BJU Press' Bible 5: The Fullness of Time Curriculum Kit. develops students' understanding of the New Testament as the culmination of God's big story of Creation, Fall, and Redemption. Additionally, it teaches students the essentials of Bible study and interpretation through teacher modeling with questions and answers. As they develop an understanding of the main themes that run throughout God's redemption plan-glory, kingdom, covenants, divine presence, law and wisdom, and atonement and priesthood-they are confronted with their need for Christ. Grade 5.
BJU Press' Bible 5: The Fullness of Time Student Worktext, 1st ed. engages the students with biblical connections throughout the big story of the New Testament. It emphasizes and tracks biblical themes that weave throughout God's redemption story (including glory, kingdom, covenants, divine presence, law and wisdom, and atonement and priesthood). It also develops these themes as overarching ideas throughout Creation, Fall, and Redemption. The opening pages of each lesson aid the student in understanding by presenting an overview of the lesson or direct instruction on higher level objectives. The worktext also includes regular reviews that can be used as assessments or preparation for tests. 328 pages, softcover.
BJU Press' Bible 5: The Fullness of Time Teacher Edition features reduced-size student pages with overlaid answers; page-reference numbers to chapter review questions are also included for easy grading. Units include an overview with objectives, links to online tools, and chapter-by-chapter lesson instruction. The lesson itself includes an easy-to-read intro box with objectives and any needed information plus directions on what to discuss, what worksheets to assign, and scripted questions with answers. A lesson plan overview also provided. 404 pages, softcover. 1st Edition.
This set of assessments is designed to be used for evaluating students using BJU Press' Bible 5, Fullness of Time, 1st Edition curriculum. This packet includes 2 tests per unit, (a total of 16 tests.) Glue binding for easy removal.
This answer key accompanies the sold-separately BJU Press' Bible 5 Fullness of Time, Assessments 1st Edition. Full-page student tests are reproduced with the correct answers overlaid. Three hole punched, loose-leaf.
BJU Press Bible: Grade 5 Older Editions
Gloria ReppJourneyForth / 1998 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$5.594.7 out of 5 stars for Adventures of an Arctic Missionary #1, Mik-Shrok. View reviews of this product. 7 Reviews
Retail Price$8.99Save 38% ($3.40) -
Nancy LohrJourneyForth / 1999 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$5.65
Retail Price$8.99Save 37% ($3.34) -
BJU Press / HardcoverOur Price$80.83
BJU Press / 2001 / OtherOur Price$11.99
Retail Price$19.66Save 39% ($7.67)