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Mujeres de influencia (Women of Influence)
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Product Description
▼▲Una verdad universalmente afirmada es que Dios usa a las mujeres para llevar a cabo Sus propósitos soberanos. Sin embargo, el cómo y dónde Dios las usa ha sido un tema controvertido en tiempos modernos. ¿La Biblia habla de mujeres en liderazgo? Este libro explora la Escritura con el propósito de ayudar a los lectores a entender lo que significa tener un ministerio de mujeres efectivo y bíblico en la iglesia local. Ya sea entrenar, discipular, evangelizar o tender la mano al pobre y necesitado, un ministerio de mujeres liderado por mujeres generará grandes beneficios para la vida de la iglesia. Este libro, escrito por líderes ministeriales con experiencia, ayudará a saber cómo contruir un ministerio de mujeres de manera bíblica, fiel y fructífera.
That God uses women to accomplish his sovereign purposes is universally affirmed. However, the way and where God uses them has been highly contested in our modern times. Does the Bible speak of women in leadership? This book explores the Scriptures with the aim of helping readers understand what it means to have an effective, and biblical women's ministry in the local church. From training to discipling, evangelizing and reaching out to the poor and needy, a ministry for women led by women will generate great benefits to the life of a church. This book, written by seasoned ministry leaders, provides insights for how to build a women's ministry biblically, faithfully, and fruitful.
Product Information
▼▲Title: Mujeres de influencia (Women of Influence) Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 208 Vendor: B&H Espanol Publication Date: 2022 | Dimensions: 8.50 X 5.50 X 0.52 (inches) Weight: 7 ounces ISBN: 1087756316 ISBN-13: 9781087756318 Stock No: WW756318 |
Publisher's Description
▼▲Este libro explora la Escritura con el propósito de ayudar a los lectores a entender lo que significa tener un ministerio de mujeres efectivo y bíblico en la iglesia local. Ya sea entrenar, discipular, evangelizar o tender la mano al pobre y necesitado, un ministerio de mujeres liderado por mujeres generará grandes beneficios para la vida de la iglesia. Este libro, escrito por líderes ministeriales con experiencia, ayudará a saber cómo contruir un ministerio de mujeres de manera bíblica, fiel y fructífera.
That God uses women to accomplish his sovereign purposes is universally affirmed. However, the way and where God uses them has been highly contested in our modern times. Does the Bible speak of women in leadership?
This book explores the Scriptures with the aim of helping readers understand what it means to have an effective, and biblical women's ministry in the local church. From training to discipling, evangelizing and reaching out to the poor and needy, a ministry for women led by women will generate great benefits to the life of a church. This book, written by seasoned ministry leaders, provides insights for how to build a women's ministry biblically, faithfully, and fruitful.
Author Bio
▼▲Catherine Scheraldi de Núñez is the wife of Pastor Miguel Núñez, and is a medical doctor, with specialty in endocrinology. She is involved in the Womens ministry, Ezer of la Iglesia Bautista Internacional. Cathy conducts the program, Mujer para la gloria de Dios, in Radio Eternidad.
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