Enforce proper letter formation by teaching age-appropriate writing skills, laying a foundation for lifetime penmanship skills. This grade's theme centers on "Writing Around the World", as students gain practical experience and consistency through meaningful practice. Handwriting Grade 5 provides refinement and maintenance for cursive.
Kit Includes:
BJU Press / 2010 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$27.785.0 out of 5 stars for BJU Press Handwriting 5, Student Worktext (Copyright Update). View reviews of this product. 1 Reviews
Your students will write their way around the world with spelling exercises that highlight different cultures and places. Good handwriting posture, letter formation, slant consistency, alignment, spacing, neatness are emphasized through pretests, self-evaluations, assessments and post-tests. KJV Scripture used. Softcover, 104 pages.
This teacher's edition accompanies BJU Press' Grade 5 Handwriting Student Worktext. Lesson ideas will engage students in their work, and notes help teachers explain proper handwriting. 144 pages, softcover, spiral-bound.
This is a BJU Cursive Penmanship Wall Chart. Each section is 4.5" high and 22" long (total length of the chart -- 16.5').