshes out the first 11 chapters of Genesis. Includes study projects and an annotated bibliography. 176 pages, softcover from Mott Media.
Ruth BeechickMott Media, LLC / 2004 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$9.995.0 out of 5 stars for Heart & Mind: What the Bible Says About Learning. View reviews of this product. 1 Reviews
Retail Price$11.99Save 17% ($2.00)Availability: In StockStock No: WW621737
Ruth Beechick's Heart & Mind provides a unique take on the use of the heart in the Bible...and how that heart knowledge should then be applied to education. Along with scripture that references the heart remembering, meditating, considering and other functions that scientists attribute the brain, Beechick also writes of physiologial research that supports her thesis that it is the heart that performs such actions. 183 pages, softcover.
Ruth BeechickMott Media, Llc / Trade PaperbackOur Price$6.755.0 out of 5 stars for The Cabin and the Ice Palace. View reviews of this product. 1 Reviews
Retail Price$9.00Save 25% ($2.25)Availability: Expected to ship on or about 03/18/25.Stock No: WW319101
Suddenly thrust into a subarctic world, Tyrone and Suzanne find a wonderful life. Tyrone skis to look for the Lost Mine. Suzanne learns to skate like a ballerina. They skim down the river behind a dog team. Fun and friends and enchanting beauty fill their days in winter paradise. But Tyrone discovers a terrible truth; the paradise is not what it seems, what can he do? What should he do with his knowledge of approaching disaster? Softcover, 148 pages. From Arrow Press.
Ruth BeechickMott Media, LLC / 2016 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$11.625.0 out of 5 stars for Genesis: Finding Our Roots. View reviews of this product. 2 Reviews
Retail Price$15.49Save 25% ($3.87)Availability: Due in Shortly. Expected to ship on or about 02/20/25.Stock No: WW621397
Why are so many creation stories similar all around the world? Did dinosaurs exist even up until the Middle Ages? So many questions can be answered from the Genesis account, yet so many remain in "willful ignorance." Read evidence on how the Genesis account is more ancient than historians believe, and has become the basis for countless myths, stories and histories around the world. Rediscover our human past through finding your roots in Genesis. Paperback.