BJU Press Grade 6 Handwriting

Enforce proper letter formation by teaching age-appropriate writing skills, laying a foundation for lifetime penmanship skills. By using edifying experiences to write on, students learn consistency through meaningful practice. Handwriting Grade 6 introduces Chancery Cursive along with calligraphy for a fresh handwriting experience.

Kit Includes:

  • Teacher's Edition
  • Student Worktext

  • Handwriting 6 teaches the student to produce legible handwriting and promotes good handwriting habits through the BJU Cursive alphabet and Chancery style of Calligraphy. Calligraphy provides an interesting and challenging element to the curriculum, while good handwriting posture, letter formation, slant, consistency, alignment, spacing, and neatness are emphasized. Evaluations included are a pretest, self-evaluations, weekly assessments, and a post-test. 112 pages, softcover.

    This teacher's guide accompanies BJU Press' Handwriting Grade 6 Student Worktext. Reduced student pages are included, as well as lesson information. Materials and any necessary preparation is listed out; the lesson includes an introduction, skill development instruction, pre-test teaching tips, optional activity, and other teaching hints. 152 pages, spiral-bound.

    Optional Resource

    This is a BJU Cursive Penmanship Wall Chart. Each section is 4.5" high and 22" long (total length of the chart -- 16.5').