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Primary Documents

    Biographies & Homeschool Resources

    High School/Adult Reading

    1. Columbus
      Laurence Bergreen
      Penguin Random House / 2012 / Trade Paperback
      Our Price$20.70 Retail Price$23.00 Save 10% ($2.30)
    2. Short Account of the Destruction of  the West Indies
      Bartholome de Las Casas
      Penguin Random House / 1992 / Trade Paperback
      Our Price$13.50 Retail Price$15.00 Save 10% ($1.50)
    3. North American Exploration, Volume  1: A New World  Disclosed
      John Logan Allen(Editor)
      University of Nebraska Press / 1997 / Hardcover
      Our Price$99.00 Retail Price$110.00 Save 10% ($11.00)
    4. 1493: Uncovering the New World  Columbus Created - eBookThis product is an eBook
      Charles C. Mann
      Vintage / 2011 / ePub
      Our Price$12.99