Saxon Math Intermediate 3

Please Note: These Products are only available for purchase by homeschools, consumers, and public institutions.

Saxon's Math Intermediate 3 is a perfect transition into Saxon Math 5/4!

Incremental lessons provide daily practice and assessment; mathematical concepts are taught through informative lessons, diagrams, interactive activities, and investigations that build critical thinking as well as real-world problem solving skills. Saxon Intermediate 3 includes 11 sections, 110 lessons and 11 "investigation" activities.

Textbook lessons are divided into three sections. The first section is "power-up practice," which covers basic fact and mental math exercises which improve speed, accuracy, the ability to do mental math, and the ability to solve complicated problems. The second part of the lesson is the "New Concept," which introduces a new math concept through examples, and provides a chance for students to solve similar problems. Thirdly, the "Written Practice" section reviews previously taught concepts. One "Investigation" per session is included; "Investigations" are variations of the daily lesson and often involve activities that take up an entire class.

The included Power Up Workbook provides consumable pages for students to complete the Power Up exercises from the textbook, including the Facts Practice, Jump Start, Mental Math, and Problem Solving sections.

The Solutions Manual arranges answers by section and lesson, and includes complete step-by-step solutions to the Lesson Practice, Written Practice, and Early Finishers questions, as well as the questions and practice items in the Investigations. It does not contain the answers to the Power-Up Workbook, which are currently unavailable.

The Homeschool Testing Book features reproducible cumulative tests which are available after every five lessons after lesson 10. Tests are designed to let students learn and practice concepts before being tested, helping them build confidence. Tests, a testing schedule, test answer forms, test analysis form, and test solutions are included. The three optional Test Solution Answer Forms provide the appropriate workspace for students to "show their work." The answer key shows the final solution only, not the steps taken to arrive at the answer.

This Kit Includes:

  • Saxon Intermediate 3 Textbook, 623 indexed pages, hardcover. Pages are two-tone and don't include any distracting illustrations.
  • Power-Up Workbook; 110 non-reproducible, newsprint-like pages, three-hole-punched, perforated pages. Softcover.
  • Testing Book, 63 reproducible, perforated, newsprint-like pages, softcover.
  • Solutions Manual, 123 pages, softcover.

This kit refers to "Activity Pages;" email our customer service department at to receive these!

There are also two additional resources that are available if desired, and are considered optional (BOTH SOLD-SEPARATELY): the Adaptations workbook is good for students with learning challenges, and includes space to write out all the work for the "Lesson Practice," "Written Practice," and "Investigations" problems in the Saxon Intermediate textbooks. Some questions are restated exactly as in the textbook, but for others, additional assistance such as bolded key words, restated questions, step-by-step leads or graphic helps, textbook page references, unit prompters, and other hints are provided. It does not include the "Power-Up" and "Early Finishers" problems.

The Written Practice workbook (also sold-separately) is considered to contain the most important exercises in the Saxon Intermediate textbooks; it reprints the "Written Practice" exercises as well as the "Early Finishers" questions.

Support your student's math journey with the Saxon Math Intermediate 3 Student Edition. This comprehensive Saxon textbook, developed for classroom use, offers a structured approach to learning, with clear explanations and incremental lessons that build a strong foundation in mathematical concepts. Textbook lessons are divided into three sections. The first section is Power-up practice, which covers basic math facts and mental math exercises which improve speed, accuracy, the ability to do mental math, and the ability to solve complicated problems. The New Concept lesson introduces a new math concept through examples and provides practice problems. The Written Practice section reviews previously taught concepts. Periodic Investigations are variations of the daily lesson and often involve activities that take up an entire class. 656 pages, hardcover. Grade 3.

This "Adaptations for Saxon Math Intermediate 3" workbook includes worksheets with enough room to write out all the work for the Lesson Practice, Written Practice, and Investigations problems given in the Saxon Intermediate 3 Textbook. It does not include the "Early Finishers" questions (which are found in the textbook or in the Written Practice Workbook), or the "Power-Up" questions (which are provided in the textbook or Power-Up Workbook).

Worksheets feature brief instruction on the lesson's topic and assistance for many solutions; each worksheet also includes a lesson reference number and page number for easy correlation with the textbook. Teacher notes provide instruction on using resources to help students understand the lesson. This supplemental book cannot be used without the text.

Non-reproducible, newsprint-like, three- hole-punched, perforated, pages. Consumable workbook.

This "Written Practice" workbook is considered to contain the most important exercises in the Saxon Intermediate 3 curriculum. Designed to refresh students' memories of what they've previously learned, Written Practice exercises help students deepen understanding of concepts, shift gears between different types of problems, and see how different math topics are related.

This workbook reprints the Written Practice exercises found in the textbook, including the "Early Finishers" question. Each question has lesson reference numbers, a small number underneath that represents the chapter in the textbook where the concept was taught.

238 non-reproducible, newsprint-like, three- hole-punched, perforated, pages. Consumable. Grade 3.

Saxon's Math Intermediate 3 is a perfect transition into Saxon Math 5/4!

This "Power Up Workbook" provides consumable pages for students to complete the Power Up exercises from the textbook, including the Facts Practice, Jump Start, Mental Math, and Problem Solving sections. The textbook may refer students to problems within this Power Up workbook, or the text may contain necessary problems and instructions (such as the mental math problems), which students will need to complete the exercises in this workbook.

The "Facts Practice" section is designed to be completed quickly, with students writing answers as fast as possible.

The "Mental Math" section is designed to be read to the student by the teacher, or students may read independently and mentally work the problem; only the answers are recorded.

The "Problem solving" section helps students determine what questions to ask in order to settle upon an appropriate strategy to use to solve the problem.

110 non-reproducible, newsprint-like pages, three-hole-punched, perforated pages. Softcover consumable. Grade 3.

Please Note: There is no answer key currently available for this workbook.

    This testing book is part of Saxon Math's Intermediate 3 Homeschool Curriculum. Perfect for families who already have the texts, this book contains tests, a testing schedule, test answer forms, test analysis form, and test solutions. Each test covers every five lessons after lesson 10, providing opportunities to learn and practice each concept. Three optional Test Solution Answer Forms provide the appropriate workspace for students to "show their work." The answer key shows the final solution only, not the steps taken to arrive at the answer. 63 classroom-reproducible, perforated, newsprint-type pages, softcover. Consumable reproducible.