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Sanctuary Supplies

  1. Offering Supplies
  2. Anointing Oil
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  2. Clergy Vestments
  1. Sanctuary Supplies

Church Office

  1. Church Administration

Christ for All Peoples

  1. Plundered: The Tangled Roots of Racial and Environmental Injustice
    David W. Swanson
    InterVarsity Press / 2024 / Trade Paperback
    Our Price$13.49 Retail Price$18.00 Save 25% ($4.51)
  2. Start with Welcome: The Journey Toward a Confident and Compassionate Immigration Conversation
    Bri Stensrud
    Zondervan Reflective / 2024 / Trade Paperback
    Our Price$13.38 Retail Price$19.99 Save 33% ($6.61)
  3. Race, Racism, and Biblical Narratives: On Use and Abuse of Sacred Scripture
    Cain Hope Felder
    Fortress Press / 2023 / Trade Paperback
    Our Price$9.49 Retail Price$14.99 Save 37% ($5.50)
  4. A Longing to Belong: Reflections on Faith, Identity, and Race
    Michelle Lee-Barnewall
    Zondervan / 2023 / Trade Paperback
    Our Price$10.99 Retail Price$19.99 Save 45% ($9.00)

Resources for the Black Church

  1. Psalms for Black Lives: Reflections for the Work of Liberation
    Gabby Cudjoe-Wilkes, Andrew Wilkes
    Upper Room / 2022 / Trade Paperback
    Our Price$8.49 Retail Price$15.99 Save 47% ($7.50)
  2. Maya Angelou, All Occasion Assorted Cards, Box of 18
  3. The Black Family: Past, Present, and Future
    Zondervan / 2020 / Trade Paperback
    Our Price$11.43 Retail Price$19.99 Save 43% ($8.56)
  4. Not Forsaken: Growing Up Black, Male, and Christian in  the Hood - Leader Guide with Participant Helps
    Chris McNair
    Abingdon Press / 2020 / Trade Paperback
    Our Price$19.79 Retail Price$21.99 Save 10% ($2.20)

Spanish Church Supplies

  1. ¿Para Qué Estoy Aqui en la Tierra?                               (Why Am I Here on Earth?)
    Rick Warren
    Vida / 2005 / Trade Paperback
    Our Price$4.19 Retail Price$4.99 Save 16% ($0.80)
  2. Cielo y Tierra (Salmos 121:2, NVI)
    Hermitage Art / 2018 / Other
    Our Price$7.49 Retail Price$8.99 Save 17% ($1.50)
  3. Insignia de Ujier, Latón  (Usher Badge, Brass)
  4. Tarjetas de Visitas, 50  (Visitor Cards, 50)
    1. Church Prayer Wall

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