Novare Science
Novare Science texts feature fascinating conversational chapters and an approach that connects students with real-world science.
Student Lab Report Handbook
The Student Lab Report Handbook, 2nd ed. is a concise student resource to help learn how to prepare a premier lab report. Syntax, voice, tense, word choice, technical expression, data analysis and error prediction are all discussed. This book is not specific to any discipline so it can be used with physics, biology, chemistry or any other subject. One chapter is devoted to instructions for creating graphs in MS Excel and Numbers, the Mac spreadsheet program. 4 sample reports are also included in the back from various disciplines. 90 pages.
Multi-Course Experiment & Demonstration Book
High school homeschool moms and students know that experiments are necessary. But labs need to be worth the time by teaching principles of safe lab procedures, measurement, observation, recording, and analysis. Favorite Experiments for Physics and Physical Science contains all the information needed for the experiments in the sold separately Novare textbooks Accelerated Studies in Physics and Chemistry, Introductory Physics, and Physics: Modeling Nature. Also included are more than 50 demonstrations for instructors. Each experiment begins with clear learning objectives and an explanation. The materials list includes household items and source information with part or model numbers when applicable for specialized materials, such as beakers, Bunsen burners, balances, clamps, hoses, and other lab equipment. Chapters include pre-lab discussion questions, notes for lab prep, and instructions for conducting the experiment. Also provided are useful guidelines for avoiding common mistakes, how to take accurate measurements, and clear instructions regarding lab safety procedures and equipment, clean-up and disposal procedures, and analyzing data. 284 pages, softcover. Grades 9 – 12.
Physical Science for Grades 6 - 8
Teach students about types of matter, energy, order and design in creation, forces and fields, measurement, motion, sound and light, electricity and magnetism, and the nature of scientific knowledge with Novare Physical Science! Designed for grades 6-8, your middle-school students will continually learn and build on their learning, r eencountering key concepts and practicing scientific skills.
This book features classic Novare textbooks c haracteristics: a smaller profile; vibrant and relevant graphics; interesting, clear, conversational prose; an approach that connects students with real-world science as stewards of God's creation; and guiding principles of Mastery Learning and Integration. Throughout the text, key concepts, definitions, and skills are repeated. Students rehearse and reencounter prior concepts as they learn new content with a view toward more thorough retention. Topics based in other subjects are also integrated to demonstrate the connections that exist between all scientific subjects. Each chapter begins with learning objectives and has "learning checks" along the way for review along with twelve "experimental investigations."
3rd Edition.
Earth Science for Grades 6 - 8
Earth Science is designed to draw students into close engagement with the subject matter and provide a solid education while fostering a sense of wonder and responsibility for God’s amazing world.
Written for middle school-aged students, Earth Science includes all the popular characteristics of Novare textbooks: smaller profile; vibrant, original, and relevant graphics; lucid conversational prose, and an approach that connects students with real-world science as stewards of God’s creation.
Within the context of the fascinating study of landforms, minerals, and planetary phenomena, many other timely and important topics are covered including conservation of natural resources, climate change, pollution, and environmental justice, as well as the current scientific consensus concerning geologic history.
This text, like our others, includes learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter, Learning Checks along the way to review what has been covered, and exercises at the end of each chapter. There is no teacher’s manual, workbook, test book, or separate experiment manual for this text. 501 pages, hardcover. Grades: 6-8.
General Biology
General Biology, Novare's high school biology text, combines up-to-date science with a Christian worldview as well as the mastery-based educational philosophy for which Novare is known. Chapters start at the atomic level and progress to ever-larger scales: cells, genes, microorganisms, plants, animals, and human organ systems. Each chapter includes straightforward learning objectives, exercises that call for both clear articulation of thoughts and full-sentence answers, and an organization of topics that steadily builds. The final chapters of the book survey ecology and the theory of evolution.
Like all Novare texts, mastery-based learning methods are an essential part of General Biology, propelling students not only to learn but also to substantially retain the content for years after completing the course. The book succinctly and logically covers a wide array of information in a modest number of pages. Vivid, appealing graphics draw students into mature engagement with the content. 536 pages, hardcover. Grade 10-12.
Designed to accompany General Biology The Apprentice’s Companion for General Biology is an exciting and valuable new combination of experiment book, field manual, and commonplace book. Throughout the book, students are prompted to form hypotheses, take data, and revisit those hypotheses to assess, wherever possible, if they are supported by the data. Enhanced with images of art, poems, and quotes by respected scientists and naturalists, each chapter contains:
- multiple experiments and lab activities, some taking approximately 15 minutes and others occupying a class period or more
- experiment procedures
- space for sketches, draft and final graphs, and data and data tables
- room for writing down thoughts and interacting with questions
The use of everyday materials is maximized so that overall costs associated with the experiments are manageable. For example, in an experiment on osmosis, eggs (instead of the customary dialysis tubing) are used.
General Chemistry
The Novare Science General Chemistry 3rd Edition textbook is a mastery-based course that provides carefully crafted exercises, quizzes, and textbook chapters, with key material reviewed throughout the year. The history of modern chemistry, mathematics, and technical communication is integrated throughout the text and helps students see how science is interconnected. Written from a biblical perspective, this text helps students learn how Christians do science from a faith-informed viewpoint. Featuring a more robust spiritual component than Bible verses scattered across the page, students will study science as a disciple studying God's created order. 432 pages, hardcover. High school.
The Complete Solutions and Answers for General Chemistry, Second Edition, is designed to be used alongside the General Chemistry by John D. Mays (not-included). 232 pages, softcover. Non-reproducible.
This Solutions Manual contains the mathematical steps for solving calculation problems in the chapter exercises of General Chemistry. It is a useful supplement for students in homeschooling environments or in traditional classrooms.
This book is not included in the General Chemistry program; it is considered an optional supplement because it is a subset of the sold-separately Complete Solutions and Answers for General Chemistry, a teacher's grading resource. This book is for students without giving them answers to assessments. 106 pages. Softcover.
This manual is the student’s guide to accompany General Chemitry and Chemistry for Accelerated Students (not included and sold-separately). Included are instructions for 20 experiments, materials lists, safety issues, discussion questions and more. Pages are perforated for easy removal of the Short Form Report Sheet which is to be filled out and turned in after each experiment.
The experiments in this manual are designed for schools with standard laboratory facilities and equipment. If your school or home does not yet have such facilities, we suggest you take a look at Classical Academic Press's other experiments book, Chemistry Experiments for High School at Home (not included and sold-seprately). The experiments in CEHSH are rigorously quantitative, just as they are in CEHS. 148 pages, spiral-bound. Grades: 11-12.
Provide your student with laboratory practice essential for completing a high school chemistry course. Chemistry Experiments for High School at Home, features 19 chemistry experiments which can be done at home. Included topics are managing costs, materials, safety, storage, disposal, preparing experiments, reports and calculations. 186 pages, spiral bound. High School
Introductory Physics
Introductory Physics is ideal for the "physics first" high school science program, which places a physics-based course in the freshman year. The Novare Science philosophy believes physics logically belongs at the start of the high school science sequence because it includes so many foundational skills and concepts that chemistry and biology studies can build upon later. However, this book can also easily be used in 10th or 11th grade in the "traditional" placement; two optional chapters ("Pressure and Buoyancy" and "Geometric Optics") have been included with more challenging math content for those older students. Students should be concurrently enrolled in Algebra 1, or have already completed Algebra 1. It does not use trigonometry (Physics: Modeling Nature is an advanced physics text that does use trig).
This book features classic Novare textbooks c haracteristics: a smaller profile; vibrant and relevant graphics; interesting, clear, conversational prose; an approach that connects students with real-world science and is written from the perspective of the historic Christian faith; and guiding principles of Mastery Learning and Integration. Throughout the text, key concepts, definitions, and skills are repeated. Students rehearse and reencounter prior concepts as they learn new content with a view toward more thorough retention. Topics based in other subjects are also integrated to demonstrate the connections that exist between all scientific subjects. Each chapter begins with learning objectives and includes a weekly cumulative quiz along with chapter exercises that require calculations or full-sentence answers.
Please Note: This 3rd edition resource is compatib le with the 2nd edition (not included and sold-separately) D igital Resources for Introductory Physics.
The Introductory Physics Complete Solutions and Answers book was created in response to customer requests and is intended for use by teachers, graders, and homeschooling parents, not student use. If you are buying the Introductory Physics Program, you may still want to include a copy of the Solutions Manual for your student to use without giving them the answer keys.
It includes all answer keys to chapter exercises, quizzes, tests and semester exams are included in a single book as well as the worked-out solutions to all calculations.
For those familiar with the program already, it is the combination of the answer keys on the Digital Resources for Introductory Physics, from the back of the book, both verbal and calculation, plus the Solutions Manual.
Physics: Modeling Nature
Physics: Modeling Nature from Novare Science is a STEM college-prep course that's perfect for students who'd like to have a technical career. This mastery-based text features helpful illustrations and chapters that explain concepts in detail and include information on the essential historical background of the discipline. Students will learn about the legacy these scientists left behind as well as the current-day scientific community. This text, like all Novare Science courses, emphasizes a mastery-learning paradigm, integrating related subjects, and a Kingdom perspective that inspires wonder in the beauty and complexity of God's great world.
Modeling Nature employs vector calculations and trigonometry is required as a prerequisite. Problems in the text are not calculus-based, but since many students will take calculus concurrently with advanced physics, connections between the two are frequently highlighted.
For an AP course, Modeling Nature can be used with the AP Physics 1/2 curriculum. These texts together cover the entire AP curriculum with a small number of exceptions.
This solutions manual is designed to be used with the Novare Science Physics: Modeling Nature Textbook (sold-separately). It's a useful supplement for homeschoolers or anyone who would like help with the working out the problem sets in the text. In this solutions manual, the author "shows his work" and how each problem or calculation is solved.
This volume contains the complete teacher’s instructions for conducting the five lab experiments for our advanced physics text, Physics; Modeling Nature (not included, sold-separately). The contents of this book are adapted from our book Favorite Experiments in Physics and Physical Science (also not included). Each experiment includes a list of Learning Objectives, Materials List, Experimental Purpose, Scientific Overview, Pre-Lab Discussion Points, Student Instructions, any Safety Concerns, and discussion of the use of any special apparatus. Includes color photos of the experiments being conducted in a classroom setting. 98 pages, softcover. Grades: 11-12.
Chemistry for Accelerated Students
Chemistry for Accelerated Students is an ideal text for students who love science and aspire to a STEM-oriented college program. This book contains up-to-date chemistry information, beautiful illustrations, and lucid narrative. It also supports Novare's trademark mastery-learning paradigm.
This accelerated text is a more intense treatment than Classical Academic Press' General Chemistry text (not included and sold-separately). This text includes additional chapters on thermochemistry, chemical equilibrium, and a glimpse into organic chemistry. Ample exercises are included in each chapter giving students plenty of opportunities to develop skills. Explanations move along a little faster and go into a little more depth than the grade-level text.
Although the mathematics involved in chemistry are generally not advanced, Chemistry for Accelerated Students is recommended for students who are concurrently enrolled in Algebra II.
The Resource CD-Rom for this course is available separately. It contains the Quiz Bank, Exam Bank, and semester exams. It also has all the answer keys and sample answers, sample schedules and recommendations.
NOTE: It is highly recommended that students have a prior course in physics before using this book. It is assumed that important skills and concepts are already grasped before using this text. 537 pages, hardcover. Grades: 10-12.
This Chemistry for Accelerated Students Solutions Manual contains the mathematical steps for solving calculation problems in the chapter exercises of Chemistry for Accelerated Students, not included, sold-separately. It is a useful supplement for students in homeschooling environments or in traditional classrooms.
This book is considered a student resource and only contains solutions for chapter exercises in the textbook (students already have the answers in the text). This manual is useable for all editions of the textbook. 133 pages. Softcover.
This resource CD-Rom accompanies the Novare Chemistry for Accelerated Students course. It provides the Quiz Bank, Exam Bank, and semester exams. It also has all the answer keys and sample answers, sample schedules and recommendations. Grades 10 – 12.
Accelerated Physics & Chemistry
Accelerated Studies in Physics and Chemistry, 2nd ed. is an ideal first science course designed for 9th grade accelerated or "honors" students. Freshmen who have completed Algebra I (for example, in 8th grade) are typically best suited to this book. The math is Algebra I level, but exercises are intentionally a little more challenging.
Accelerated Studies in Physics and Chemistry, 2nd ed includes a full physics course, similar to the sold-separately Introductory Physics, but completes the physics by late-February to move into chemistry. After completing this text, students will be prepared to go on to Chemistry for Accelerated Students, (not included, sold-separately). 451 pages, softcover. Grade 9.
This Solutions Manual to Accompany Accelerated Studies in Physics and Chemistry contains the mathematical steps for solving calculation problems in the chapter exercises of Accelerated Studies in Physics and Chemistry (ASPC )not included, sold-separately. It is a useful supplement for students in homeschooling environments or in traditional classrooms.
This book is considered a student resource and only contains solutions for chapter exercises in the textbook (students already have the answers in the text). 98 pages, softcover.
This book contains the teacher's instructions for lab experiments for both Introductory Physics and Accelerated Studies in Physics and Chemistry (ASPC) science courses (not included, sold-separately). Each experiment includes learning objectives, a materials list, a statement of the purpose of the experiment, an overview, pre-lab discussion points, teacher’s experiment protocols, any safety precautions, and discussion of the use of any special apparatus. For some experiments calling for expensive equipment, alternative methods are suggested with less costly equipment. 124 pages, softcover. High School.