Psychology is an extremely divisive topic for Christians today. Yet despite it being one of the most commonly-taken college courses, many homeschool students never study it before encountering it in the university setting. While they may be prepared to answer the questions and accusations of humanism, evolution, relativism and naturalism, psychology classes may be the hardest battlefield of all. This text was designed to introduce students to psychology's concepts, underlying worldview assumptions, and the Christian criticism of psychology, while still providing suggestions for Christians joining the contemporary psychological conversation.

Chapters integrate a Christian perspective into some of the most common topics addressed in psychology, including: psychology's history, the brain & nervous system, learning & memory, consciousness, personality, treatment, social psychology, research methods, and more. Chapters end with a summary and review questions. 165 pages, indexed, softcover. 2nd Edition. High School.

This loose-leaf set of workbook pages accompanies Homeschool Psych 101. Fill-in-the-blank, True/False, and web assignments are given to help reinforce the lesson material. Line-listed answers are included.

Psychology is quoted and used in a number of different fields, is always on the news, and is a popular college-level course. Give your high schoolers a context and understanding of Psychology from a Christian perspective while still in high school. This elective will help students to understand how naturalism, behavioralism, humanism, evolutionism, moral relativism and reductionism are used within psychological theories. Covering the history of psychology, as well as current theories on motivation, emotion, development, memory, sensation, abnormal psychology, social psychology, treatment, and more, each chapter includes bolded key words, a chapter summary, and review questions. 256 pages, indexed. No answer key to summary questions. High School.

This teacher's guide is designed to be used with the sold-separately Psychology: A Christian Perspective High School Edition. Organized by chapter, outlines and summary, key concepts & people, activities & discussion, learning objectives, "For Further Study" questions, review questions, and chapter quizzes are included. Paperback.

Revised and updated to reflect the most current psychiatric and psychological industry standards

Psychological terms are used in everyday conversations, and not always with the correct meaning. When a Christian needs to know the practical implications of a term, this book is the most biblical and understandable resource available. The Bible's teaching on each issue is clearly presented, along with extensive Scripture cross-references to facilitate Bible study.

Learn the basic underpinnings of psychology with this convenient guide to the most prominent psychologists, theories, experiments, and concepts within the field. Learn about dissociative disorders, theories of intelligence, Rorschach and his inkblots, and more. Short chapters feature interesting chapters, simple bullet-points, and helpful graphics or illustrations. 288 pages, indexed, hardcover. Approximately 7.25" x 5.5".

Homeschoolers, please note: this book was not written from a Christian perspective.

Psychology For Dummies takes you on the challenging and thrilling adventure into the astonishing science of why we do the things we do. Along the way you'll find out how psychology helps us improve our relationships, make better decisions, be more effective in our careers, and avoid stress and mental illness in difficult times.

In a friendly, jargon-free style, clinical psychologist and teacher Adam Cash uses practical examples to delve deep into the maze of the human mind: from the basic hardware, software, and "wetware" of our brains to the mysteries of consciousness and the murkier reaches of abnormal behavior. He also provides profound insights into our wants and needs, the differences between psychological approaches, and how positive psychology can help you lead the "good life" that fulfills you most.

  • Gain insights into identity and the self
  • Cope with stress and illness
  • Maintain psychological health
  • Make informed choices when seeking counseling

A major portion of our society is trying to find ways to deal with ADD/ADHD. Many understand the potential risks of long-term drug therapy. Dr. Jeremy Martin provides hope both children and adults suffering from ADD/ADHD using a technologically advanced non-drug approach. Dr. Martin is committed to bringing you better health and a better way of life by teaching and practicing the true principles of cutting edge health care.

No one fully understands how learning works, but educational psychologists understand a great deal about what works. The collaborative team of Klaus Issler and Ronald Habermas has assembled an integration of theology and instructional theory in Teaching for Reconciliation: Foundations and Practice of Christian Educational Ministry. Now they expound on one aspect of educational theory/theology to help teachers choose the method that best reaches particular learners in a specific learning situation. How We Learn demystifies the principles of educational psychology. The book identifies: --means and barriers in learning- --motivational factors that make learners receptive --learning's outcome in attitudes, spirituality, and behavior Application sections, special exercises and examples, plus dozens of figures and tables aid understanding of learning effectiveness, age-related development, individual learning style, special education, and other issues. 245 pages, softcover.

Why do we do and say the things we do and say? The Brain: Journey Through the Universe Inside Your Head introduces students to the fascinating world of the human brain and its effect on behavior. Readers learn about the main anatomy and functions of the brain while discovering the brain's role in learning, memory, communication, and emotions. Kids also read about new technologies being used to research the brain in its various states of performance while being introduced to the effects of sleep, alcohol, and exercise on our most complex organ.

Combining hands-on activities with neuroscience, anatomy, and psychology, The Brain includes projects such as building a 3-D brain model and testing how the brain adapts to a new situation. The Brain integrates a digital learning component by providing links to primary sources, videos, and other relevant websites. Additional materials include a glossary, timeline, and a list of current reference works. The Brain is a unique opportunity to connect behavior, physiology, and the outside world in one amazing place your head!

Additional Resources