God and the state are not always on the same page when it comes to your children's education. Sampson looks at their differences and explains how to teach and evaluate your kids from a biblical perspective using the "Heart of Wisdom" approach---a strategy of reading the Bible while incorporating all academic subjects. This edition of Sampson's bestseller includes new evaluation checklists. 296 pages, softcover from Heart of Wisdom.

The best of all homeschooling methods, The Heart of Wisdom Teaching Approach is based on a variety of teaching approaches. Beginning with the Bible, a Hebraic model of education is employed, where the Bible is not viewed as a secondary subject, but rather as the basis and measure for all else. Charlotte Mason's methodology is also taught, using living books & oral narration, unit studies, note booking, delight-directed learning, the four-step cycle and more. Rethink your entire model of education with enlightening chapters on the foundations of various worldviews, practical advice on how to implement "Bible-Based Homeschooling", an overview of different ways to learn and more. 504 pages, softcover.

Students will learn that true wisdom is understanding and knowing God, and will be able to extract meaning from information. Designed to showcase the wisdom of God as the foundation for the rest of life--finances, relationships, etc.--this unit study will walk students through important scriptural principles displayed throughout the Bible. Activities, suggested resources, internet sources, text portions to examine the subject at hand, and sidebars on various methods for studying the Bible are included. 121 pages, softcover. Grades 7-12, but some resources for younger grades are included for families who have young children (lessons themselves will require reading aloud and explanations for younger children).

Ancient biblical history meets 21st-century technology in this multilevel unit study! Using the Charlotte Mason approach, Sampson helps students of all ages explore the wondrous story of creation, the fall, and God's redemptive work in the lives of his people. Fourteen 4-step lessons include overviews, objectives, timelines, activities, and extensive annotated resource lists. 117 reproducible pages, spiralbound softcover from Heart of Wisdom.

This guide to celebrating Old Testament Biblical holidays includes historical/biblical background on the feast days, as well as activities and crafts, recipes, suggestions for celebrations, timeline charts, puzzles and games, Jewish customs today, readings, coloring pages and even a special homeschooler's unit study designed to expand this book into other subjects. Information for planning, co-ops, resources and ideas to read & discuss; memorize; study; dramatize; video recommendations; investigate; displays; songs and more are included. Holidays are divided by season, and include the well-known feasts such as Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, as well as feasts such as Yom Habikkurim and Sukkoth. A chapter on the Sabbath is also included. 582 pages; noted pages are reproducible for family use only. Softcover.

In this creative piece, Froehlich gives insight into her own personal world of writing and encourages readers to stop reading at any given point so that they can start writing.