The Master Books’ Principles of Mathematics curriculum integrates a biblical worldview with mathematics! Year 1 of a 2-year course (year 2 sold-separately), this text is designed to give students an academic and spiritual mathematical foundation through building thinking and problem-solving skills while also teaching them how a biblical worldview affects their approach to mathematical concepts. They'll learn how math can be seen as a way of exploring and describing consistencies God created and sustains and will see how math is not a neutral subject but rather reveals the glory of God.

Designed for independent learners, this curriculum is designed for students to complete on their own. Chapters cover place value, mental math, multiplication & division, fractions & factoring, decimals, ratios and proportions, percents, negative numbers, statistics and graphing, measuring distance, perimeter, exponents, square roots, solid objects and volume, angles, and more through easy-to-read explanations, example problems, and side-bar notes.

The teacher's guide contains the practice worksheets, quizzes, and tests, as well as two suggested schedules (standard 1-year and accelerated 1-semester) and an answer key to all problems given. One worksheet for each lesson in each chapter is provided.

Junior High / Grade 7. Prerequisites: basic knowledge of arithmetic and mental development to think through concepts and examples. Scripture is from the KJV. Covers one full school year, or accelerated students can finish in one semester.

This kit includes:

  • Teacher's Guide; Non-reproducible and non-consumable.
  • Student Textbook, 448 pages, perforated and three-hole-punched. Non-reproducible and consumable workbook.

Supplies needed, but not included, are: binder with notebook paper, abacus (online or DIY acceptable), blank index cards, calculator, graph paper, compass, measuring tape & ruler with Metric and US markings, and protractor.

The Principles of Mathematics curriculum integrates a biblical worldview with mathematics! Year 1 of a 2-year course (year 2 sold-separately), this text is designed to give students an academic and spiritual mathematical foundation through building thinking and problem-solving skills while also teaching them how a biblical worldview affects their approach to mathematical concepts. They'll learn how math can be seen as a way of exploring and describing consistencies God created and sustains and will see how math is not a neutral subject but rather reveals the glory of God.

Designed for independent learners, this curriculum is designed for students to complete on their own. Chapters cover place value, mental math, multiplication & division, fractions & factoring, decimals, ratios and proportions, percents, negative numbers, statistics and graphing, measuring distance, perimeter, exponents, square roots, solid objects and volume, angles, and more through easy-to-read explanations, example problems, and side-bar notes.

This student text contains the lessons only; the student workbook (sold-separately) contains the worksheets, quizzes, and tests, along with the answer key and suggested schedule.

420 pages, indexed, softcover. Non-reproducible and non-consumable.

Junior High / Grade 7. Prerequisites: basic knowledge of arithmetic and mental development to think through concepts and examples. Scripture is from the KJV. Covers one full school year, or accelerated students can finish in one semester.

This teacher guide is designed to be used alongside Master Books' Principles of Mathematics Book 1 textbook (sold-separately.) It contains the student worksheets, quizzes, a test, two suggested schedules (standard 1-year and accelerated 1-semester), and an answer key to all problems given. One worksheet for each lesson in each chapter is provided.

450 pages, perforated and three-hole-punched. Non-reproducible and consumable workbook. Jr High / Grades 7-8. KJV Scripture used.

Supplies needed, but not included, are: Student textbook, binder with notebook paper, abacus (online or DIY acceptable), blank index cards, calculator, graph paper, compass, measuring tape & ruler with Metric and US markings, and protractor.

The Principles of Mathematics Book 2 focuses on the essential principles of algebra, coordinate graphing, probability, statistics, functions, and other important areas of mathematics; throughout, a biblical worldview focus is emphasized. Students will discover that all of math boils down to a way of describing God's world and is a useful means we can use to serve and worship Him.

The Teacher Guide includes student worksheets, a weekly lesson schedule, quizzes, and an answer key. Worksheets include a variety of exercises including review, challenge questions, drill questions, fill-in-the-blanks, word problems, and more. Pages are organized by book, with answer keys in the back. The book page numbers and day number are on the top of the worksheets for easy assignment tracking.

This course covers 1 year of math at the recommended schedule of 30-45 minutes per lesson, 4-5 days a week. Reproducible for homeschool families and small classrooms with under 10 students. Line-listed answer keys. Glossary included. KJV Scripture used. Grades 7-8. Softcover. Perforated, three-hole-punched pages.

This set includes:

  • Principles of Mathematics Student Text
  • Principles of Mathematics Teacher Guide

Now that you know the core principles of arithmetic and geometry, you're ready to move on to learning advanced skills that will allow you to explore more aspects of God's creation. In Book 2, the focus is on the essential principles of algebra, coordinate graphing, probability, statistics, functions, and other important areas of mathematics. Here at last is a math curriculum with a biblical worldview focus. Some mathematical terms seem so complex, but don't worry; they're just fancy names to describe useful tools. In Book 2 you'll continue discovering that all of math boils down to a way of describing God's world and is a useful means we can use to serve and worship Him.

Math is a real-life tool that points us to God and helps us explore His creation, yet it often comes across as dry facts and meaningless rules. Here at last is a curriculum that has a biblical worldview integrated throughout the text and problems, not just added as an afterthought. In this workbook, a student is provided the practice sheets needed to master the skills learned in the main text.What does this workbook include?

  • Worksheets, Quizzes, and Tests: These perforated, three-hole punched pages help provide practice on the principles taught in the main student textbook.
  • Answer Keys: The answers are included for the worksheets, quizzes, and tests found in this Student Workbook
  • Schedule: A suggested calendar schedule is provided for completing the material in one year, though this can be adapted to meet individual student needs. There is also an accelerated schedule for completing the material in one semesterThis curriculum is aimed at grades 6-8, fitting into most math approaches the year or two years prior to starting high school algebra. If following traditional grade levels, Book 1 should be completed in grade 6 or 7, and Book 2 in grade 7 or 8.