Emily P. FreemanRevell / 2013 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$15.005.0 out of 5 stars for A Million Little Ways: Uncover the Art You Were Made to Live. View reviews of this product. 4 Reviews
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mountainsAlberta CanadaAge: 35-44Gender: female5 Stars Out Of 5Packs a million powerful punchesNovember 28, 2013mountainsAlberta CanadaAge: 35-44Gender: femaleQuality: 5Value: 5Meets Expectations: 5This amazing little book is jammed packed with golden nuggets of all shapes and sizes ... a million different ways you can gain insight, inspiration and courage packed into this wonderful item. Emily P Freeman has done a wonderful job of breaking down barriers, opening dark closets and sweeping out unused corners in my life from her book A Million Little Ways. A true delight.
Originally I found her poetic style of writing a little confusing and even distracting. However the more I dove into the book and allowed her whimsical flow to rest with me, the more I began to see and understand her message. It isn't a concrete message - like facts or formulas. Instead Emily draws you to a new way of thinking like an excellent story-teller does.
Who do I think should buy and read this book? Anyone who has ever wondered, is this all I am supposed to be? Or do? Or experience?
Emily believes we all have a job to do as believers but what that "job" looks like can be expressed in ... A Million Little Ways. And, as Emily says in her book, "I can't imagine anything more dangerous to the enemy of our hearts than people who know who they are."
So often we become consumed with the practical, the minute-by-minute and the never-ending to-do lists that are the constructs of our lives. Yet, that takes our focus off God and onto us, changing us. Emily says, "I am no longer an image bearer (of God) with a job to do. I become a job-doer with an image to maintain."
This book will enlighten, enrich and entertain you beyond your expectations. It did for me.
"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
Available at your favourite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group". -
VicsMediaRoomIrvine, CAAge: 55-65Gender: male5 Stars Out Of 5Help To Express Our CreativityNovember 17, 2013VicsMediaRoomIrvine, CAAge: 55-65Gender: maleQuality: 5Value: 5Meets Expectations: 5Emily P. Freeman in her new book "A Million Little Ways" published by Revell Books focuses on letting go of the try-hard life.
From the Back Cover: Do you desperately fear you have nothing to offer the world but secretly hope you're wrong?
You were born to make art. You were made to live art. You might not see yourself as an artist, but you are—in so many unexpected ways. In what you create, whether poetry or pie, sculpture or sand castle, calligraphy or conversation. It's time to uncover the shape of your soul, turn down the voice of the inner critic, and move into the world with the courage to be who you most deeply are.
Creating a life of meaning is not about finding that one great thing you were made to do, it's about knowing the one great God you were made to glorify—in a million little ways.
Why do we all go to museums? Because inside those walls are housed beautiful works of art ranging from exquisite paintings to super realistic statues that can captivate our interest, sometimes, for hours and bring us back to see them again and again. We are the creation of God, made in His likeness. Therefore since He is a creator then we are creators as well. God makes His creations from scratch we use whatever elements that are available. However that does not limit any of us and we all have that ability all that separates us is the medium we use to do our creating. Emily Freeman understands that and in "A Million Little Ways" she helps focus our creative energy and let the power of God live through us express our creativity.
Ms. Freeman divides the book into three parts. Part One: Who is the artist? Part Two: Uncover The Art You Were Born To Make. Part Three: Release The Art You Were Made To Live. It is time we stopped holding back our creativity and let it go. Better for us and better for the world because once they see what we can do then we can be a help to release the creative energy within them. Then our world will be filled with really beautiful treasures. I recommend this book highly!!
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Revell Publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255 : "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."
Available November 2013 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group. -
KathleenMissouriAge: Over 65Gender: female5 Stars Out Of 5He comes into us, out of us a million little waysNovember 16, 2013KathleenMissouriAge: Over 65Gender: femaleQuality: 5Value: 5Meets Expectations: 5Saturday, November 16, 2013
a million little ways by emily p. freeman ~ uncover the art you were made to live ©2013
He comes into us, then comes out of us in a million little ways.
pp27-28 ~ We are colanders filled with glory-water. Our best efforts are spent trying to cover the seeping holes with not enough fingers. God's glory demands display. Yet sometimes when we get a glimpse of it, when we taste something we come alive doing, when we feel that sense of purpose wake up within us, we become terrified. And so instead, we spend our time looking for plastic bags to catch it before it pours out, wasted.
We want to be something more sensible, more practical. Something like a jar with a lid. No holes. No glory leaks.
Let's control it, contain it. Let's be reasonable.
In this action, we have forgotten who we are.
Surely God has another way to display his glory. Surely he doesn't intend to do it through me.
Is there anyone else in all of Scripture who can declare glory like a living, breathing poem? There is only one other place this exact word poiema, or workmanship, is used.
For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made [poiema], they can clearly see his invisible qualities–his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.
(Rom. 1:20)
Beautiful book! I would need to write all of it out for you to express God's glory in us. He has redeemed us and called us His own. No greater glory ~ He is all of it!!
2 Cor 4:6-11,16-18 (NIV) For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ... Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
Open up into God's potential for you... for me. We are indeed His workmanship made for His glory. To express Him through our syrofoam cups given over to the Potter of our souls. How glorious He is!!!
~*expressing ourselves for His glory*~
***Thank you to Revell Blog Tour Network for inviting me on this blog tour for Emily P. Freeman's A Million Little Ways: uncover the art you were made to live.... This review was written in my own words. No other compensation was received.*** -
Half pint5 Stars Out Of 5A Million Little WaysNovember 3, 2014Half pintQuality: 5Value: 5Meets Expectations: 5The author is a good author and it held my interests
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