Word in Motion
Rachael CarmanApologia Educational Ministries / 2021 / OtherOur Price$71.204.5 out of 5 stars for Word in Motion: Old Testament Set (Student Textbook & Notebooking Journal). View reviews of this product. 2 Reviews
Retail Price$89.00Save 20% ($17.80)Availability: In StockStock No: WW506643
Apologia's The Word in Motion: Old Testament is the first volume in a hands-on, two-part Bible curriculum that equips students to know, live, and share the Word of God. From creation through the Old Testament historical events and prophets and, students and families will explore the key people places, and events and gain a deeper understanding of how all the parts of the Bible fit together to form the story of God's love for humanity and His plan for our redemption. Students will be able to tell the story of God and His chosen people using a series of keywords, memory verses, and hand motions.
Working with a parent 4 days per school week 30-45 minutes at a time, students will complete one lesson per week (30 lessons in 30 weeks). Each lesson incorporates multiple learning approaches such as seeing, hearing, moving, talking, and repeating in a way that engages the student's head, heart, and hands. Teaching tools include streaming video instruction, biblical narratives that tell the story in chronological order, discussion questions, character profiles, essential doctrines and apologetics, Scripture readings, full-color visual aids, an overview of every Old Testament book, and articles that cover biblical history and culture. Requires high-speed internet connection for access to online videos that are a required part of the course. 270-page hardcover text and 358-page spiralbound notebooking journal. Kindergarten – Grade 6.
Apologia's The Word in Motion: Old Testament is the first volume in a hands-on, two-part Bible curriculum that equips students to know, live, and share the Word of God. From creation through the Old Testament historical events and prophets and, students and families will explore the key people places, and events and gain a deeper understanding of how all the parts of the Bible fit together to form the story of God's love for humanity and His plan for our redemption. Students will be able to tell the story of God and His chosen people using a series of keywords, memory verses, and hand motions.
Working with a parent 4 days per school week 30-45 minutes at a time, students will complete one lesson per week (30 lessons in 30 weeks). Each lesson incorporates multiple learning approaches such as seeing, hearing, moving, talking, and repeating in a way that engages the student's head, heart, and hands. Teaching tools include streaming video instruction, biblical narratives that tell the story in chronological order, discussion questions, character profiles, essential doctrines and apologetics, Scripture readings, full-color visual aids, an overview of every Old Testament book, and articles that cover biblical history and culture. Requires high-speed internet connection for access to online videos that are a required part of the course. 270 pages, hardcover. Kindergarten – Grade 6.
Please Note: Students will require both the textbook and their own Word In Motion: Old Testament Notebooking Journal (sold separately) to complete this course. Also available in the Word In Motion: Old Testament Set.
Apologia's The Word in Motion: Old Testament is the first volume in a hands-on, two-part Bible curriculum that equips students to know, live, and share the Word of God. From creation through the Old Testament historical events and prophets and, students and families will explore the key people places, and events and gain a deeper understanding of how all the parts of the Bible fit together to form the story of God's love for humanity and His plan for our redemption. Students will be able to tell the story of God and His chosen people using a series of keywords, memory verses, and hand motions.
Working with a parent 4 days per school week 30-45 minutes at a time, students will complete one lesson per week (30 lessons in 30 weeks). Each lesson incorporates multiple learning approaches such as seeing, hearing, moving, talking, and repeating in a way that engages the student's head, heart, and hands. Teaching tools include streaming video instruction, biblical narratives that tell the story in chronological order, discussion questions, character profiles, essential doctrines and apologetics, Scripture readings, full-color visual aids, an overview of every Old Testament book, and articles that cover biblical history and culture. Requires high-speed internet connection for access to online videos that are a required part of the course. 358 pages, spiral-bound softcover. Kindergarten – Grade 6.
Please Note: Students will require both the Notebooking Journal and a Word In Motion: Old Testament Textbook (sold separately) to complete this course. Also available in the Word In Motion: Old Testament Set.
Apologia's The Word in Motion: New Testament is the second volume in an illustrated, two-part Bible curriculum that equips students to know, live, and share the Word of God. From the intertestamental events leading up to the birth of Christ to the apocalyptic vision received by John on Patmos, students and families will explore the key people places, and events of the New Testament. Along the way, they'll gain a deeper understanding of how all the parts of the Bible fit together to form the story of God's love for humanity and His plan for our redemption.
Working with a parent 4 days per school week 30-45 minutes at a time, students will complete one lesson per week (30 lessons in 30 weeks). Each lesson incorporates multiple learning approaches such as seeing, hearing, moving, talking, and repeating in a way that engages the student's head, heart, and hands. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to tell the story of God and His chosen people using a series of keywords, memory verses, and hand motions. Teaching tools include streaming video instruction, biblical narratives that tell the story in chronological order, discussion questions, character profiles, essential doctrines and apologetics, Scripture readings, full-color visual aids, an overview of every Old Testament book, and articles that cover biblical history and culture.
Lessons 1-15 teach students the story of the New Testament in 40 key points and motions, starting with the rise of the Roman Empire and culminating in the founding of the early church and the spread of the gospel to Europe and Asia. Lessons 16-30 familiarize students with each of the 27 books in the New Testament.
The spiral-bound notebooking journal is designed to be used alongside the textbook and a fun tool that enables students to personalize and capture what they've learned from the text in keepsake form.
Grades K-6.
This kit includes:
- Word in Motion NT Student Text
- Word in Motion NT Notebooking Journal
Rachael CarmanApologia Educational Ministries / 2021 / HardcoverOur Price$41.603.5 out of 5 stars for Word in Motion: New Testament Student Textbook with Streaming Video Instruction Access. View reviews of this product. 2 Reviews
Retail Price$52.00Save 20% ($10.40)
Apologia's The Word in Motion: New Testament is the second volume in an illustrated, two-part Bible curriculum that equips students to know, live, and share the Word of God. From the intertestamental events leading up to the birth of Christ to the apocalyptic vision received by John on Patmos, sutdents and families will explore the key people places, and events of the New Testament. Along the way, they'll gain a deeper understanding of how all the parts of the Bible fit together to form the story of God's love for humanity and His plan for our redemption.
Working with a parent 4 days per school week 30-45 minutes at a time, students will complete one lesson per week (30 lessons in 30 weeks). Each lesson incorporates multiple learning approaches such as seeing, hearing, moving, talking, and repeating in a way that engages the student's head, heart, and hands. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to tell the story of God and His chosen people using a series of keywords, memory verses, and hand motions. Teaching tools include streaming video instruction, biblical narratives that tell the story in chronological order, discussion questions, character profiles, essential doctrines and apologetics, Scripture readings, full-color visual aids, an overview of every Old Testament book, and articles that cover biblical history and culture.
Lessons 1-15 teach students the story of the New Testament in 40 key points and motions, starting with the rise of the Roman Empire and culminating in the founding of the early church and the spread of the gospel to Europe and Asia. Lessons 16-30 familiarize students with each of the 27 books in the New Testament.
Please Note: Students will require both the textbook and their own notebooking journal to complete this course.
This spiral-bound notebooking journal is designed to be used alongside the Apologia Word in Motion: New Testament Textbook (not included). This a fun tool that enables students to personalize and capture what they've learned from the text in keepsake form.
David Webb, John HayApologia Educational Ministries / 2009 / HardcoverOur Price$41.604.7 out of 5 stars for What We Believe Series, Who is God? And Can I Really Know Him? Volume 1. View reviews of this product. 54 Reviews
Retail Price$52.00Save 20% ($10.40)
Give your children the Christian answers to the world around them with Who is God? The basic questions of the Christian faith, including "How can I know what's true?," "What's God Really Like?," "If God created the world, then why isn't it perfect?," "Is Jesus the only way to God?" and others are answered through multi-dimensional lessons. Each big picture is answered through smaller segments that feature biblical instruction as well as a story featuring a Christian child sharing the gospel. Bible memory boxes, "words you need to know," and comprehension questions will help your children build a foundational Christian worldview. 253 full-color, indexed pages, hardcover.
David Webb, Peggy WebbApologia Educational Ministries / 2011 / Spiral BoundOur Price$29.604.9 out of 5 stars for Who is God? Notebooking Journal. View reviews of this product. 11 Reviews
Retail Price$37.00Save 20% ($7.40) -
David Webb, John HayApologia Educational Ministries / 2010 / MP3Our Price$24.003.5 out of 5 stars for Who Is God? MP3 CD. View reviews of this product. 2 Reviews
Retail Price$30.00Save 20% ($6.00)
David Webb, John HayApologia Educational Ministries / 2010 / HardcoverOur Price$41.604.9 out of 5 stars for Who Am I? What We Believe, Volume 2. View reviews of this product. 14 Reviews
Retail Price$52.00Save 20% ($10.40)Availability: In StockStock No: WW337020
What gives a person value? What provides purpose for a life? Who Am I? And What Am I Doing Here? helps children understand what it means to be made in the image of God.
Designed around a notebooking concept, instructions provide opportunities for students to think about the lesson questions as well as consider their own thoughts. Each lesson features an introduction to the main topic, learning objectives, a short story, thought-provoking questions, important vocabulary words, two Bible memory verses, interesting interdisciplinary topics, godly character traits that students should demonstrate as a response, prayer, and a worldview portion that provides a child's perspective on being a Muslim, Mormon, New Age spiritualist, Hindu, Buddhist, Communist, and other non-Christian beliefs.
Customize the schedule to your students' level; most chapters can be covered in two weeks, and this study may be used independently or with a parent. Ages 6-14, NIV, NLT, and NCV Scripture verses are used. 264 pages, hardcover.
This textbook focuses on:
- God made me in His image and crowned me with glory
- He has given me special gifts and a unique purpose in life
- I can creatively express God's love
- I am meant to think about beautiful and praiseworthy things, especially God and His Word
- I must make decisions based on God's truth;
- I can always know the wise thing to do;
- I must cultivate the fruit of the Spirit in my life;
- I am a beloved child of God whose true identity is found in Christ.
David Webb, Peggy WebbApologia Educational Ministries / 2014 / Spiral BoundOur Price$29.605.0 out of 5 stars for Who Am I? Junior Notebooking Journal. View reviews of this product. 1 Reviews
Retail Price$37.00Save 20% ($7.40) -
David Webb, Peggy WebbApologia Educational Ministries / 2011 / Spiral BoundOur Price$29.605.0 out of 5 stars for Who Am I? Notebooking Journal. View reviews of this product. 2 Reviews
Retail Price$37.00Save 20% ($7.40) -
David Webb, John HayApologia Educational Ministries / 2012 / Compact discOur Price$24.00
Retail Price$30.00Save 20% ($6.00)
David Webb, John HayApologia Educational Ministries / 2011 / HardcoverOur Price$41.605.0 out of 5 stars for Who is My Neighbor? What We Believe, Volume 3. View reviews of this product. 1 Reviews
Retail Price$52.00Save 20% ($10.40)
Volume 3 in Apologia's What We Believe series, Who is My Neighbor? And Why Does He Need Me? helps children understand how to live as Christians who are salt and light in the world, in their country, in their family, and in their lives wherever they go.
Designed around a notebooking concept, instructions provide opportunities for students to think and ponder the questions given, as well as consider their own thoughts in the "Make a Note of It" section. Each lesson features an introduction to the main topic, learning objectives, a short story, thought-provoking questions, important vocabulary words, two Bible memory verses, interesting interdisciplinary topics, godly character traits that students should demonstrate as a response, prayer, discussion questions, and a story about a person who encountered Jesus during His time on earth. The multi-chapter stories focus on a family during the Civil War as well as the life of an early Chinese immigrant family.
Customize the schedule to your students' level; most chapters can be covered in two weeks, and this study may be used independently or with a parent. A suggested lesson plan is included for guidance if desired. Ages 6-14, NIV, NLT, and NCV Scripture verses are used. 276 pages, hardcover, indexed.
This textbook focuses on the questions:
David Webb, Peggy WebbApologia Educational Ministries / 2012 / Spiral BoundOur Price$29.60
Retail Price$37.00Save 20% ($7.40) -
David Webb, Peggy WebbApologia Educational Ministries / 2014 / Spiral BoundOur Price$29.60
Retail Price$37.00Save 20% ($7.40) -
David Webb, John HayApologia Educational Ministries / 2011 / Compact discOur Price$24.00
Retail Price$30.00Save 20% ($6.00)
David Webb, John HayApologia Educational Ministries / 2013 / HardcoverOur Price$41.605.0 out of 5 stars for What on Earth Can I Do? What We Believe, Volume 4. View reviews of this product. 1 Reviews
Retail Price$52.00Save 20% ($10.40)Availability: In StockStock No: WW537601
Volume 4 in Apologia's What We Believe series, What on Earth Can I Do? helps children understand what it means to be a "good and faithful servant" of God through a discussion of the biblical worldview of stewardship.
Designed around a notebooking concept, instructions provide opportunities for students to think and ponder the questions given, as well as consider their own thoughts in the "Make a Note of It" section. Each lesson features an introduction to the main topic, learning objectives, a short story, thought-provoking questions, important vocabulary words, two Bible memory verses, interesting interdisciplinary topics, godly character traits that students should demonstrate as a response, prayer, discussion questions, and a story adapted from Jesus' parables. Four lessons also end with the "House of Truth" memory aid visual model that builds upon lessons learned in the previous books; it can be drawn or built with building blocks.
Customize the schedule to your students' level; most chapters can be covered in two weeks (for the entire course taking 4-8 months), and this study may be used independently or with a parent. A suggested lesson plan is included for guidance if desired. Books do not have to be used in order, though it is recommended. Ages 6-14; Reading Level Grades 5-6. NIV, NLT, NCV, KJV, NKJV, ESV, NASB, HCSB, CEV, and Amplified Bible Scripture verses are used. 293 pages, hardcover, indexed.
This textbook focuses on the questions:
- Your Story or God's Story?
- Who Put You in Charge?
- Will You be Found Faithful?
- Where is your Treasure?
- Where Does your Time Go?
- Whose Life is it Anyway?
- Why Isn't it Easy Being Green?
- What Will Happen When the Master Returns?
David Webb, Peggy WebbApologia Educational Ministries / 2013 / Spiral BoundOur Price$29.60
Retail Price$37.00Save 20% ($7.40) -
David Webb, Peggy WebbApologia Educational Ministries / 2014 / Spiral BoundOur Price$29.60
Retail Price$37.00Save 20% ($7.40) -
David Webb, John HayApologia Educational Ministries / 2014 / Compact discOur Price$24.00
Retail Price$30.00Save 20% ($6.00)