I'm Such a Messterpiece: Shattering Stigmas, (Re)Framing Our Fears, and Finding Ourselves Fully Loved
Narrated By: Andrea M. Nyberg
By: M.
Stock No: WW454949
I'm Such a Messterpiece: Shattering Stigmas, (Re)Framing Our Fears, and Finding Ourselves Fully Loved  -     Narrated By: Andrea M. Nyberg
    By: M.

I'm Such a Messterpiece: Shattering Stigmas, (Re)Framing Our Fears, and Finding Ourselves Fully Loved

Narrated By: Andrea M. Nyberg
By: M.
Redemption Press / 2023 / Paperback

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Stock No: WW454949

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Stock No: WW454949
Redemption Press / 2023 / Paperback

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Product Information

Title: I'm Such a Messterpiece: Shattering Stigmas, (Re)Framing Our Fears, and Finding Ourselves Fully Loved
By: M.
Narrated By: Andrea M. Nyberg
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 142
Vendor: Redemption Press
Publication Date: 2023
Dimensions: 9.00 X 6.00 X 0.33 (inches)
Weight: 8 ounces
ISBN: 1646454944
ISBN-13: 9781646454945
Stock No: WW454949

Publisher's Description

Life is not without suffering, but suffering is not without hope.

Have you ever felt the tension of loving Jesus while living with anxiety, depression, trauma, or chronic illness? If so, you're in the right place, and you're not alone.

God tells us in His Word that we are chosen, beloved, and divinely crafted to do good works. But fear can send us into a shame spiral where we feel like too much, not enough, and beyond repair. So how do we grab hold of the freedom Jesus offers us when we feel like a prisoner in our own body?

In I'm Such a Messterpiece, Andrea M. Nyberg shares her struggles in hopes of bringing awareness and solidarity to others who are facing a crisis of faith, identity, and mental health. With tools from her time in therapy and insight from Scripture, Andrea invites us into the deep work of being renewed, restored, and rebuilt-just as it says in Isaiah 61.

This book is an invitation to (re)frame the fears that hold us captive by considering that pain and hope can hold hands, a mess can still be a masterpiece, and the God who created us will be with us, will strengthen us, and will love us no matter what.

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