ACE Grade 8 Word Building PACEs

Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) curriculum has Scripture as its foundation, fully integrating biblical principles, wisdom, and character-building concepts into education. Students move at their own speed through the self-instructional "PACE" workbooks. Following the mastery approach, PACEs are formatted for students to complete the exercises found throughout the workbook, take a practice "self test," and conclude with a "final test" (torn out from the center), to measure understanding. This set includes Word Building Grade 8 PACEs 1085-1096, which cover:

  • Use of phonics rules
  • Vowel sounds and spelling; and special sound consonants s, c, j, g, and k.
  • The semaphore alphabet code.
  • Verb forms, tenses, nouns, and plurals. A variety of exercises help with review and retention. Paperback booklets. Grade 8. PACE 1085-1096.

    Answers are not included, but are available in the sold-separately PACE Score Key Set.

  • This answer key set includes the PACE SCORE keys which cover Word Building PACEs 1085-1096, Grade 8. Keys are three-hole-punched. Answers line-listed. Test and workbook exercises included.

    ACE's Word Building PACE 1085 covers 65 spelling/vocabulary words, the long and short A sounds, homophones, suffixes- -ion, -tion, -ition, -ation, God gives strength and courage, and memorization of Deuteronomy 31:6..

    A variety of exercises help with review and retention. 39 pages, paperback booklet. 4th Edition. Grade 8.

    Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) curriculum has Scripture as its foundation, fully integrating biblical principles, wisdom, and character-building concepts into education. Students move at their own speed through the self-instructional "PACE" workbooks. Following the mastery approach, PACEs are formatted for students to complete the exercises found throughout the workbook, take a practice "self-test," and conclude with a "final test" (removed from the center) to measure understanding.

    Answers are sold-separately in the PACE SCORE Key booklet.

    ACE's Word Building PACE 1086 covers 65 vocabulary words, synonyms and antonyms, syllable division rules, and commonly misspelled words. Character trait: Determination. Memory verse: I Corinthians 2:2.

    A variety of exercises help with review and retention. 39 pages, paperback booklet. 4th Edition. Grade 8.

    Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) curriculum has Scripture as its foundation, fully integrating biblical principles, wisdom, and character-building concepts into education. Students move at their own speed through the self-instructional "PACE" workbooks. Following the mastery approach, PACEs are formatted for students to complete the exercises found throughout the workbook, take a practice "self-test," and conclude with a "final test" (removed from the center) to measure understanding.

    Answers are sold-separately in the PACE SCORE Key booklet.

    ACE's Word Building PACE 1087 covers learning to spell words such as quit, guide, bonus, appetite, majority, empty, and others.

    A variety of exercises help with review and retention. Color pictures. 39 pages, paperback booklet. Answers are in the sold-separate PACE SCORE Key booklet. Fourth Edition. Grade 8.

    Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) curriculum has Scripture as its foundation, fully integrating biblical principles, wisdom, and character-building concepts into education. Students move at their own speed through the self-instructional "PACE" workbooks. Following the mastery approach, PACEs are formatted for students to complete the exercises found throughout the workbook, take a practice "self-test," and conclude with a "final test" (removed from the center) to measure understanding.

    This single ACE "PACE" answer key includes the answers for the sold-separately Word Building 1085-1087. Test and workbook exercises included; answers are line-listed. Booklet. Grade 8 4th Edition.

    ACE's Word Building PACE 1088 covers 65 vocabulary words, learn rules for adding suffixes, frequently misspelled words, and more. Character trait: Forgiveness, memory verse, Colossians 3:13.

    A variety of exercises help with review and retention. 59 pages, paperback booklet. 4th Edition. Grade 8.

    Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) curriculum has Scripture as its foundation, fully integrating biblical principles, wisdom, and character-building concepts into education. Students move at their own speed through the self-instructional "PACE" workbooks. Following the mastery approach, PACEs are formatted for students to complete the exercises found throughout the workbook, take a practice "self-test," and conclude with a "final test" (removed from the center) to measure understanding.

    Answers are sold-separately in the PACE SCORE Key booklet.

    ACE's Word Building PACE 1089 covers 65 vocabulary words, commonly misspelled words, plural nouns, long and short "u" sound spellings, and long and short "oo" sound spellings. Lessons emphasize humility. The memory verse is 1 Peter 5:5.

    A variety of exercises help with review and retention. 39 pages, paperback booklet. 4th Edition. Grade 8.

    Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) curriculum has Scripture as its foundation, fully integrating biblical principles, wisdom, and character-building concepts into education. Students move at their own speed through the self-instructional "PACE" workbooks. Following the mastery approach, PACEs are formatted for students to complete the exercises found throughout the workbook, take a practice "self-test," and conclude with a "final test" (removed from the center) to measure understanding.

    Answers are sold-separately in the PACE SCORE Key booklet.

    ACE's Word Building PACE 1090 covers the spellings of the k sound, how to change verbs to nouns by adding suffixes, how to be merciful to others, and more. The variety of exercises will help students master concepts through practice and review.

    39 pages, paperback booklet. Grade 8. 4th Edition.

    Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) curriculum fully integrates scripture, biblical principles, wisdom, and character-building concepts into education. Students move at their own speed through the self-instructional "PACE" workbooks. Following the mastery approach, PACEs are formatted for students to complete the exercises found throughout the workbook, take a practice "self-test," and conclude with a "final test" (removed from the center).

    Answers are sold-separately in the PACE SCORE Key booklet.

    This single ACE "PACE" answer key includes the answers for the sold-separately Word Building 1088-1090. Test and workbook exercises included; answers are line-listed. Booklet. Grade 8 4th Edition.

    ACE's Word Building PACE 1091 covers 65 vocabulary words, learning about prefixes, and frequently misspelled words. Character trait: Perseverance. Memory verse: Galatians 6:9.

    A variety of exercises help with review and retention. 39 pages, paperback booklet. 4th Edition. Grade 8.

    Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) curriculum has Scripture as its foundation, fully integrating biblical principles, wisdom, and character-building concepts into education. Students move at their own speed through the self-instructional "PACE" workbooks. Following the mastery approach, PACEs are formatted for students to complete the exercises found throughout the workbook, take a practice "self-test," and conclude with a "final test" (removed from the center) to measure understanding.

    Answers are sold-separately in the PACE SCORE Key booklet.

    ACE's Word Building PACE 1092 covers 65 vocabulary words and some frequently misspelled words. Lessons emphasize teaching kids about respectability. The memory verse is I Thessalonians 5:13.

    A variety of exercises help with review and retention. 39 pages, paperback booklet. 4th Edition. Grade 8.

    Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) curriculum has Scripture as its foundation, fully integrating biblical principles, wisdom, and character-building concepts into education. Students move at their own speed through the self-instructional "PACE" workbooks. Following the mastery approach, PACEs are formatted for students to complete the exercises found throughout the workbook, take a practice "self-test," and conclude with a "final test" (removed from the center) to measure understanding.

    Answers are sold-separately in the PACE SCORE Key booklet.

    ACE's Word Building PACE 1093 covers 65 vocabulary words, spellings for the "ou", "oi", & "sh" sounds, the function of certain suffixes, and more. Lessons emphasize submission. The memory verse is Hebrews 13:17.

    A variety of exercises help with review and retention. 39 pages, paperback booklet. 4th Edition. Grade 8.

    Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) curriculum has Scripture as its foundation, fully integrating biblical principles, wisdom, and character-building concepts into education. Students move at their own speed through the self-instructional "PACE" workbooks. Following the mastery approach, PACEs are formatted for students to complete the exercises found throughout the workbook, take a practice "self-test," and conclude with a "final test" (removed from the center) to measure understanding.

    Answers are sold-separately in the PACE SCORE Key booklet.

    This single ACE "PACE" answer key includes the answers for the sold-separately Word Building 1091-1093. Test and workbook exercises included; answers are line-listed. Booklet. Grade 8. 4th Edition.

    ACE's Word Building PACE 1094 covers 65 vocabulary words, spellings for the "ur", sound, the soft sound of "c" and "g", and more. Lessons emphasize tolerance. The memory verse is Romans 14:13.

    A variety of exercises help with review and retention. 39 pages, paperback booklet. 4th Edition. Grade 8.

    Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) curriculum has Scripture as its foundation, fully integrating biblical principles, wisdom, and character-building concepts into education. Students move at their own speed through the self-instructional "PACE" workbooks. Following the mastery approach, PACEs are formatted for students to complete the exercises found throughout the workbook, take a practice "self-test," and conclude with a "final test" (removed from the center) to measure understanding.

    Answers are sold-separately in the PACE SCORE Key booklet.

    ACE's Word Building PACE 1095 covers learning to spell words such as: heritage, emerge, nature, fracture, lichen, and chorus.

    A variety of exercises help with review and retention. 39 pages, paperback booklet. 4th Edition. Grade 8.

    Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) curriculum has Scripture as its foundation, fully integrating biblical principles, wisdom, and character-building concepts into education. Students move at their own speed through the self-instructional "PACE" workbooks. Following the mastery approach, PACEs are formatted for students to complete the exercises found throughout the workbook, take a practice "self-test," and conclude with a "final test" (removed from the center) to measure understanding.

    Answers are sold-separately in the PACE SCORE Key booklet.

    ACE's Word Building PACE 1096 covers rules for plural nouns, some words with Spanish or French origins, common misspelled words, and temperance.

    A variety of exercises help with review and retention. 39 pages, paperback booklet. 4th Edition. Grade 8.

    Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) curriculum has Scripture as its foundation, fully integrating biblical principles, wisdom, and character-building concepts into education. Students move at their own speed through the self-instructional "PACE" workbooks. Following the mastery approach, PACEs are formatted for students to complete the exercises found throughout the workbook, take a practice "self-test," and conclude with a "final test" (removed from the center) to measure understanding.

    Answers are sold-separately in the PACE SCORE Key booklet.

    This single ACE "PACE" answer key includes the answers for the sold-separately Word Building PACES 1094-1096. Test and workbook exercises included; answers are line listed. Booklet. Grade 8. 4th Edition.