Memoria Press Logic & Rhetoric

How to Teach Logic

How to Teach Logic from Memoria Press is part of the Memoria Press Pamphlet Series and explains both formal and material logic, how to teach the subject, and when to begin studying it.

Traditional Logic 1

Traditional Logic will teach students in 7th Grade and up the classical syllogism, including a Christian theory of knowledge, four kinds of logical statements, the four ways propositions can be opposed, the three ways which they can be equivalent, and the seven rules for the validity of syllogisms. Each chapter explains challenging concepts in clear, concise language and includes illustrations and graphs where helpful. 112 pages, softcover.

The Student Workbook provides daily exercises to practice and master the concepts laid out in the Student Text, and includes a variety of exercises designed to help students master logic. Exercises are laid out in days for easy lesson scheduling. Review questions are also included.

This kit includes:

  • Traditional Logic Textbook, 3rd Edition, 112 pages, softcover.
  • Traditional Logic Workbook, 3rd Edition, 92 pages, softcover.

Traditional Logic from Memoria Press is an in-depth study of the classical syllogism. In Book I, students will gain a basic understanding of terms, statements, and simple categorical arguments. Perfect for grades 7 & up, students will learn gain a basic understanding of the Christian theory of knowledge, four kinds of logical statements, four ways propositions can be opposed, three ways which they can be equivalent, and seven rules for the validity of syllogisms. Each chapter explains challenging concepts in clear, concise language. 98 pages with glossary, softcover. Grades 7 & up. 3rd Edition.

This text is compatible with the second edition of the Student Workbook, Quizzes & Tests, and Teacher Key.

This workbook is designed to be used with the Traditional Logic 1 Student Text, 3rd Edition (not included and sold-separately), and includes a variety of exercises designed to help students master logic. Exercises are laid out in days for easy lesson scheduling. Review questions are also included. 92 pages, softcover. 3rd Edition.

This Teacher Key is designed to be used with the Traditional Logic 1 Student Book (not included and sold-separately). 114 pages, softcover. 3rd Edition.

This quiz and final exam book accompanies the Memoria Press Traditional Logic: Introduction to Formal Logic curriculum. An introduction quiz, 13 chapter quizzes, and a final exam are included. 33 perforated, non-reproducible pages, softcover. Please note that while this book (and the teacher key and student workbook) are in 2nd Edition, the student text is in 3rd Edition. These resources are compatible.

Traditional Logic 2

Traditional Logic II continues from Memoria Press' Traditional Logic Book 1 and covers the four figures of the traditional syllogism, the three forms of rhetorical arguments (called enthymemes), the three kinds of hypothetical syllogisms, the four kinds of complex syllogisms, and relational arguments. This text is written directly to the student and explains each concept through examples, bolded important terms, and defined terms. Examples include arguments from the Bible, Lewis Carroll, Isaac Watts, St. Augustine, and Tertullian, Rene Descartes, C. S. Lewis, and more. 93 pages, softcover, 7.5" x 9". 2nd Edition.

This workbook is designed to be used with the Traditional Logic II Student Text, 2nd Edition (not-included and sold-separately), and includes a variety of exercises designed to help students master advanced formal logic. Exercises are laid out in days for easy lesson scheduling. Review questions are also included. 135 pages, softcover. 2nd Edition.

This answer key provides the answers to the workbook, quizzes, and final exam in Memoria Press' Traditional Logic II course.

This Quizzes & Final Exam book accompanies Memoria Press' Traditional Logic II Student Text (2nd Edition).

This set of lesson plans from Memoria Press is designed to be used with the Traditional Logic curriculum (Levels I & II).

This lesson plan is arranged in a 5-day-per-week grid; assignments are given for each day over a 34-week period. Each assignment has a checkbox next to it to check off each element as it's completed. Following this lesson plan, students will cover both volumes I and II in a full year.9 pages, comb-binding, paper cover.

Material Logic

Teach your learners to focus on the "what"---the content---of reasoning with this challenging curriculum. Includes "An Outline of Traditional Logic"; discussion of the ten categories, five essential and accidental predicables, rules for definition, and the five elements of classification; "The Nature of Philosophy"; daily exercises; and more. Invaluable in teaching students to think! 135 pages, softcover from Memoria.

This set of lesson plans is designed to be used with the Memoria Press "Material Logic" curriculum.

This lesson plan features a five-days-per-week breakdown over 17 weeks (one-semester). There are checkboxes by each assignment for easy tracking.

7 pages, comb-binding, paper cover.

Please note that this resource is only a lesson plan and does not contain any teaching content. The following resources (not included) are assigned:

  • Material Logic Student Book, 2nd Edition

  • Material Logic DVDs (optional assignments)
  • The Material Logic 2nd Edition Teacher Key is recommended, as it contains the answers

Classical Rhetoric

    The best teacher is a good book, and Classical Rhetoric: Aristotle’s Principles of Persuasion is a self-guided course that introduces your high school students to one of the greatest books on communication ever written. Designed as a companion to Aristotle's Rhetoric, Cothran's workbook features reading lessons and comprehension questions; research and evaluative writing assignments; figure of speech lessons; logic and Latin review questions; and case studies focusing on types of speech covered by Aristotle. Teacher Key sold separately. 174 pages, spiralbound softcover. High school.

    The best teacher is a good book, and Classical Rhetoric: Aristotle’s Principles of Persuasion is a self-guided course that introduces your high school students to one of the greatest books on communication ever written. Designed as a companion to Aristotle's Rhetoric, Cothran's course features reading lessons and comprehension questions; research and evaluative writing assignments; figure of speech lessons; logic and Latin review questions; and case studies focusing on types of speech covered by Aristotle. This Teacher Key contains the answers to the exercises and comprehension questions in Classical Rhetoric Student Guide (sold separately) and the answers to the quizzes and tests found in Classical Rhetoric Quizzes and Tests (not included). 203 pages, softcover. High school.

    Featuring Martin Cothran, author of the sold-separately Classical Rhetoric with Aristotle, these DVDs include Mr. Cothran's verbal instructions on every aspect of the course, including supplementary exercises and helpful graphics. 9th Grade-Adult. Slides are available for download on the publisher's website.