Computer skills are crucial for success in this technological age. Preparing your students for the next stage of life, this 3-semester self-standing book offers daily practice, timed writings, skill evaluation exercises, and instruction in document processing. It covers basic keys; numbers and symbols; business, employment, letter, and report production; professional tables; and more. Uses standard word-processing programs. Approx. 295 pages, spiralbound hardcover from Abeka.
This teacher's guide accompanies the sold-separately Keyboarding and Document Processingand contains an outline of suggested daily plans for 3 semesters. The first two semesters consists of chapters 1-8 in the Keyboarding and Document Processing text and is referred to as Keyboarding. The third semester covers chapter 9-12 and is referred to as Document Processing. The Keyboarding and Document Processing text covers all three semesters.
The Teacher Guide has been divided into two sections. The first sections cover all that is necessary for Keyboarding, while the second section gives you necessary information for Document Processing. These sections are followed by daily plans for each course.
The Solution Key, as well as the teacher's guide is divided into two sections. The first section contains Keyboarding solutions from Chapter 4-8. The second section contains Document Processing solution from Chapters 9-12. Spiral Binding. Grades 10-12.
This Solution Key accompanies the sold-separately Keyboarding and Document Processing and contains marked corrections for the student text. Grades 10-12.
Please note that this is included in the sold-separately Teacher Guide/Solution Key set, and does not need to be purchased again if the set is obtained.
This Quiz & Test Book is part of the Abeka "Keyboarding and Document Processing" Grades 10-12 curriculum. Providing parents with the chance to assess student progress, it contains 15 quizzes and 8 tests that cover the material presented in the text. Answers are not included, but are sold-separately in the Quiz & Test Key.
This Quiz & Test key accompanies the sold-separately Keyboarding Quizzes & Tests and contains a copy of the quiz and test book with answers and suggested point values. Grades 10-12.
This Quiz & Test Book is part of the Abeka "Keyboarding and Document Processing" Grades 10-12 curriculum. Providing parents with the chance to assess student progress, it contains 3 quizzes and 4 tests that cover the material presented in the text. Answers are not included, but are sold-separately in the Quiz & Test Key.
This Quiz & Test key accompanies the sold-separately Document Processing Quizzes & Tests, and contains a copy of the quiz and test book with answers and suggested point values. Grades 10-12.