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Newton on the Christian Life: To Live Is Christ
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Product Description
▼▲Newton is perhaps the greatest pastoral letter writer in the history of the church. He took up his pen day after day to help others fix their eyes on Christ, which, he writes, is the underlying battle of the Christian life. Through a careful study of scores of letters, Tony Reinke brings together Newton's brilliant vision of the Christian life in one accessible place.
Product Information
▼▲Title: Newton on the Christian Life: To Live Is Christ By: Tony Reinke, John Piper, Stephen J. Nichols Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 288 Vendor: Crossway Publication Date: 2015 | Dimensions: 9.00 X 6.00 (inches) Weight: 14 ounces ISBN: 1433539713 ISBN-13: 9781433539718 Series: Theologians on the Christian Life Stock No: WW539718 |
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▼▲Author Bio
▼▲Tony Reinke is a nonprofit journalist and serves as senior teacher and host of the Ask Pastor John podcast for desiringGod.org. He is the author of Lit!: A Christian Guide to Reading Books; 12 Ways Your Phone Is Changing You; and God, Technology, and the Christian Life.
Stephen J. Nichols (PhD, Westminster Theological Seminary) serves as the president of Reformation Bible College and chief academic officer of Ligonier Ministries. He has written over twenty books and is an editor of the Theologians on the Christian Life series. He also hosts the weekly podcast 5 Minutes in Church History.
Justin Taylor (PhD, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is the executive vice president of book publishing and book publisher at Crossway. He has edited and contributed to several books, and he blogs at Between Two Worldshosted by the Gospel Coalition.
John Piper is founder and lead teacher of desiringGod.org and chancellor of Bethlehem College & Seminary. He served for thirty-three years as a pastor at Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and is the author of more than fifty books, including Desiring God; Dont Waste Your Life; and Providence.
▼▲-John Piper,
Founder, desiringGod.org; Chancellor, Bethlehem College and Seminary
Here is mastery! As the Lord Jesus Christ, crucified and reigning, was the life-giving focus of the Evangelical Revival, and as George Whitefield was its supreme awakener, and John Wesley its brilliant discipler, so ex–slave trader John Newton was its peerless pastoral counselor and perhaps the greatest Christian letter writer of all time. In his 768- footnote digest of the spiritual wisdom in Newton's thousand-plus published letters, along with his published sermons and hymns, Reinke distills a vast flow of pure honey for the Christian heart. This is a book to read over and over again.
-J. I. Packer,
Board of Governors' Professor of Theology, Regent College
Newton on the Christian Life is a magnum opus (though Tony still has plenty of time to surpass it). A bold project, beautifully done. You know about John Newton; now you can be pastored by him. You will feel known by him. You will be encouraged that your struggles are like his and his congregants. And you will discover again that huge helpings of the beauty and love of Jesus are the perfect antidote for our self-consumed lives.
-Ed Welch,
counselor and faculty, The Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation
The Christian life is Christ, as John Newton clarified so helpfully. If you are still treating Christianity as a strategy for your own self-improvement, this book will not satisfy you. But if you have despaired of yourself and are now clinging only to Christ, this book will refresh you. Newton's practical counsel, brought vividly to life again by Tony Reinke, will lead you into the green pastures and beside the still waters that are, at this moment, awaiting you in your all-sufficient Savior. For some readers, this book may just become the most important book, outside the Bible, they will ever read.
-Raymond C. Ortlund Jr.,
Lead Pastor, Immanuel Church, Nashville, Tennessee
Best known for the iconic hymn 'Amazing Grace,' John Newton deserves to be equally known for his tremendous corpus of spiritual letters. In them, Newton's gifting as a pastoral cardiologist with few peers is on full display. Many of the main struggles and joys of the human heart have not changed. And, as Reinke ably shows, Newton's advice, given in a world somewhat different from ours, is still potent and relevant. Very highly recommended.
-Michael A. G. Haykin,
Professor of Church History and Biblical Spirituality, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Newton's pastoral letters are a unique and rich resource for Christians today, and both of us owe them a debt too great to describe. However, they constitute a notoriously difficult body of work in which to navigate. Many a time you can remember some gem you have read in these letters but now can't locate. Here we have a guide to Newton's main themes and topics, as well as considered treatments of many of his most valuable letters. This is a welcome tool for Christian growth and discipleship.
-Tim and Kathy Keller,
Redeemer Presbyterian Church, New York City
This book is worth every minute of your time, whether or not you have any interest in John Newton. Reinke brings out Newton in all his cheer to minister to readers. The result is a Christ-exalting manual for growth into Christian joy, freedom, and fruitfulness. No, more than a manual, this is a work of beauty to be read again and again.
-Michael Reeves,
Director of Union and Senior Lecturer, Wales Evangelical School of Theology
Reinke takes us well beyond the hymn 'Amazing Grace' to explore John Newton's stirring pastoral ministry and soaring vision of the believer's life in Christ. I am delighted to recommend this book.
-Thomas Kidd,
Professor of History, Baylor University
This book, by one of the brightest writers in contemporary evangelicalism, examines the life lessons of a hymn writer, a freedom fighter, and a gospel preacher. Even if you don't think you like church history, you will love this book. Reinke ties Newton's life and thought to practical applications for every believer. I encourage you to read and savor anew the grace that saved wretches like us.
-Russell D. Moore,
President, The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission
Although he authored what would become America's best-loved hymn, John Newton's contemporaries thought his best gift was letter writing. Rarely, if ever, has so much wisdom, love, sanity, balance, genuine affection, and wonderfully down-to-earth-because-full-of-heaven practical counsel been expressed in letters written in the English language. Underneath them all runs knowledge of the Word of God, a devotion to the Son of God, and a love for the people of God. Newton makes us feel, even two centuries later, that he was writing for us, and that he knew us well. Reinke has done the whole church a service by recovering Newton's letters from obscurity. Newton on the Christian Life is a taste of spiritual manna that will make us want to read the letters of Newton for ourselves.
-Sinclair B. Ferguson,
Professor of Systematic Theology, Redeemer Seminary, Dallas, Texas
This book presents valuable lessons from the ministry of John Newton. His perception of grace permeated his theology, his thinking, his experience, his hopes, his ministry, and even his dying. As Reinke writes, grace was 'the air he breathed.' Here we catch glimpses into the workings of Newton's heart as he focused unreservedly on living for and through the Lord Jesus Christ.
-Marylynn Rouse,
Director, The John Newton Project
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