Historical Timelines

Historical timelines are visual resources that help students put events, people, and dates in the context of history so they can make important connections and understand the scope of world history from a chronological perspective.

Book of Centuries Timeline

Grow your child’s excitement for history, build visual connections to their history studies, and develop their love for learning with Jeannie Fulbright’s Book Of Centuries Timeline. 

This heirloom quality concertina timeline book, made with vegan leather covers, heavy multi-media paper, pages that turn or foldout into a seamless 8-foot timeline.

Throughout their school years progress, your students add to their timeline, giving them a dynamic historical perspective and allowing compelling connections to form. As previous entries overlap and intersect new entries, students will be delighted and amazed. As the years progress, these “Aha!” moments will multiply, and history will become an intriguing and beloved subject.

This timeline book is designed to be used on both sides of the long, fold-out page.  One side contains the BC (Before Christ) timeline beginning at 4000 BC. Turn the book over for the AD (Anno Domini) timeline.  With this distinctive folding design, students can turn the pages to record what they are currently studying or unfold the book to see how everything they have previously studied fits in the annals of time chronologically.

Please note: that centuries that have fewer events in recorded history are condensed to two pages. In the centuries where a great deal of history is known and recorded, more space is made between centuries to allow room for a greater number of entries. Hardcover.  All ages.

Blank Timelines

SparkNotes Timeline Charts

Bible Timelines for Children

DK Timeline Books

History Odyssey Timeline Resources

  1. Timeline Wall Cards
    Memoria Press / 2013 / Other
    Our Price$13.85 Retail Price$16.20 Save 15% ($2.35)
  2. Timeline Handbook
    Cheryl Lowe
    Memoria Press / 2013 / Trade Paperback
    Our Price$10.15 Retail Price$11.85 Save 14% ($1.70)
  3. Timeline Student Flashcards
    Memoria Press / 2013 / Other
    Our Price$12.95 Retail Price$15.10 Save 14% ($2.15)
  4. Timeline Composition & Sketchbook
    Cheryl Lowe
    Memoria Press / 2013 / Spiral Bound
    Our Price$10.15 Retail Price$11.85 Save 14% ($1.70)

Master Books Big Book of History & Timeline

Story of Civilization Timelines

More Historical Timelines

Adams Chart of History

TimeLine Snapshots is a 2" x 15' strip of dates (1600-2010 AD) with figures to highlight people and events from BJU Press' Heritage Studies Texts Grades 2-5; a corresponding strip of presidents is provided.

Printed on heavy-duty paper, these timelines provide a bird's-eye view of world history from a Christian perspective. Featuring short biographical notes on history-shaping personalities from Nebuchadnezzar to C.S. Lewis, they serve as powerful visual aids to help students track biblical, intellectual, artistic, and technological trends from ancient to contemporary times. To be used as supplements to Streams of Civilization textbooks. From Christian Liberty Press.

Homeschool Ideas Resource

You can design and make simple, useful learning resources and support materials for your homeschool, using materials from around your house, like manila folders, display boards, index cards, and storage bins. Helpful chapters give instructions and ideas for making timelines, calendar schedules, puppet theaters, activity centers, and more. From This Old Schoolhouse.

Keep your timeline organized and neat with the Mark-It Timeline of World History from Geography Matters! This timeline is made of paper; the front has a yellowed parchment appearance with dates, while the back features marked brown lines on white without dates. Homeschoolers can use the blank side for studies before 4000 BC or to add more details than can fit on the front; because the back is not numbered, each mark can stand for 1-100 years as needed. Lines may be cut apart if a linear time line is desired. Measures 23" across the bottom and is 34" tall.

Biblical History Wall Charts Pack

    More Biblical History Wall Charts from Rose Publishing

    1. Giant 10-Ft Bible Time Line
      Rose Publishing / 2006 / Other
      Our Price$10.99 Retail Price$14.99 Save 27% ($4.00)
      4.5 out of 5 stars for Giant 10-Ft Bible Time Line. View reviews of this product. 40 Reviews
    2. Kings and Prophets Time Line  Laminated Wall Chart
    3. 10-Foot Bible & World History  Timeline
      Rose Publishing / 2020 / Other, N/A
      Our Price$10.85 Retail Price$14.99 Save 28% ($4.14)
    4. Giant 10-Ft Christian & World  History Time Line
      Rose Publishing / 2020 / Other, N/A
      Our Price$10.59 Retail Price$14.99 Save 29% ($4.40)

    Biblical History Timeline Pamphlets from Rose Publishing

    1. Genesis Time Line, Pamphlet
      Rose Publishing / 2005 / Other
      Our Price$3.75 Retail Price$4.99 Save 25% ($1.24)
      5.0 out of 5 stars for Genesis Time Line, Pamphlet. View reviews of this product. 3 Reviews
    2. Chronology of the Bible: Timeline  and Bible Reading Plan - Pamphlet
    3. Jerusalem Time Line, Pamphlet
      Rose Publishing / 2012 / Other
      Our Price$3.75 Retail Price$4.99 Save 25% ($1.24)
    4. Timeline Collection
      Rose Publishing / Other, N/A
      Our Price$11.49 Retail Price$15.96 Save 28% ($4.47)