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Tyndale House / 2012 / HardcoverOur Price$51.894.8 out of 5 stars for NLT Chronological Life Application Study Bible, Hardcover. View reviews of this product. 118 ReviewsRetail Price$59.99Save 14% ($8.10)Availability: In StockStock No: WW339270
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Beacon2LightBucks County, PAAge: 35-44Gender: male5 Stars Out Of 5A Study Bible Within a Study BibleJanuary 3, 2014Beacon2LightBucks County, PAAge: 35-44Gender: maleQuality: 5Value: 5Meets Expectations: 5When I got the chance to review The Chronological Life Application Study Bible, I jumped at the chance. I have wanted a chronological Bible of my own for some time but I had not committed to one. Tyndale offers it in the King James Version and the New Living Translation. Since I am very familiar with the KJV, I decided to get it in the NLT so that I could make that part of my review as well.
The Chronological Life Application Study Bible does not disappoint. I was excited when it arrived and I continue to be excited about this resource. My family gave me a copy of the Life Application Bible when I became ordained. This Bible, however, has the Life Application notes inside of it. For those who don't know, the Life Application Bible is heavy, literally, with character profiles a-plenty. Its notes also focus on the application of the biblical text to believers' lives. The Life Application portion of this Bible is study Bible enough to add to one's library. The fact that the buyer gets so much more than that makes this study Bible very unique and very valuable.
This Bible has a chronology that runs across the top of the page called "The Chronological Header System." Whichever period the reader happens to be reading about is highlighted in another color than the rest of the graph. The top of the Bible has the same color differentiation, enabling the reader to skip from one period to another just by opening the Bible at one of the color points indicated. 10 periods are indicated from the beginnings to the Church in the present.
There are a number of helps for the reader. A "canonical table of contents" is included in the front with page numbers to find specific passages in the chronological Bible. There are maps that are large (some of them span a whole page size) and small throughout the Bible. One of my favorite features is the occasional verse, complete with reference and the verse being quoted, that is found throughout the Bible with a beautiful picture accompanying it. One can find illustrations of the Tabernacle, the Temple and Jerusalem with beautiful detail, among so many others.
The Chronological Life Application Study Bible states that God created the cosmos. It does not take a position on the meaning behind the six days of Creation, leaving room for theistic evolution, one would assume. However, it does advocate for a literal Adam and Eve in a literal garden which, in my opinion, bests fits the second Adam of Christ who reverses the curse brought by the first Adam's transgression bringing sin into the world. I don't favor the NLT's translation, "Did God really say you must not eat the fruit from ANY [emphasis mine] of the trees in the garden" (Gen. 3:1), though it is more common usage than the NKJV or KJV rendering. It also uses the terms domestic and wild animals in the text, such as in 3:14, that I have trouble feeling is justified. The reader must understand however that the NLT is a dynamic equivalence translation, so there is some wiggle room from the literal word-for-word translating process to one that emphasizes the reader's comprehension.
As for Noah, it comes as close to a universal flood conviction as it can without doing so. This is done by advocating for the elimination of all human beings save those who are in the ark yet leaving open the possibility that not all of the Earth was covered with water. Noah's great number of years is taken literally without explanation, as far as I can see. To be fair, that may have been explained in notes from periods earlier in biblical history covered in this Bible.
The judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah is also taken literally. The men of the city are taken to be homosexual offenders, especially to their intended targets of the "men" who arrived in the city. Note that the wickedness includes but is not exclusive to this sin. The cities of the plain are literally destroyed by fire from heaven. The NLT makes a translation decision to call the sons-in-law, who were warned to escape with Lot and the family, the girls' fiancés (Gen. 19:14). I believe the NKJV and KJV text is to be preferred, leaving open either possibility that the sons-in-law are related to the girls with Lot (i.e. betrothed) or to other daughters (perhaps married), who through them, would also be warned to leave the city. Also, the idea that they didn't come because they thought he was joking, a translation decision often made by others, wouldn't be reason enough for Lot to stop warning them to escape. I think that they found the possibility laughable that God would judge the cities after allowing them to be so wicked for so long.
With the same consistency, the study Bible takes literally the plagues on Egypt and the Red Sea crossing. Jonah's story of his time in the belly of a great fish and his deliverance from it is also taken as a literal miracle of God. The miracles of Christ really happened, demons are real fallen angels, heaven and hell likewise are real. It would be fair to say that this Bible is a conservative evangelical Bible that is trustworthy.
I wanted to speak to an obvious question. What does the Bible do with the places where the Gospel writers record the same event? Desiring this answer for myself, I took a look and this Bible handles it well. Each set of parallel accounts in the Gospels is separated by a parallel icon with a number of dots that represent the number of Gospel writers who wrote of that event. The parallel readings from each of the Gospels recording the event are designated with a colored-in icon above that reading. The colored dot indicates the reader's location in the parallel passages. Subsequent movement of the colored-in dot, sort of like a traffic light put on its side, indicates how far you are in the number of parallel readings. If that is as clear as mud, the reader will understand and appreciate this tool once the Bible is used personally. While in the Gospels, I did want to note that the NLT adds Elizabeth's pregnancy for clarification to Luke 1:26 as does the new NIV.
The Bible is loaded with archaeological notes, theological charts, color maps both large and small, character profiles and illustrations throughout. One can study the parallels between Joseph and Jesus, Satan's plans against the believer, sources of suffering and why we suffer, and on and on. Adam, Eve, Lot, Abraham, Moses, David, Elijah, Ezra, John the Baptist, Thomas, Lydia are just several of a multitude of character profiles. Illustrations abound like those depicting the high priest's garments, the Tabernacle and its furnishings, an almond tree, and a grapevine. There is a harmony of the Gospels and plenty of charts that would aid Bible students and teachers to do series just from them.
I would like to leave you with a final note on the New Living Translation, from my personal opinion. I think the version is a good one. It enables the reader to grasp God's Word in an easy-to-read format. However, I much prefer the NKJV, ESV, NASB and the NIV84 to be honest.
If I were to make the choice again between the KJV version of this Bible or the NLT, I would still choose the NLT. Hopefully, this resource will expand into some of the other translations I just mentioned. That would be a great improvement on an already awesome study Bible.
I could go on but I have already taken so much of your time. I hope that this review answers your questions regarding this Bible and enables you to choose which version you may wish to get. God bless you and all who benefit from your study of the Bible, the Word of God.
Tyndale House Publishers has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book for review purposes -
Jamie MGender: Male5 Stars Out Of 5Incredible. Every Christian Should Have One.February 21, 2013Jamie MGender: MaleQuality: 5Value: 5Meets Expectations: 5This review was written for NLT Chronological Life Application Study Bible, Leatherlike Brown/Tan.It's hard to know where to begin with this review. I've been purchasing Study Bibles and Bible study resources in general now for almost 25 years. As a follower of Jesus Christ and a pastor I would have to rank the Chronological LASB as one of the best investments any believer could make. "Jam-packed" is how one reviewer described it, and that's almost an understatement! The only feature I would have liked to have seen kept from the original LASB is the cross-referencing system, but with all that you get I really don't know how else one could improve on this Study Bible, it's that good. Tyndale should be commended for all the time spent in prayer, planning and developing this product. It's truly a labor of love that brings honor to the name of Christ.
Some quick details about this Bible:
1) The NLT is clear, easy to read and accurate. I'm an NIV man myself who uses the NASB for in-depth word study, but the NLT is fun to read and encourages reading in large portions. I'm impressed with the NLT's fidelity to the original text and the world-class team of Evangelical scholars who had a hand in its development. By far the best translation for a new believer.
2) The leather like format is beautiful! I purchased the brown/tan and just love the feel and look. Unlike the hardcover this version will lay flat without being damaged and holds really well in one's hands.
3) The font size and color is a bit larger and darker than the original LASB (at least the 2004 edition that I own). It is also NOT a red-letter edition (thank you Tyndale!). The rich full-color interior, attention to detail and attractive layout makes you want to dive right in and start reading. I'm still scratching my head as to how they got such gorgeous map colors without bleeding through the other side of the page. The Chronological LASB is truly a technical marvel.
4) Love the chronological system! The Bible is divided into 10 sections, and right now I'm reading through section #8 (Return & Diaspora 538-6 BC) which combines a portion of 2 Chronicles 36 with Ezra, Psalms 126 & 147, Daniel 10-12, Haggai, Zechariah and Esther, then over to 1 Chronicles, Joel and Malachi. You get a much better grasp and flow of biblical history reading the Bible this way. Each section has an introduction, timeline of biblical and world history, articles on the people and culture, megathemes, maps, charts and archaeological notes and photos. Parallel passages are noted, for example 2 Chronicles 36:22-23 and Ezra 1:1-11.
5) Full-color maps in the back include a bibilcal calendar that correlates Hebrew, Babylonian and modern calendar systems with the feasts of Israel. It also includes the same great LASB notes which I have found personally enriching and extremely helpful when it comes to sermon prep.
6) The back of the Bible has the same dictionary/concordance, but also includes a Christian worker's resource (How to become a Christian, do follow-up with a new believer, answer key questions about the Christian faith, apply the Bible), all 66 LASB book introductions including the "blueprint" and "megathemes" for each book, and a master index to all the notes, charts, maps, archaeological notes, illustrations and personality profiles.
7) A canonical table of contents at the front of the Bible allows the reader to look up passages that are separated chronologically. For example, Ezra 4:1-5 is on p.1157, 4:6 on p.1181, and 4:7-23 on p.1194.
I believe the Chronological LASB to be one of the most amazing resources a Christian could ever hope to own, and all for the price of a few Starbucks coffees. Incredible. My heart is full of thanks to God for such accessibility to His Word, and also to Tyndale Publishers. I will treasure this Bible and use it for many years to come. -
Greg Reichwein5 Stars Out Of 5In ContextDecember 31, 2014Greg ReichweinQuality: 5Value: 5Meets Expectations: 5It's God's word and its true. The chronological arrangement make an excellent choice to get an in context understanding of the flow of the bible narrative. The outlines, study notes, and articles of the study portion of the bible add significantly to your understanding of the people and cultures. The NLT is easily the best and most accurate version for devotional reading. I'm saddened that there was a felt need to alter the gender wording in this version, however, if it makes it more accessible to more people then I'm OK with it. Likewise the notes tend to lean towards an egalitarian perspective negating the role design of our genders, but once again if this makes the study bible more accessible to more people, then that's fine. This study bible champions getting into the word of God... A little side note, I have read a version of the bible cover-to-cover every year for over 30 years, and while this is a large volume, you can read the entire book cover-to-cover, sans the index, by reading 5 pages a day ... You and do that.
Debra BrinkmanYoder, COAge: 45-54Gender: female5 Stars Out Of 5I'm reading this over two years instead of oneJanuary 13, 2014Debra BrinkmanYoder, COAge: 45-54Gender: femaleQuality: 5Value: 4Meets Expectations: 5This Bible is SO COOL.
The theme for this Bible is "A refreshing way to experience God's story; a trusted way to apply it to your life."
I like that.
So why do I love this Bible? Let me give you a few ideas.
* Chronological format. I don't think a chronological Bible should be the only Bible on your nightstand, but I do think everyone should go through the Bible chronologically at some point. It is amazing to read something like one of David's Psalms at the same time you are reading about him hiding out from Saul. Context. Yeah, you can do that with a regular Bible too, but with the Chronological one, it is right there for you. No planning involved. It is also wonderful to get books like Chronicles and Kings to line up, instead of reading a lot of the same stories from different points of view months apart.
* NLT Translation. I don't follow all of the arguments about which Bible translations are better and why. I'm aware of some of the disagreement, but not all of it. So if you have reason to hate the NLT, this Bible is also available in KJV. I'm not smart enough to make sense of the KJV though. I typically choose ESV when I have a choice, but I am finding that I really like the NLT too. I can understand it. I think understanding the text is a very good thing in a Chronological Bible, personally. I can always pull out a regular KJV to use for Bible Memory if I want it to sound prettier.
* Extensive notes. That'd be the Life Application parts, or the archaeological evidences part, or the timelines (wow, are there ever a lot of timelines!), or the charts, or just the notes about the original Hebrew word. Lots of notes. I love the notes, and I'm finding they add so much to my reading.
* Photos and illustrations. There is lots of color in here. Not on every page by any stretch, but every few pages anyway. Some are of archaeological sites, some are of things like the trumpets mentioned in a passage. Some illustrate a key Bible verse.
* Maps. Gracious, are there ever maps. Nice ones, in color, with specific and relevant information. In the gospels, there are maps every couple of pages, so you really can see where things are taking place.
I love this Bible.
Disclaimer: I received this book for free from Tyndale House Publishers. No other compensation was received. The fact that I received a complimentary product does not guarantee a favorable review. -
Bill5 Stars Out Of 5NLT Chronological Life Application Study Bible, Leatherlike Brown/TanJanuary 30, 2015BillQuality: 5Value: 5Meets Expectations: 5This review was written for NLT Chronological Life Application Study Bible, Leatherlike Brown/Tan.I have enjoyed reading the NLT version of the bible with its study notes, overviews of the people involved, and the maps, pictures and time line. It is very easy to understand and the leather like is very durable. Type set is very easy to see and read. Great chronological bible.
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