The Little Prince
by Antoine De Saint-Exupery
The little prince lives alone on a tiny planet no larger than a house. He owns three volcanoes, two active and one extinct. He also owns a flower-unlike any flower in all the wide galaxy-of great beauty and inordinate pride. It is this pride that ruins the serenity of the little princes' world and starts him on the interplanetary travels that bring him to Earth, where he learns, finally, from a fox, the secret of what is truly important in life. A story full of life and light, this is a book that changes the world forever for its readers. 96 pages, Paperback.
The little prince lives alone on a tiny planet no larger than a house. He owns three volcanoes, two active and one extinct. He also owns a flower-unlike any flower in all the wide galaxy-of great beauty and inordinate pride. It is this pride that ruins the serenity of the little princes' world and starts him on the interplanetary travels that bring him to Earth, where he learns, finally, from a fox, the secret of what is truly important in life. A story full of life and light, this is a book that changes the world forever for its readers. Hardcover
The little prince lives alone on a tiny planet no larger than a house. He owns three volcanoes, two active and one extinct. He also owns a flower-unlike any flower in all the wide galaxy-of great beauty and inordinate pride. It is this pride that ruins the serenity of the little princes' world and starts him on the interplanetary travels that bring him to Earth, where he learns, finally, from a fox, the secret of what is truly important in life. A story full of life and light, this is a book that changes the world forever for its readers. Picture Book
El Principito vive en un pequeño planeta no más grande que una casa. Es dueño de tres volcanes, dos activos y uno extinguido. Tambi´n es el dueño de una flor-a diferencia de cualquier otra flor en toda la galaxia- es de gran belleza y orgullo desmedido. Es este orgullo reina la serenidad del mundo de los príncipes y los viajes interplanetarios que traen a la tierra, donde finalmente él aprende, a trav´s de un zorro, el secreto de lo que es verdaderamente importante en la vida. Una historia llena de vida y luz, este es un libro que cambia para siempre el mundo de sus lectores.