Homeschool History Curriculum

Explore the past through homeschool history curriculum that documents the development of civilization, from prehistory to modern times. Discover the resources you need, whether it’s curriculum on a specific time period, biographies, living books, timeline projects, and more.

History Curriculum

Remarkable Diaries: The World's Greatest Diaries, Journals, Notebooks, & Letters

Travel back in time and witness both everyday life and great moments in history in this fascinating compilation of diaries through the ages.

Supplemental History Resources

  1. Government & Civics
  1. A Colorful Past: A Coloring Book of  Church History Through the Centuries
    William Boekestein
    Reformation Heritage Books / 2018 / Trade Paperback
    Our Price$6.29 Retail Price$8.00 Save 21% ($1.71)
  2. Katie Luther Graphic Novel
    Susan K. Leigh
    Concordia Publishing House / 2016 / Trade Paperback
    Our Price$10.85 Retail Price$14.99 Save 28% ($4.14)
    5.0 out of 5 stars for Katie Luther Graphic Novel. View reviews of this product. 1 Reviews
  3. Once Upon A Time Saints
    Bethlehem Books / 1997 / Trade Paperback
    Our Price$9.49 Retail Price$12.95 Save 27% ($3.46)
  4. Augustine Came to Kent, Living  History Library
    Barbara Willard
    Bethlehem Books / 1997 / Trade Paperback
    Our Price$13.59 Retail Price$14.95 Save 9% ($1.36)

History Coloring Books

  1. U.S. Constitution Coloring Book
    Carole Marsh
    Gallopade International / 2008 / Trade Paperback
    Our Price$4.29 Retail Price$5.99 Save 28% ($1.70)
  2. Life in a Medieval Castle and  Village Coloring Book
    John Green
    Dover Publications / 1990 / Trade Paperback
    Our Price$5.39 Retail Price$5.99 Save 10% ($0.60)
  3. Life in Ancient Egypt Coloring Book
    John Green, Stanley Appelbaum
    Dover Publications / 1989 / Trade Paperback
    Our Price$5.39 Retail Price$5.99 Save 10% ($0.60)
  4. Civil War Uniforms Coloring Book
    Peter F. Copeland
    Dover Publications / 1985 / Trade Paperback
    Our Price$5.39 Retail Price$5.99 Save 10% ($0.60)
  1. Little Rock Nine
    Marshall Poe
    Simon & Schuster / 2008 / Trade Paperback
    Our Price$7.30 Retail Price$7.99 Save 9% ($0.69)
  2. T-Minus: The Race to The Moon
    Jim Ottavia
    Simon & Schuster / 2009 / Trade Paperback
    Our Price$16.49 Retail Price$19.99 Save 18% ($3.50)
  3. The Faithful Spy: Dietrich  Bonhoeffer and the Plot to  Kill Hitler
    John Hendrix
    DK Books / 2018 / Trade Paperback
    Our Price$17.09 Retail Price$18.99 Save 10% ($1.90)
  4. I Survived the Nazi Invasion, 1944,  #3
    Lauren Tarshis & &#193lvaro Sarraseca(Illus.)
    Graphix / 2020 / Trade Paperback
    Our Price$7.07 Retail Price$10.99 Save 36% ($3.92)
  1. Mythology: Greek & Roman Gods Chart
    Barcharts Inc / Other
    Our Price$4.49 Retail Price$4.95 Save 9% ($0.46)
  2. History of Christianity BarChart
    Thomas Smith
    Barcharts Inc / 2010 / Other
    Our Price$6.94
  3. World History 1, Laminated Guide
    David Head
    Barcharts Inc / 2013 / Other
    Our Price$6.49 Retail Price$6.95 Save 7% ($0.46)
  4. World History SparkCharts
    SparkCharts / 2014 / Other
    Our Price$4.99 Retail Price$6.99 Save 29% ($2.00)
  1. World Map Poster (Paper) 50 x 32
  2. World Map SparkCharts
    SparkCharts / 2014 / Other
    Our Price$4.94
  3. U.S. Map SparkCharts
    SparkCharts / 2014 / Other
    Our Price$3.99 Retail Price$4.95 Save 19% ($0.96)
  4. U.S. Map Poster (Paper) 50 x 32
    Barcharts Inc / 2013 / Other
    Our Price$5.99 Retail Price$6.95 Save 14% ($0.96)
  1. Need help with a homeschool question? Contact our Homeschool Curriculum Advisors for free unbiased curriculum advice Tel: 1-800-788-1221