Loyola Press Henle Latin Texts & Keys

Designed to be used through all four years of Henle Latin, Latin Grammar provides the student with a thorough reference to how Latin grammar functions. Divided between forms and syntax, students will learn how to appropriately construct main clauses, subordinate clauses, and different types of cases. Pronouns, adjectives, rules for place and time, and other concepts are also covered. Both charts of endings as well as instructions on use, are provided. 261 pages, softcover.

Originally published in 1945, this tried-and-true Latin curriculum has lost none of its efficiency over the years! Rigorous and straightforward in its instructional style, Henle Latin is structured around the sold-separately Latin Grammar reference text, which provides students with the grammar and syntax information they'll need, in conjunction with the Henle textbooks.

The text is written directly to the student, and reflects the direct instructional style of the time in which it was written; many black and white photographs and art reproductions are also included. Texts include Christian and Classical content (though Protestant homeschoolers may wish to note that the Christian content is sometimes from a very Catholic perspective), as well as information on Roman and American history, with an emphasis on the importance of Christian values & virtues.

514 pages, softcover with Latin-English/English-Latin glossary. First Year Latin may be used with students in grades 5-6 who have previously completed introductory Latin courses, or for students in grades 7 & up without a Latin background. Initially written for one volume per each year of high school.

This answer key accompanies the Henle Latin First Year Text (sold-separately). Line-listed answers are arranged by unit, exercise number, and question number; originally published in the 1950s, the key is arranged with standard book-formatting. 149 pages, softcover.

Originally published in 1945, this tried-and-true Latin curriculum has lost none of its efficiency over the years! Rigorous and straightforward in its instructional style, Henle Latin is structured around the sold-separately Latin Grammar reference text, which provides students with the grammar and syntax information they'll need, in conjunction with the Henle textbooks.

Henle Latin: Second Year walks students through transitioning to more translation-intensive exercises based upon the texts of Caesar. The first portion of the book contains Caesar's account of his conquest of Gaul, while the back half contains the lessons and exercises. The first 16 lessons can be used for those for whom review is necessary, or for students who did not entirely finish the first volume. Students who have no need of review may begin immediately to work on the exercises based on Caesar. Lessons check the student's reading ability and knowledge of syntax, forms, and vocabulary; each includes a list of vocabulary, notes for pages in the grammar text, and text to translate.

This second year text's content focuses on three great leaders: Julius Caesar, Vercingetorix, and finally Jesus Christ. The text is written directly to the student, and reflects the direct instructional style of the time in which it was written. Texts include Christian and Classical content (though Protestant homeschoolers may wish to note that the Christian content is occasionally from a Catholic perspective), as well as information on Roman and American history, with an emphasis on the importance of Christian values & virtues.

640 pages, softcover with Latin-English/English-Latin glossary. For students who have completed Henle Latin Year 1; if following the high school schedule, this book will be used during the sophomore year.

This answer key accompanies the Henle Latin Second Year Text (sold-separately). Line-listed answers are arranged by unit, exercise number, and question number; originally published in the 1950s, the key is arranged with standard book-formatting. Softcover.

This teacher's manual is designed to be used with the Henle Latin 1 Text (not-included and sold-separately). In the Henle Series, grammar and syntax are collected into a separate 250-page Grammar Manual, which is used as a handy reference to accompany all four years of Henle. The Henle texts contain all of the exercises and readings.

As Henle Latin was originally written for instructors knowledgeable in Latin, rather than homeschoolers, this guide is intended to supplement First Year Henle with additional guidance, specific teaching points, and an answer key. In addition, there are oral practice exercises for students, and each weekly lesson is broken down into daily work. Each week includes a chart that lists five days; the first four days include assignments with the fifth set aside for quizzes or tests. Lessons are structured with simple steps that instruct teachers on what to do next, what to explain, etc. A line-listed answer key is included at the back of the book. Exercises and readings teach Roman and American history, the difference between the pagan and Christian worldviews, and the difference between the virtues of the natural man and the virtues of the Christian man. 155 pages, softcover.

The Henle Latin Series may be started as early as 8th grade. This Unit 6-14 Set will finish the Henle Latin I text that students began in the Henle Latin I, Units 1-5 book.

Designed to accompany tried-and-true Henle Latin curriculum, this Student Guide from Memoria Press includes comprehensive lesson plans, exercises, and additional information to help students succeed in the Year 2 program, which rounds out the Latin grammar and introduces the text of Caesar’s De Bello Gallico. 358 pages, spiral-bound softcover. Grade 10.

This set of quizzes and tests is designed to be used in conjunction with the (sold-separately) Henle Latin 2 Text and Student Guide Second Edition. You’ll be equipped to assess your student’s comprehension with review quizzes on vocabulary and pronunciation,15 lesson tests, 2 content tests, and a 2-part final exam.   Quizzes include charts to complete (e.g. declensions and forms), vocabulary words to define, and sentences to translate. An answer key for all the quizzes, tests, and the final exam are included (overlaid answers). Sold separately prerequisites: completion of Henle Year 1 and Fourth Form Latin.  156 pages, non-reproducible softcover. Grades 9-12.

Originally published in the 1940s and 1950s, this tried-and-true Latin curriculum has lost none of its efficiency over the years! Rigorous and straightforward in its instructional style, Henle Latin is structured around the sold-separately Latin Grammar reference text, which provides students with the grammar and syntax information they'll need, in conjunction with the Henle textbooks.

Henle Latin: Third Year teaches students through translations of Cicero's work. Lessons check the student's reading ability and knowledge of syntax, forms, and vocabulary; each includes a list of vocabulary, memory work, and Cicero text to translate.

Henle III includes Christian and Classical content (though Protestant homeschoolers may wish to note that the Christian content is occasionally from a Catholic perspective), as well as information on Roman and American history, with an emphasis on the importance of Christian values & virtues.

512 pages, softcover with Latin-English/English-Latin glossary. For students who have completed Henle Latin Year 2; if following the high school schedule, this book will be used during the junior year.

The Henle Latin Third Year Student Guide from Memoria Press provides exercises in recitation, word study, grammar, and vocabulary all designed for students to get the most out of their Henle Latin text. Additionally, the guide provides order to the lessons and clarity to the Henle exercises so that students are better equipped to handle advanced translations.120 pages, softcover.

This answer key accompanies the Henle Latin Third Year Text (sold-separately). Line-listed answers are arranged by unit, exercise number, and question number; originally published in the 1950s, the key is arranged with standard book-formatting. Softcover.

Memoria Press' Henle Latin Third Year Teacher Manual equips teachers with speci_c talking points, discussion questions, and a detailed answer key to the Henle exercises. We have provided oral practice exercises for students and have broken each lesson into daily work, aiding students with the organization needed to complete this course. This Teacher Manual will ease your transition into Henle Latin and provide the background needed for translation success, even for those teachers without a Latin background. 222 pages, softcover.

Memoria Press Henle Latin Curriculum

  1. First Year Henle Latin 1 Teacher  Manual for Units I-V
  2. First Year Henle Latin I Quizzes &  Tests for Units I-V
    Martin Cothran
    Memoria Press / 2018 / Trade Paperback
    Our Price$10.15 Retail Price$11.85 Save 14% ($1.70)
  3. Henle Latin Quizzes & Tests for  Units 6-14, 2nd Edition
    Martin Cothran
    Memoria Press / 2019 / Trade Paperback
    Our Price$10.15 Retail Price$11.85 Save 14% ($1.70)
  4. Henle Latin I Vocabulary Flashcards
    Robert J. Henle
    Memoria Press / 2018 / Other
    Our Price$17.29 Retail Price$19.45 Save 11% ($2.16)
    3.5 out of 5 stars for Henle Latin I Vocabulary Flashcards. View reviews of this product. 2 Reviews

Classical Conversations Henle Latin Curriculum

Latin Workspace A from Classical Conversations is designed to be used with the Henle First Year Latin and Henle Grammar curriculum (not-included and sold-separately) and help students develop a pattern of study and review. While flashcards are helpful for vocabulary, using charts is a helpful way to master conjugating verbs; declining nouns, adjectives, and pronouns; memorizing grammar rules; and translating. This workspace divides the Challenge A-level Henle First Year Latin lessons into manageable weekly and daily segments-there's no more guessing what to do each day! Plus, by the end of the year, students will have a neat, comprehensive record of his or her Latin studies. This book contains 192 pages and is spiral-bound in landscape format (11" x 8.5"). This book can also be used as a comprehensive review tool for Challenge B and Challenge I students over the summer, or during the beginning of classes. 192 pages, consumable spiral-bound softcover.

Latin Workspace B is a study workbook for students to parse the middle third of Henle First Year Latin (not-included) in manageable daily assignments. Great for helping train students in how to study a textbook, this guide will help them learn to copy purposefully and use writing as an active learning tool. Worksheets are organized by semester, week, and day and include directions. Students fill in charts to conjugate verbs, complete exercises given in the text, and more.

This workbook picks up in Henle First Year Latin where Latin Workspace A left off, and covers units 4-8 only.

Designed for the Classical Conversations Challenge B level, students are supposed to read the assigned pages from the Challenge B Guide and those that specify what exercises should be completed. Students should then create new flashcards, and copy any new grammar rules into a notebook. They then are supposed to complete the charts, exercises, and readings for the day.

148 pages, spiralbound softcover. Consumable and non-reproducible. 11" L x 8.5" H.

Middle and High School Students. Used in Challenge B for the second semester and in Challenge I for the second half of the first semester.