Christian Liberty Press - Liberty Math

Liberty Math - Level K

Liberty Mathematics takes the time to ensure your students really understand what is being taught to them. Repetition of concepts ensures adequate practice is given, though supplement use is recommended. Beginning with drawing and learning about numbers 1-10, childre will learn to add, subtract, place value, tell time, measure and begin to learn about fractions. Each "family" of numbers is addressed in kind (i.e. adding "8s", subtracting "8s" etc.) Two-color print and illustrations minimize distractions while still providing interest and color. 233 perforated pages, softcover. Level K. Kindergarten.

This teacher's manual accompanies Liberty Mathematics Level K (Stock # 367600) and contains goals for the year and unit lesson plans. Units contain a list of objectives, suggested drills, suggested games and new material. No answers are included. 17 pages, loose-leaf pages stapled together. Kindergarten.

Liberty Math - Level A

Liberty Mathematics provides students with an excellent course of study dealing with traditional mathematics concepts. Problem-solving strategies, critical thinking, estimation and mental math are routinely stressed throughout, and systematic review of each concept is featuredprominently.

Level A is designed to give first grade students an introduction to primary mathematics concepts. Topics covered include: addition and subtraction facts from 1-100, two-digit addition and subtraction, fractions, calendars, time and money, measurements and sets. Chapter reviews and final review are included. 250 pages, softcover. 1st grade.

These tests accompany Christian Liberty Press' sold-separately Liberty Mathematics, Level A.

Tests are single-pages (printed on both sides) that ask students to use their recently learned skills as the solve problems. Tests are labeled with the test number and page numbers; tests are stapled together in one corner for easy removal. Grade 1.

Teacher's manual includes lesson plans, suggested drills, and unit tests.

Provide your students with additional practice with Liberty Mathematics Level A Drill Book. Accompanying the Liberty Mathematics Level A student Book, drill sheets are included for single and double-digit addition and subtraction facts 1-18. 130 pages reproducible for home/classroom use; softcover. Grade 1.

Liberty Math - Level B

Liberty Mathematics provides young students with the foundation they'll need to advance in mathematical understanding. Level B is designed to give second grade students an introduction to primary mathematics concepts. After reviewing addition and subtraction facts through eighteen, this course introduces addition and subtraction of two-, three-, and four-digit numbers, as well as multiplication and division facts zero through five. Time and money, measurement and geometry, fractions, charts, graphs, and balanced equation exercises are also included. Chapter reviews and final review are provided. 284 two-tone color, perforated pages, softcover. Grade 2.

This set of tests accompanies Liberty Mathematics Level B (sold-separately).

Assess your students' understanding of the material by providing a test at the end of each unit. Tests are two pages in length and contain a variety of problems based on the concepts taught in the book. Student text page numbers are referenced. Tests are stapled together at the corner; a section of line-listed test answers is included in the middle and should be removed and kept separate from tests. Grade 2.

This teacher's manual accompanies Liberty Mathematics Level B. Arranged by unit, each lesson plan lays out the page numbers, concepts covered, unit goals, general lesson plan instruction, suggested drills, suggested games, and detailed prep & review activities that include step-by-step instructions, graphics, and examples to help you easily teach each lesson. 39 pages, stapled together at corner. Grade 2.

Liberty Math Resources

Addition and subtraction flash cards help children master basic early math skills. The cards are designed for children to use alone or with an adult. 36 double sided cards provide practice from 0 through 11.