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  1. Adventures in Odyssey #77: A New Perspective (2 CDs)-Six  stories on Kindness, Listening, and Reconciliation
    Focus on the Family / 2024 / Compact disc
    Our Price$13.99 Retail Price$18.99 Save 26% ($5.00)
    Availability: This product will be released on 10/08/24.
    Stock No: WW163836
C.S. Lewis Photo

One of the most well-known Christians of the 20th century, Clive Staples Lewis was a gifted novelist, academic, poet, and Christian apologist. He came to faith later in life at age 32, after reading G.K. Chesterton's The Everlasting Man, and after discussions with friend and colleague J.R.R. Tolkien. His friendship with Tolkien and a larger group of Oxford literaries known as "The Inklings," became the testing ground for many of his now famous books including The Chronicles of Narnia, Mere Christianity, The Screwtape Letters and others.

  1. Up to 75% Off Sale. 900+ Deals Thru 9/17. Shop Now.

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