4.1 Stars Out Of 5
4.1 out of 5
4.3 out Of 5
(4.3 out of 5)
4.3 out Of 5
(4.3 out of 5)
Meets Expectations:
4.3 out Of 5
(4.3 out of 5)
of customers would recommend this product to a friend.
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  1. ChildofGod
    Age: 25-34
    Gender: Female
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    Excellent For Disciplining
    January 14, 2015
    Age: 25-34
    Gender: Female
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    First of all, for the price, you can get each of these character books so inexpensively. Second, they include the sin along with a prayer at the end of the book. Third, they are easily relatable for kids and they love them. Fourth, we own every single one and they work great with our kids. We have used these for about five years now. They work, people!!!

    It's a small book , but at the price of $1.00, it's just what a person needs. You can carry them along in your purse or keep them in a place that is easily gotten to for when you are dealing with discipline.

    When your child is whining, talking back, or not going to bed, pull out the appropriate book and read it to them. They get it and you are helping them work on their heart. These are a great purchase and I highly recommend them to all parents with young children ages 2-9.
  2. Bluebirdie
    Age: 35-44
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    Perfect Temper-buster
    May 4, 2015
    Age: 35-44
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    This book has helped give just enough of a thought break for my children to bring the negative energy down and refocus their thoughts. These books are wonderful.
  3. Nanamoma
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    Bought for grandson for Easter
    May 20, 2015
    Quality: 4
    Value: 4
    Meets Expectations: 4
    Very good book for a 2 year old, who throws temper tantrums. My daughter is pleased with it.
  4. Mrs Bear
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    Good, I Need to Talk to You about my Bad Temper
    September 2, 2017
    Mrs Bear
    Quality: 4
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    This is a good book about the negative effects of inappropriate anger. Great for older siblings. It helped by boys "see themselves" as the aggressor in the story. Good discussion starter.
  5. PatF
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    Excellent little books.
    December 28, 2017
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    I got four different ones. They are for my 6 yr. old grandson. He needs these messages and if not from grandma, who?! Sometimes it is easier to hear it from Grandma rather than Mom. He really pays attention when I read them, and wants them read to him again.
Displaying items 1-5 of 75
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