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  1. Aussiegirl
    Gender: female
    4 Stars Out Of 5
    Learn Evil from Good. God from Satan
    June 18, 2014
    Gender: female
    Quality: 4
    Value: 4
    Meets Expectations: 4
    6/18/2014 Post Review


    Looking Through the Glass, Darkly


    Carroll M. Helm

    Maybe you wondered why God allows all the bad to happen here on earth. Have you figured maybe it's because God's ways are not our ways. Maybe just maybe God is tired of us NOT having HIM in our lives like we used to have, he has become to be less for us and it is as if he does not exists until we are hurt or we need him, God wants to be in our lives and be First NOT last in our lives. God wants us to talk to him daily not only when we need him. We have kicked him out of our schools, our homes, our public offices everything shame on us, can you blame him? We have hurt him deeply by our betrayal.

    This is a book to represent the good of God & Angels against the forces of Satan and his demons. We are fighting spiritual not flesh and we can't do it alone. As we struggle with the demons that try to take us when we are weak & vunerable. We have to pull our strengths from God and the Angels to help us fight the evil that is ready like a thief in the night to steal and destroy us, at every turn.

    Is there life after death? Must be there's a Heaven and Jesus said " I am going to prepare a place for you." Would Jesus say that if he wasn't going to do it Jesus wouldn't lie to you he hates liars does he not?

    Learn the Principles of Helme's Satan and cults Get prepared for battle against evil. Find the Mysteries and Paradoxes among these pages that await you.

    I recommend this book.

    I received this book free from Smith Publicity for an honest review . I was not required to write a positive review just an honest one. The opinions I have expressed are entirely my own and no one else's.

    4 stars

    ISBN 978-1-4908-1313-4
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