One of the most comprehensive books available on the homeschooling classical education model, the Bluedorns offer a workable plan for every age and subject based on the trivium of grammar, logic and rhetoric. Beginning with who should control eduction--parents or the state--and the basics of classical education, we are treated to both principles and practical advice. Chapters on teaching languages, literature, approaches to homeschooling, extensive suggestions for various age levels, Scripture, and preparation for adulthood provides the information one would need to make an informed decision about classical education. 635 pages, softcover.

Delight your 6- to 9-year-olds with a sweetly illustrated story about a homeschooled clan who looks very much like theirs! They'll love tagging along with Mommy, Daddy, and the kids in the yellow house as they participate in meals, chores, lessons, pet care, family worship, story time, and play time on the farm. 52 pages, hardcover from Trivium Pursuit.

Beautifully illustrated by Johanna Bluedorn, this sweet baby's board book teaches the basics of the Hebrew Alphabet. The twenty-two letters in the Hebrew alphabet are written in large font with the English pronunciation explained alongside each letter; an illustration accompanies each example to help children remember its sound. Steps to write each letter are included as well. 24 board book pages. 7" x 5" size makes it perfect for little hands.

The second in Johanna Bluedorn's "Little Bitty Baby Learns" series, this second book is just as endearing as the first. With an original illustration for each of the Greekletters, each sound is taught with an English word and accompanying illustration. Sweet and sure to make lasting impressions in your little one's minds, this is a gentle introduction to ancient Greek and the concept of foreign languages. Boardbook. Approximately 7" x 5".

Useful for learning & understanding the original language of the New Testament, and not-too-long-ago a standard requirement for entering an institution of higher learning, our knowledge of Greek has atrophied. Pick up where our forefathers left off, cultivating your knowledge of the Word, as well as of the English language.

Beginning students should use the sold-separately A Greek Alphabetarion first, which teaches the Greek alphabet and phonetic system, before beginning this grammatical text. Students are given a separate "lesson guide" sheet of cardstock that they are to slide down the page as they read, covering up the answers to questions as they come across them; specially marked sections are to be written in a separately kept "Greek Notebook" to reinforce learning through reading, writing, and speaking the answers aloud. Each lesson has vocabulary cards to be practiced, as well as audio (teacher's guide state audio cassettes, but now students may download the files at the author's website), and a New Testament Reading. A separate test book with tests for every 7 lessons is also included (with answers).

Students will learn about the simple active sentence, word ending, omicron declension, noun gender/neutral nouns, alpha declension, prepositions, Genitive & Dative Cases, adjectives, personal pronouns, and more. 304 pages, softcover. Ages 13 & up.

This kit includes:

  • Homeschool Greek Volume 1 Text, 304 pages, spiral-bound, softcover
  • Homeschool Greek New Testament Reader with English Verbal-Equivalent Translation, 54 pages, softcover, comb-binding.
  • Diagnostic Tests with answers, 28-page booklet
  • Cardstock flashcards to be cut-out by student
  • Lesson Guide sheet to cover up answers with
  • Audio files may be downloaded from the author's website

  • Practice makes perfect and this consumable workbook gives beginning Greek students plenty of opportunity to hone their alphabetic skills! Presenting the Greek alphabet in a simple yet comprehensive manner, Bluedorn helps pupils form letters and marks, including accents, breathers, and obsoletes; find Greek letters in words; identify letter sounds and vowel combinations; and read and write sentences in Greek. Includes answer key. Ages 8 and up. 172 words, softcover from Trivium Pursuit.

      Each card has on one side one Greek letter - both small and capital, then its correct pronunciation on the reverse side.