The Nature and Demands of the Sovereign Rule of God in the Gospel of Matthew
Stock No: WW041741
The Nature and Demands of the Sovereign Rule of God in the Gospel of Matthew  -     By: Margaret Hannan

The Nature and Demands of the Sovereign Rule of God in the Gospel of Matthew

T&T Clark / 2006 / Hardcover

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Stock No: WW041741

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Stock No: WW041741
T&T Clark / 2006 / Hardcover

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Product Information

Title: The Nature and Demands of the Sovereign Rule of God in the Gospel of Matthew
By: Margaret Hannan
Format: Hardcover
Number of Pages: 278
Vendor: T&T Clark
Publication Date: 2006
Dimensions: 9.21 X 6.14 X 0.69 (inches)
Weight: 1 pound 4 ounces
ISBN: 0567041743
ISBN-13: 9780567041746
Series: Library of New Testament Studies
Stock No: WW041741

Publisher's Description

This work argues that the author of the Gospel of Matthew structures his work as a Bios or biography of Jesus, so as to encapsulate, in narrative form, the essence of his theological understanding of God's Basileia (sovereign rule), as proclaimed and taught in the teaching and healing mission of Jesus. Evidence for this is found in Matthew's careful use of structural markers to divide his story of Jesus into significant thematic sub-sections in which he uses a series of Basileia logia at incisive points to highlight aspects of Jesus' teaching and healing mission. In this way, Matthew is able to portray Jesus, as God's promised Messiah, who instructs his disciples through discourse and narrative, hence in word and example, in the nature and demands of God's sovereign rule.

By structuring his Gospel as a story, Matthew depicts Jesus giving instructions to his disciples and also instructs the readers of the text. Hence, Matthew's Gospel becomes a manual of instruction on the nature and demands of God's sovereignty. Its purpose is to ensure that not only the members of the Matthean community, but all future disciples of Jesus are competently trained to carry out Jesus' commission: "Go therefore and disciple all the nations ..." (28:19-20). In this way, the goods news of God's saving presence is proclaimed to all the nations until God's eschatological reign is finally established.

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