1. Candlelight Service or Vigil Candles, 480
    Will & Baumer / Other
    Our Price$149.95
  2. The Candle Handle, Pack of 50
    Christian Brands / Will & Baumer Candles / 2016 / Other
    Our Price$59.95
  3. Extra Congregation Candles 250
    Emkay / Other
    Our Price$74.99 Retail Price$81.80 Save 8% ($6.81)
  4. Complete Candlelight Service Set for 250 People

Graceful Addition to Holy Week Services

Elegant candelabra for use during Holy Week, is crafted of heavy cast silvertone and purple branillum metal. Openwork design with verse Into thy hands I commend my spirit. 20" wide; uses 7 7/8" tapers (not included).

Christ Candles

Sanctuary Candles, Globes, and Lamps

  1. Unbreakable Sanctuary Lights, Box of 24
  2. Ruby Glass Sanctuary Lamp Replacement Globe
    Christian Brands / Stratford Chapel / 2018 / Other
    Our Price$23.95
  3. Offerlight Blue Glass Globe for Candle Inserts, Case of 12
    Christian Brands / Will & Baumer Candles / 2019 / Other
    Our Price$69.99
  4. Offerlight Ruby Glass Globe for Candle Inserts, Case of 12
    Christian Brands / Will & Baumer Candles / 2019 / Other
    Our Price$69.99

Altar Candles & Votives

Church Incense

Candlelighters & Stands

  1. Brass & Wood Candlelighter, 48
    Sudbury Brass / 2016 / Other
    Our Price$144.99 Retail Price$159.95 Save 9% ($14.96)
  2. 24 In. Candlelighter with Bell Snuffer
  3. Brass & Wood Candlelighter, 12 inch
    Sudbury Brass / 2017 / Other
    Our Price$109.99 Retail Price$119.95 Save 8% ($9.96)
  4. Brass & Wood Candlelighter, 36
    Sudbury Brass / 2016 / Other
    Our Price$134.99 Retail Price$149.95 Save 10% ($14.96)

Church Candle Displays

Church Candles (by Size)

Sacrament Candles

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