Bible Studies from John Stott

Each of the ten studies in the John Stott Bible Study Series includes Stott's informative and eloquent exposition of key biblical passages with inductive study questions for individual reflection or group discussion.

Reading the Bible with John Stott Series

  1. Reading Galatians with John Stott
    John Stott, Dale Larsen, Sandy Larsen
    IVP Connect / 2017 / Trade Paperback
    Our Price$10.99 Retail Price$14.99 Save 27% ($4.00)
    4.0 out of 5 stars for Reading Galatians with John Stott. View reviews of this product. 1 Reviews
  2. Reading Ephesians with John Stott
    John Stott, Andrew T. Le Peau
    IVP Connect / 2017 / Trade Paperback
    Our Price$10.85 Retail Price$16.99 Save 36% ($6.14)
  3. Reading Romans with John Stott, Volume 1
    John Stott, Dale Larsen, Sandy Larsen
    IVP Connect / 2016 / Trade Paperback
    Our Price$10.99 Retail Price$14.99 Save 27% ($4.00)
  4. Reading the Sermon on the Mount with John Stott
    John Stott, Douglas Connelly
    IVP Connect / 2016 / Trade Paperback
    Our Price$8.57 Retail Price$14.99 Save 43% ($6.42)
    5.0 out of 5 stars for Reading the Sermon on the Mount with John Stott. View reviews of this product. 1 Reviews

John Stott Bible Study Series

More Studies by John Stott

A Master's Level Overview

Deepen your biblical and theological knowledge without the time, expense, and formality of seminary. In this updated book, discover all the major topics in a typical seminary master's program. This introduction to a biblical studies degree is ideal for the layperson or anyone in vocational ministry who lacks the time or finances to attend classes.

  1. Last-Minute Christmas. Ends 12/15