Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Gifts

  1. Plastic Shoeboxes - Pack of 12

National Collection Week is Nov. 18–25, 2024

  1. How to Pack a Shoebox (Banner Image Only)

Step 1: Start with Shoeboxes

These sturdy, decorative Operation Christmas Child plastic shoeboxes are ready to be filled with gifts for children around the world and serve as a useful and valuable part of their gift - a treasured keepsake for years to come. Order in packs of 12. Specifically designed to fit well in Operation Christmas Child's shipping cartons, these shoeboxes are 13 x 7.5 x 4.7 inches.

Add Smaller Gifts

Shop by Age and Gender

  1. Download Printable Packing Labels

More Shoebox Suggestions

Step 3: Include a Note

Besides the gift items you include, please also include a note, a photo, or the Let's Be Friends printable - sometimes this is the child's favorite things to receive!

  1. How to Pack a Shoebox, Download Gift Suggestions
  2. Add A Personal Note: Download Let's Be Friends

Step 4: Donate per Box

Donate $10 Per Box

A donation of $10 per box is critical to cover transportation within the U.S., processing in 8 central warehouses, shipping to other countries, and Gospel materials.

You can give online through the Label Options or by mailing a check in the postage-paid envelope available in Samaritan's Purse print brochure. If you use an online option on the Labels page, you can Follow Your Box and discover the destination of your gift.

Step 5: Prayer

Praying over your box is vitally important!

  1. Pray Over Your Shoebox

Step 6: Find Your Drop-Off Location

Find Your Drop-Off Location

Every year, National Collection Week takes place the third week in November when more than 4,500 drop-off locations are open across the country. These locations will be posted on this page the first week of October.

Find your closest drop-off location for Samaritan's Purse Shoeboxes

Evangelism. Discipleship. Multiplication.

Gift FAQs


playing cards
batteries (in original packaging or with both ends taped)
wet wipes or plain alcohol wipes
toy spiders/bugs/snakes
superheroes or other licensed characters
items with company logos
all types of scissors
squirt guns (that don’t look like real guns)
glow sticks
compact mirrors
lip balm (non-medicated)
play dough (store bought)
solid stick deodorant
makeup (non-liquid)
adhesive bandages (non-medicated)
disposable or reusable feminine hygiene products
eating utensils
Bibles or other religious literature or symbols

scary items (things that will frighten a child rather than bring joy)
war-related items (such as toy soldiers, military vehicles, or wearable camouflage)
liquid paint sets or liquid glue
rubber balls with liquid filling
liquid lip gloss
matches or fire starters
sand/rocks/shells gathered from nature
all types of food, candy, or gum
medications or vitamins
nail polish
money or play money
baby powder
baking soda
liquids or lotions
breakable items or glass containers
aerosol cans
used clothing or toys

Camouflage or Military-related Items: Wearable traditional camouflage is not allowed; pink or bright colored camouflage is ok. Camouflage pencils or other non-wearable items are likely fine to include. The words “Army,” “Navy,” etc. are also acceptable when not part of a wearable camouflage item or military-related toy.

Tool Kits; Multi-tools (No Blades): Most tools are fine with the exception of knives, saws, or razor blades. Hammers, nails, screwdrivers, etc. are all fine.

Seashells: Store-bought items such as jewelry, picture frames, or other décor that include shells should be fine to include. Seashells that were personally collected from nature are not allowed.

Soap: At this time, there are no specific requirements for packing bar soap. However, bar soap is an item of increasing regulatory concern. It’s best to keep soap in original packaging with an expiration date of at least 6 months after National Collection Week. For the same reason, homemade bar soap is discouraged; however, bar soap will not be removed from your shoebox gifts regardless of what kind it is or how it is packed.

Homemade Maracas or Bean Bags: Any homemade items with filling MUST have synthetic filling such as plastic beads or pellets. Rice, beans, rocks, aquarium gravel, wood pellets, etc. are not allowed. A note regarding filling can be included for clarification during processing.

  1. Gifts for Charities

Free Resources & Helps

Promotional Printables

Shoebox Labels: Girls & Boys

Teachers & Kids

  1. Advent & Christmas Church Supplies