1. Nancy B's Science Club: Microscope & Activity Journal
    Educational Insights / 2013 / Other
    Our Price$42.97 Retail Price$51.99 Save 17% ($9.02)
    2.5 out of 5 stars for Nancy B's Science Club: Microscope & Activity Journal. View reviews of this product. 2 Reviews
    Availability: In Stock
    Stock No: WW345350
2.5 Stars Out Of 5
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  1. Jen R
    4 Stars Out Of 5
    great for the price
    November 26, 2019
    Jen R
    This is great for $30. It works as expected. My kids enjoy looking at all kinds of things from food to paper to hair. You must know how to focus a scope properly to use this scope correctly. Time for Bio 101!
  2. Pegsteve
    1 Stars Out Of 5
    NOt what we thought a microscope would do.
    December 27, 2015
    Quality: 1
    Value: 1
    Meets Expectations: 1
    I bought this for my child for a Christmas present. It definitely is very inferior if you are looking for any type of real science quality, and only useful as a toy. The images all look the same under the scope. Not at all usable for real science projects as it does not magnify enough to show anything usable. Everything appears as curving lines without any movement discernable, even with samples that should have them. We used blood, pond water, and dog hair and they all look alike. We will be returning this.
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