Math Lessons for a Living Education

Math Lessons for a Living Education homeschool math curriculum from Master Books teaches math through a creative life story, showing how math is used in "real life"---just like a living math book!

Make the most of the "Math Lessons for a Living Education" series from Master Books with the Math Lessons for a Living Education Teaching Companion! This resource includes helpful insights to assist educators in understanding not only the scope of the material, but also the biblical worldview behind it. There are teaching instructions, tips, charts, manipulatives information, and readiness tests by level so you can easily find the section you need. Discover a wonderful story-based, hands-on approach as you learn:

  • The importance of "good-brain" math

  • How to adapt the course for different learning styles and cognitive ability
  • Effective use of manipulatives like the Place Value Village and Right-brain flashcards
  • Memorization of math facts and oral narration as you enjoy recipes (with full-color photos!), math games, and much more!

129 pages, softcover.

This book is written to be used by teachers and students together. It includes a suggested weekly schedule (30 minutes per lesson, 5 days per week, 36 weeks) with easy-to-manage lessons that include lessons to read and exercises to complete. Pages are perforated and three-hole-punched so that parents can easily tear out, hand-out, and store pages. Puzzle solutions only are provided in the back of the book.

This first-grade resource features a story of a twin brother and sister who interact with their family, friends, and town; as students read, they'll be drawn into an adventure that teaches them about numbers from 1-10, shapes, and more.

Covering one year of kindergarten math, by the end of the course students will have learned about counting to 10, opposites and symmetry, basic sequencing, patterns, position words, shapes, differences, and more.

Grade K/Kindergarten. 448 pages. Softcover with Perforated 3-Hole Punched Pages.

We often tend to compartmentalize subjects when teaching. However, real life doesn't serve up problems or issues in neat, subject-labeled situations! The Math Lessons for a Living Education curriculum teaches math through a creative life story, showing how math is used in "real life"---just like a living math book! Thirty-six weeks of instruction guide students through the content, story, and hands-on activities using inexpensive manipulatives provided/made by the parent.

This book is written to be used by teachers and students together. It includes a suggested weekly schedule (30 minutes per lesson, 5 days per week, 36 weeks) with easy-to-manage lessons that include reading, worksheets, and assessments. Pages are perforated and three-hole-punched so that parents can easily tear out, hand-out, and store pages. Students will read the pages in the book and complete the corresponding section provided by the teacher. Assessments are given at regular intervals. Answer keys are available online.

This first-grade resource features a story of a twin brother and sister who are visiting their grandparents' farm; as students read, they'll be drawn into an adventure that teaches them about numbers, shapes, place value, adding and subtracting, as well as nature, baby animals, and the love of family. The first 30 lessons have a story about the twins, followed by a lesson taught by Grandpa or Grandma featuring hands-on learning around the farm.

Covering one year of 1st grade math, by the end of the course students will have learned about numbers from 0-100, circles, patterns, counting, addition, days of the week, telling time, simple math concepts, simple fractions, place value, number families, and solving for an unknown.

Grade 1. 350 pages. Perfect Bound with Perforated 3-Hole Punched Pages.

Build more practice into the Master Books Math Lessons for a Living Education curriculum with Practice Makes Perfect Level 1!

This workbook features special practice sheets and quizzes designed to help strengthen skills taught in MLLE Level 1. Activities and assignments include: finding unknown numbers, skip counting, writing numbers, learning shapes, making patterns, and much more!Includes:

  • Additional worksheets for each lesson

  • Four quizzes to assess student's mastery of the math concepts
  • Additional manipulatives to help the student

168 pages, softcover, three-hole-punched.

We often tend to compartmentalize subjects when teaching. However, real life doesn't serve up problems or issues in neat, subject-labeled situations! The Math Lessons for a Living Education curriculum teaches math through a blend of stories, copy work, oral narration and hands-on activities, showing how math is used in "real life"---just like a living math book! Thirty-six weeks of instruction guide students through the content, story, and hands-on activities using inexpensive manipulatives provided/made by the parent.

This book is written to be used by teachers and students together. It includes a suggested weekly schedule (30 minutes per lesson, 5 days per week, 36 weeks) with easy-to-manage lessons that include reading, worksheets, and assessments. Pages are perforated and three-hole-punched so that parents can easily tear out, hand-out, and store pages. Students will read the pages in the book and complete the corresponding section provided by the teacher. Assessments are given at regular intervals. Answer keys are available online.

This second-grade resource features the continuing story of twins Charlie and Charlotte, who are learning that life is full of learning opportunities! As students read, they'll be drawn into an adventure that teaches them about numbers, shapes, place value, adding, and subtracting, as well as the seasons, geography, and the love of family. The first 30 lessons have a story about the twins, followed by a lesson taught by Mom or Dad that features hands-on learning.

Covering one year of 2nd grade math, by the end of the course students will have reviewed addition and subtraction and basic numbers up to 100, and will have learned about word problems, skip counting, money, time, bar & line graphs, basic measurement, place value, regrouping, and more.

Grade 2. 350 pages. Perfect Bound with Perforated 3-Hole Punched Pages.

Build more practice into the Master Books Math Lessons for a Living Education curriculum with Practice Makes Perfect Level 2!

This workbook features special practice sheets and quizzes designed to help strengthen skills taught in MLLE Level 2. Activities and assignments include double-digit addition, perimeter, measurements, subtraction, simple fractions, word problems, skip counting money, reading graphs, understanding temperature, and much more!


  • Additional worksheets for each lesson

  • Four quizzes to assess student's mastery of the math concepts
  • Additional manipulatives to help the student

180 pages, softcover, three-hole-punched.

We often tend to compartmentalize subjects when teaching. However, real life doesn't serve up problems or issues in neat, subject-labeled situations! The Math Lessons for a Living Education curriculum teaches math through a blend of stories, copy work, oral narration and hands-on activities, showing how math is used in "real life"---just like a living math book! Thirty-six weeks of instruction guide students through the content, story, and hands-on activities using inexpensive manipulatives provided/made by the parent.

This book is written to be used by teachers and students together. It includes a suggested weekly schedule (30 minutes per lesson, 5 days per week, 36 weeks) with easy-to-manage lessons that include reading, worksheets, and assessments. Pages are perforated and three-hole-punched so that parents can easily tear out, hand-out, and store pages. Students will read the pages in the book and complete the corresponding section provided by the teacher. Assessments are given at regular intervals. Answer keys are available online.

This third-grade resource features the continuing story of twins Charlie and Charlotte, who are learning that life is full of learning opportunities! As students read, they'll be drawn into an adventure that teaches them about multiplication and division among other skills.

Covering one year of 3rd grade math, by the end of the course students will have reviewed what they've learned in previous grades, and covered column addition, multiplication, division, and Roman numerals.

Grade 3. 350 pages. Perfect Bound with Perforated 3-Hole Punched Pages.

Build more practice into the Master Books Math Lessons for a Living Education curriculum with Practice Makes Perfect Level 3!

This workbook features special practice sheets and quizzes designed to help strengthen skills taught in MLLE Level 3. Activities and assignments include fractions, perimeter, measurements, multiplication, division, word problems, area, rounding, Roman numerals, understanding temperature, and much more!


  • Additional worksheets for each lesson

  • Four quizzes to assess student's mastery of the math concepts
  • Additional manipulatives to help the student

184 pages, softcover.

We often tend to compartmentalize subjects when teaching. However, real life doesn't serve up problems or issues in neat, subject-labeled situations! The Math Lessons for a Living Education curriculum teaches math through a blend of stories, copy work, oral narration and hands-on activities, showing how math is used in "real life"---just like a living math book! Thirty-six weeks of instruction guide students through the content, story, and hands-on activities using inexpensive manipulatives provided/made by the parent.

This book is written to be used by teachers and students together. It includes a suggested weekly schedule (30 minutes per lesson, 5 days per week, 36 weeks) with easy-to-manage lessons that include reading, worksheets, and assessments. Pages are perforated and three-hole-punched so that parents can easily tear out, hand-out, and store pages. Students will read the pages in the book and complete the corresponding section provided by the teacher. Assessments are given at regular intervals. Answer keys are available online.

This fourth-grade resource features the continuing story of twins Charlie and Charlotte, who are learning that life is full of learning opportunities! As students read, they'll be drawn into an adventure that teaches them about fractions and geometry, among other skills.

Covering one year of 4th grade math, by the end of the course students will have reviewed what they've learned in previous grades, and learned about new fraction concepts, metric units of measurement, basic geometry, and averaging.

Grade 4. 350 pages. Perfect Bound with Perforated 3-Hole Punched Pages.

Build more practice into the Master Books Math Lessons for a Living Education curriculum with Practice Makes Perfect Level 4!

This workbook features special practice sheets and quizzes designed to help strengthen skills taught in MLLE Level 4. Activities and assignments include adding and subtracting fractions, adding and subtracting money, larger number multiplication, division with remainders, metric measurements, geometry, averaging, and much more!


  • Additional worksheets for each lesson

  • Four quizzes to assess student's mastery of the math concepts
  • Additional manipulatives to help the student

270 pages, softcover.

We often tend to compartmentalize subjects when teaching. However, real life doesn't serve up problems or issues in neat, subject-labeled situations! The Math Lessons for a Living Education curriculum teaches math through a blend of stories, copy work, oral narration and hands-on activities, showing how math is used in "real life"---just like a living math book! Thirty-six weeks of instruction guide students through the content, story, and hands-on activities using inexpensive manipulatives provided/made by the parent.

This book is written to be used by teachers and students together. It includes a suggested weekly schedule (30 minutes per lesson, 5 days per week, 36 weeks) with easy-to-manage lessons that include reading, worksheets, and assessments. Pages are perforated and three-hole-punched so that parents can easily tear out, hand-out, and store pages. Students will read the pages in the book and complete the corresponding section provided by the teacher. Assessments are given at regular intervals. Answer keys are available online.

This fifth-grade resource features the continuing story of twins Charlie and Charlotte, who are learning that life is full of learning opportunities! As students read, they'll be drawn into an adventure that teaches them about improper fractions and multiplying decimals, among other skills.

Covering one year of 5th grade math, by the end of the course students will have reviewed what they've learned in previous grades, and learned about factoring, improper fractions, common and uncommon denominators, and multiplying decimals.

Grade 5. 350 pages. Perfect Bound with Perforated 3-Hole Punched Pages.

Build more practice into the Master Books Math Lessons for a Living Education curriculum with Practice Makes Perfect Level 5! This workbook features special practice sheets and quizzes designed to help strengthen skills taught in MLLE Level 5. Activities and assignments include review of the four operations and the geometry, measurement, fraction and decimal concepts covered in previous levels; multiplying and dividing by powers of 10; working with division, 2-digit divisors, and fraction remainders; factoring; proper and improper fractions; LCM and common denominators; adding and subtracting fractions and mixed numbers; multiplying and dividing fractions; and making change.  This workbook includes additional worksheets for each lesson, four quizzes to assess student's mastery, additional manipulatives to help the student. 270 pages, softcover.

Real life doesn't present problems or issues in neat, subject-labeled situations! The Math Lessons for a Living Education curriculum teaches math through a blend of stories, narration and hands-on activities, showing how math is used in "real life"---just like a living math book! Thirty-six weeks of instruction guide students through the content, story, and hands-on activities using inexpensive manipulatives provided/made by the parent.

This book is primarily written for students to use, though the story segments help teachers build and strengthen their relationship with their student. This level provides more quizzes to help students prepare for the tests they'll need to take in the future. A holistic math unit study, this book includes a variety of hands-on projects, practice problems, conversational explanations, research and application, narration assignments, fact boxes about God and Math, and more.

This sixth-grade resource features the continuing story of siblings Charlie, Charlotte, Natty, and Hairo, who are learning that life is full of learning opportunities. As students read, they'll be drawn into an adventure that teaches them about fractions and decimals, among other skills.

Covering one year of 6th grade math, by the end of the course students will have reviewed what they've learned in previous grades, and learned about whole numbers, fractions (including mixed numbers), multiplying & dividing fractions, decimals, percents, geometry, graphs and charts, and units of measurement.

Grade 6. 400 pages. Softcover with 3-Hole Punched Pages.

Please Note: this level requires the sold-separately Math Lessons For A Living Education Level 6 Teacher Guide

Help turn Master Books' Math Lessons for a Living Education: Level 6 into a full-fledged homeschool math curriculum with the convenient teacher guide. This guide includes a suggested daily schedule, 22 quizzes and a final exam, and an answer key (half-size student pages with the correct answers overlaid). Pages are grouped by type, rather than by lesson, so parents can easily remove quizzes.

This course covers 1 year of math at the recommended schedule of 30 minutes per lesson, 5 days a week for 36 weeks. Reproducible for homeschool families and small classrooms with under 10 students. Grade 6. Softcover. 301 perforated, three-hole-punched pages.

Real life doesn't present problems or issues in neat, subject-labeled situations! The Math Lessons for a Living Education curriculum teaches math through a blend of stories, narration and hands-on activities, showing how math is used in "real life"---just like a living math book! Thirty-six weeks of instruction guide students through the content, story, and hands-on activities using inexpensive manipulatives provided/made by the parent.

This book is primarily written for students to use, though the story segments help teachers build and strengthen their relationship with their student. This level provides more quizzes to help prepare students for the tests that they'll need to take in the future. A holistic math unit study, this book includes a variety of hands-on projects, practice problems, conversational explanations, research and application, narration assignments, fact boxes about God and Math, and more.

This sixth-grade resource features the continuing story of siblings Charlie, Charlotte, Natty, and Hairo, who are learning that life is full of learning opportunities! As students read, they'll be drawn into an adventure that teaches them about fractions and decimals, among other skills.

Covering one year of 6th grade math, by the end of the course students will have reviewed what they've learned in previous grades, and learned about whole numbers, fractions (including mixed numbers), multiplying & dividing fractions, decimals, percents, geometry, graphs and charts, and units of measurement.

Help turn Master Books' Math Lessons for a Living Education: Level 6 into a full-fledged homeschool math curriculum with the convenient teacher guide. This guide includes a suggested daily schedule, 22 quizzes and a final exam, and an answer key (half-size student pages with the correct answers overlaid). Pages are grouped by type, rather than by lesson, so parents can easily remove quizzes.

This course covers 1 year of math at the recommended schedule of 30 minutes per lesson, 5 days a week for 36 weeks. Reproducible for homeschool families and small classrooms with under 10 students.

This kit includes:

  • Student Text, 400 pages. Softcover with 3-hole-punched pages.
  • Teacher Guide, 301 perforated, three-hole-punched pages. Softcover.