Volume Two of two volume set of Aristotle's works. Originally published in twelve volumes between 1912 and 1954, the Oxford Translation of Aristotle is universally recognized as the standard English version. It is a valuable contribution to studies of Aristotle and is regularly referred to by scholars of all nationalities. Now Princeton University Press makes available the complete works in two volumes. The volumes contain the substance of the original Translation, revised by Jonathan Barnes in the light of recent research. Three of the original versions--Categories, On Interpretation, and Posterior Analytics--have been replaced by more modern translations. A new and enlarged selection of Fragments has been added. A generous index provides indispensible aid to the scholar.
Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) taught logic to Alexander the Great and, by virtue of his philosphical works, to every philosopher since, from Marcus Aurelius, to Thomas Aquinas, to Mortimer J. Adler. Now Adler instructs the world in the uncommon sense of Aristotelian logic, presenting Aristotle's understndings in a current, delightfully lucid way. He brings Aristotle's work to an everyday level. By encouraging readers to think philosophically, Adler offers us a unique path to personal insights and understanding of intangibles, such as the difference between wants and needs, the proper way to pursue happiness, and the right plan for a good life.
The Blackwell Companion to Aristotle provides in-depth studies of the main themes of Aristotle's thought, from art to zoology. Comprised of 40 newly commissioned essays from leading experts, this companion covers the full range of Aristotle's work, from his 'theoretical' inquiries into metaphysics, physics, psychology, and biology, to the practical and productive "sciences" such as ethics, politics, rhetoric, and art. 672 pages.
In a single volume that will be of service to philosophy students of all levels and to their teachers, this reader provides modern, accurate translations of the texts necessary for a careful study of most aspects of Aristotle's philosophy. In selecting the texts Professor J.L. Ackrill has drawn on his broad experience of teaching graduate classes, and his choice reflects issues of current philosophical interest as well as the perennial themes. Only recent translations which achieve a high level of accuracy have been chosen; the aim is to place the Greekless reader, as possible, in the position of a reader of Greek. As an aid to study, Professor Ackrill supplies a valuable guide to the key topics covered. The guide gives references to works or passages contained in the reader, an indication of their interrelations, and current bibliography. J.L. Ackrill is Professor of the History of Philosophy in the University of Oxford. He is the author of Aristotle the Philosopher and Aristotle's Ethics and translator of Aristotle's Categories and De Interpretatione.
Focusing on the use of language as both a vehicle and a tool to shape persuasive argument, Aristotle delineates with remarkable insight both practical and aesthetic elements and their proper combination in effective presentation, oral or written. He also emphasizes the effective use of language in achieving precision and clarity of thought.
In one of the most perceptive and influential works of criticism in Western literary history, Aristotle examines the literature of his time, describing the origins of poetry as an imitative art and drawing attention to the distinctions between comedy and tragedy.
This new translation of Thomas Aquinas's most important study of Aristotle casts bright light on the thinking of both philosophers. Using a new text of Aquinas's original Latin commentary (Rene-Antoine Gauthier's Leonine edition of 1984), Robert Pasnau provides a precise translation that will enable students to undertake close philosophical readings. He includes an introduction and notes to set context and clarify difficult points as well as a translation of the medieval Latin version of Aristotle's De anima (On the Soul) so that readers can refer to the text Aquinas had at hand.
Aristotle’s classic treatise is based on his famous doctrine of the golden mean, which advocates taking the middle course between excess and deficiency. Reacting against Plato’s absolutism, Aristotle insisted that there are no definitive moral standards and that ethical philosophy must be based on human nature and experience.
Treating such topics as moral worth, intellectual virtue, pleasure, friendship, and happiness, The Nicomachean Ethics asks above all: What is the good life, and how can we live it?
This is a new translation of one of the most important philosophical works of all time.
In The Nicomachean Ethics Aristotle sets out to examine the nature of happiness. He argues that happiness consists in the soul acting in accordance with virtue, which encompasses moral (courage, generosity, justice) and intellectual (knowledge, wisdom, insight) virtues. The Ethics also discusses the nature of practical reasoning, the value and the objects of pleasure, the different forms of friendship and the relationship between individual virtue, society and the State. Aristotle's thought has profoundly influenced Western philosophy and ethics, as careful study of this volume is sure to demonstrate.
J.A.K. Thomson's translation has been revised by Hugh Tredennick and is accompanied by a new introduction by Jonathan Barnes. This edition also includes an updated bibliography and a new chronology of Aristotle's life and works.