Easy Grammar Ultimate Grade 9

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New from Easy Grammar! Daily lessons provide students with a firm grasp on the basics of grammar: capitalization, punctuation, grammar and sentence combining (with an emphasis on expository writing) are all covered. Designed as an introduction to the important concepts students will need to know, Easy Grammar not only introduces new topics, but teaches them throughout the course. Using the same building-block approach as other Easy Grammar books, students will build upon their knowledge in only 10 minute increments, leaving ample time for literature, writing, and other important high school coursework. Teach your students step-by-step or let them work independently.

Some Grade 9 topics covered include the differences between an independent clauses and dependent clauses; about fragments, sentences, and run-ons; and the structure of compound and complex sentences.

This teacher's guide accompanies the Easy Grammar Ultimate Student Workbook, Grade 9. Concepts are expanded throughout and reviewed with lesson discussion ideas in bold print for teachers to communicate to their students. Classroom reproducible student pages are included, with line listed answers in the back. 180 Days included. Softcover.

This Easy Grammar Ultimate Grade 9 Test Book accompanies the Easy Grammar Ultimate Grade 9 Student Workbook. It contains tests with a variety of editing, matching, writing exercises and other types of questions. 18 assessments are included. Answer keys are provided on the facing page; parents should reproduce tests, remove them, or fold the book over so students cannot see answers. Perforated pages, softcover. Tests are reproducible for student use. Grade 9.