Classical Conversations
Classical Conversations is a Christian classical homeschool program that's centered around small classical homeschool CC communities learning together! Classical Conversations makes homeschooling using a classical education model easy.
Science Journals
Keep track your labwork notes nicely contained with this Science Lab Journal from Classical Conversations! Students can use the quadrille-lined (grid) pages to record procedures, collect data, make charts, and draw observations. A reference section in the back makes it easy to double check unit conversions as needed or check commonly used formula; a timeline of famous scientists, the periodic table, the scientific method chart, and other references are also included. 122 pages, softcover.
Inspire students to develop their observation and identification skills with this Classical Conversations Nature Sketch Journal! This blank notebook alternates fully-blank pages for drawing with lined-pages for writing. Inspirational quotes and scripture are integrated throughout. A reference section in the back includes interesting science facts, a classification of living things chart, a timeline of famous scientists, the periodic table, and measurements and conversions tables. 112 pages, spiralbound softcover.
Copper Lodge Library
Classical Conversations / Trade PaperbackOur Price$17.80
Classical Conversations / Trade PaperbackOur Price$14.95
Compiled by Jennifer CourtneyClassical Conversations / Trade PaperbackOur Price$14.95
Classical Conversations / 2019 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$16.991.0 out of 5 stars for The American Experience Storybook: Copper Lodge Library. View reviews of this product. 1 Reviews
Classical Acts & Facts Cards
Classical Conversations / 2014 / OtherOur Price$28.205.0 out of 5 stars for Classical Acts and Facts History Cards: Ancient World. View reviews of this product. 2 Reviews
Classical Conversations / 2014 / OtherOur Price$28.205.0 out of 5 stars for Classical Acts and Facts History Cards: Medieval World. View reviews of this product. 1 Reviews
Classical Conversations / 2014 / OtherOur Price$28.20
Classical Conversations / 2014 / OtherOur Price$28.205.0 out of 5 stars for Classical Acts and Facts History Cards: Modern World. View reviews of this product. 1 Reviews
Exploring the World Through Cartography
Classical Conversations / 2018 / HardcoverOur Price$40.803.0 out of 5 stars for Exploring the World Through Cartography. View reviews of this product. 2 ReviewsAvailability: In StockStock No: WW566053
Classical Conversations' Exploring the World through Cartography is a visually rich exploration of the world through maps. The introduction explains different types of map projections as well as a brief history of cartography. Organized by continent/region, each unit begins with a list of questions to research and answer. Full-color physical and political maps are included along with blank outline maps to use for tracing, drawing, and tests. Regional sections discuss history, people, politics, how geography influenced the region's development, and other interesting facts alongside historical maps and photos of artwork, artifacts, and people. Integrating history, art, geography, cultural studies, and geography, this unique text is a fascinating way to study the earth! 9" x 12". 208 pages, indexed, hardcover. Non-reproducible and non-consumable.
For Classical Conversations students, this is a required resource for students in Challenge A (7th Grade) and is a suggested resource in Challenge IV (12th grade).
PreScripts Copywork
Classical Conversations / 2014 / Spiral BoundOur Price$20.20
Classical Conversations / 2014 / Spiral BoundOur Price$16.995.0 out of 5 stars for PreScripts Cursive Passages and Illuminations: American Documents. View reviews of this product. 1 Reviews
Classical Conversations / Trade PaperbackOur Price$17.80
Classical Conversations / 2014 / Spiral BoundOur Price$20.10
Literature Curriculum
Classical Conversations / 2014 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$27.004.7 out of 5 stars for Words Aptly Spoken--American Documents: A Study Guide to the Documents that Shaped the United States (2nd Edition). View reviews of this product. 3 Reviews
Classical Conversations / 2022 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$23.60
Classical Conversations / 2014 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$23.60
Classical Conversations / 2014 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$23.60
Math Resources
Math in Motion is a music theory course from Classical Conversations that helps familiarize students with the language and "grammar" of music. This course covers the foundations of music including pitch, rhythm, simple & compound meter, scales, key signatures, scale degrees and transposition, intervals, triads and triad qualities, triad inversions, and more. Twelve chapters feature activities, practice exercises, review and bonus chapters to engage students at all levels, a final project that asks students to analyze a musical score and discover its essential elements, and helpful tools and charts. Easy-to-understand lessons with bolded important terms are followed by exercises to practice directly in the book; large margins provide extra space for notes. Scripture is taken from the KJV.
Recommended for ages 14+. Used in Classical C onversations' Challenge I level.
296 pages with glossary, consumable workbook, spiralbound softcover. Reproducible for in-family use only. 2nd Edition. 11"L x 8.5" H.
This 2nd Edition has been simplified and reorganized and now provides clearer explanations and streamlined assignments. 1st and 2nd Edition books and answer keys are not compatible.
The Math in Motion Answer Key, 2nd Edition is available separately.
Books on Classical Education
There are resources available on the grammar stage of classical education, but much fewer books on the rhetoric stage. The Question focuses on the transition from the absorbing stage of childhood education to the need for an adult to ask questions in order to encourage students' thinking skills. This book is divided into two parts. Part I provides an overview of classical education that focuses on the dialectic; Part II describes the dialectic art within specific subjects. Covering the theoretical and practical bases of the latter stage of classical education, this book will enable you to hold dialectical conversations that function as an essential part of the learning process. Appendices provide model questions and resources. 223 pages, softcover.
Conversations are not usually listed on an academic transcript. But in The Conversation, Classical Conversations founder Leigh Bortins helps both parents and students to understand the importance of rhetoric-and she provides a model to help young adults to think independently. The first section provides an overview of rhetoric along with an exhortation (accompanied by helpful tips and guidance) for parents to keep homeschooling their kids through high school. The second section models a rhetorical education in reading, speech & debate, writing, science, math, government & economics, history, Latin and foreign languages, and fine arts; examples of real-world conversations and projects are also included to help explain rhetoric in light of real-life homeschooling. 267 pages, indexed, softcover.
The news is constantly blaring new information on the failures and troubles of our public school system in America. In response, some parents have put their children in public schools, while others have begun homeschooling. How do parents navigate the options available to them, however? And what is causing the failure of education in the first place?
Classical Christian Education Made Approachable explores the primary modern educational blueprint before examining the classical, Christian model. Covering its methodology and content, this book provides a method of support for parents who wish to give their child such an education at home. Providing reasons why parents would choose this method, how they could implement it, and what should be covered in its system, this practical guide is perfect for those considering what type of homeschool they'd like to create for their family. 109 pages, softcover.
This short book will encourage homeschoolers already attempting to carve out a rigorous educational lifestyle, and may provide motivation for others to begin h omeschooling. Advocating a biblically-based classical education model, this book challenges parents to believe that they're capable of passing on a love of learning about life to their children. Filled with anecdotes and advice from her own life and years homeschooling, Echo in Celebration provides encouragement gleaned from Scripture, Christian scholars, and homeschoolers alongside warnings about the emptiness of the government school system and the current state of illiteracy in America. 124 pages, softcover.
Latin Resources
Latin Workspace A from Classical Conversations is designed to be used with the Henle First Year Latin and Henle Grammar curriculum (not-included and sold-separately) and help students develop a pattern of study and review. While flashcards are helpful for vocabulary, using charts is a helpful way to master conjugating verbs; declining nouns, adjectives, and pronouns; memorizing grammar rules; and translating. This workspace divides the Challenge A-level Henle First Year Latin lessons into manageable weekly and daily segments-there's no more guessing what to do each day! Plus, by the end of the year, students will have a neat, comprehensive record of his or her Latin studies. This book contains 192 pages and is spiral-bound in landscape format (11" x 8.5"). This book can also be used as a comprehensive review tool for Challenge B and Challenge I students over the summer, or during the beginning of classes. 192 pages, consumable spiral-bound softcover.
Latin Workspace B is a study workbook for students to parse the middle third of Henle First Year Latin (not-included) in manageable daily assignments. Great for helping train students in how to study a textbook, this guide will help them learn to copy purposefully and use writing as an active learning tool. Worksheets are organized by semester, week, and day and include directions. Students fill in charts to conjugate verbs, complete exercises given in the text, and more.
This workbook picks up in Henle First Year Latin where Latin Workspace A left off, and covers units 4-8 only.
Designed for the Classical Conversations Challenge B level, students are supposed to read the assigned pages from the Challenge B Guide and those that specify what exercises should be completed. Students should then create new flashcards, and copy any new grammar rules into a notebook. They then are supposed to complete the charts, exercises, and readings for the day.
148 pages, spiralbound softcover. Consumable and non-reproducible. 11" L x 8.5" H.
Middle and High School Students. Used in Challenge B for the second semester and in Challenge I for the second half of the first semester.
Latin Workspace I covers the final third of the sold-separately Henle First Year Latin. Challenge I students will also need these sold-separately resources Latin Workspace A and Latin Workspace B to cover the entire year. 179 pages, spiral-bound.
Trivium Tables
Analogies for All of Us
An unprecedented integration of writing practice, reading comprehension, poetry appreciation, and storytelling. Hays will help your students understand similar sounds such as alliterations, assonances, and rhymes; meaning analogies like synonyms, antonyms, pleonasms, and litotes; synecdoche by species and part; math-specific analogies; idioms, fables, parables, and proverbs; and more. 248 pages, consumable spiralbound softcover from Classical Conversations.
Our colorful Tin Penny Whistle breathes life to any tune! A great starter whistle for any budding musician! This Tin Whistle is definitely a classic and is available in assorted colors. Please note colors are random and cannot be selected. Each sold separately. Recommended for ages 4 years and older.