Joyce MagninAbingdon Press / 2014 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$14.393.8 out of 5 stars for Maybelle in Stitches, Quilts of Love Series #16. View reviews of this product. 12 Reviews
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VicsMediaRoomIrvine, CAAge: 55-65Gender: male5 Stars Out Of 5World War II, Quilting, Ship Welding and FaithApril 17, 2014VicsMediaRoomIrvine, CAAge: 55-65Gender: maleQuality: 5Value: 5Meets Expectations: 5Joyce Magnin in her new book, "Maybelle in Stitches" Book Sixteen in the Quilts of Love Series published by Abingdon Press brings us into the life of Maybelle Kazinski.
From the back cover: A patchwork quilt holds together two hearts separated by miles of ocean and the Second World War.
Maybelle can't sew. But when she finds an unfinished quilt in her mother's closet, she gets the crazy idea to complete it. At first, it's just a way to fill the lonely nights while her husband, Holden Kazinski, is away fighting in World War II.
Yet when Maybelle discovers that the quilt is made from scraps of material that can be traced back through her family heritage, the project is suddenly much more important. Then word comes that Holden is missing in action, and with little else to do, Maybelle clings to the quilt as much as to the hope that her husband is still alive. As neighborhood friends gather around Maybelle to help her through the unknown days and nights ahead, it is the quilt that becomes a symbol of her unflagging belief that Holden will return–to her, to their home, and to their quilt-covered bed.
History, World War II, Quilting and Shipbuilding. Quite a mix and, on the outside, it seems difficult to write a story combining all these elements. Fear not, Ms. Magnin has captured them well and provided an excellent story. The men are off fighting but the jobs needed to be filled so the women stepped up to the challenge. Maybelle becomes a welder at a shipyard. She has never been a welder in her life however she is up to the challenge. She has never sewn before either but accepts that challenge as well. This is a story about spiritual growth, about stepping out of your comfort zones and of relying heavily upon God. All kinds of events happen and it takes a rock-hard foundation upon God to keep her grounded. Maybelle and the rest of the characters are outstanding and wonderful to be with and learn about. Ms. Magnin has done an outstanding job of bringing history to the table. There is a lot in this book, much to think about and it just interesting and exciting as well.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Litfuse Publicity Group. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising." -
Heart2HeartVictorville, CAAge: 45-54Gender: female5 Stars Out Of 5With WWII being the background, this is a winner!April 8, 2014Heart2HeartVictorville, CAAge: 45-54Gender: femaleQuality: 5Value: 5Meets Expectations: 5We all know about women being employed at factories during World War II as an effort to help do whatever they could to enable their men to come home from the war as soon as possible. For Maybelle Kazinski, she is doing her part as a welder in Sun Shipyard, getting ships ready to aid in the war effort. She had only been married for a couple of days to Holden before he was called to report for duty, but it was worth it to know that he would have her waiting for him when he returned, if he returned at all. It seems like the waiting was truly the hardest part and even though working for six days helped to pass the time, she would cringe whenever the doorbell rang expecting the worst.
She just wasn't prepared for that dreaded feeling in the pit of her stomach to take the life of her mother, Francine and leave her alone. She had lost her father earlier and besides Roger, one of her mother's boarders who also worked at Sun Shipyard who she had come to see as a brother of sort, she had no more family left. Her only consolation was her best friend Doris who also had a husband serving overseas. Between the two of them, they did what they could to encourage each other that the war would be over soon and their men would come home.
But life isn't always sunshine and roses! Fate intervenes when we least expect it and for Maybelle it would be when the doorbell rings and a yellow telegram is delivered. The only good thing about the news it contained was that Holden wasn't killed but simply missing in action. But for Maybelle it seemed to be her undoing. On the heels of her mother's death and Holden's MIA telegram she had to find something to keep time from crawling along. When she discovers a crazy quilt of scraps her mother was making as a surprise for her and Holden for Christmas, Doris decides to convince Maybelle that they should finish it. But Maybelle isn't exactly what you would called skilled at sewing or cooking for that matter. Her high school sewing project involved her sewing the zipper of her dress into the neck area instead. Something that is still laughed about between her and Doris. But at least it will help to pass the time between working and sewing.
I received Maybelle in Stitches by Joyce Magnin compliments of Abingdon Press and Litfuse Publicity for my honest review. I did not receive any monetary compensation for a favorable review and the opinions expressed here are strictly my own. This is the 16th novel in the Quilts of Love Series and one that can be read as a stand alone as each talented author takes their turn at telling a story with the quilt at the centerpiece. Joyce appealed to not only the romance lover in my heart but to WWII lover as well. I loved the background story she researched about women working in the shipyards as welders for Sun Shipyard which she includes at the conclusion of this novel. It makes it so rich to read how difficult it was waiting for men to come home from the war not knowing if they would ever see them again. Hands down this one rates a 5 out of 5 stars in my opinion. -
Foster3Ontario, CanadaAge: 55-65Gender: female5 Stars Out Of 5Another Winner in this Series!April 8, 2014Foster3Ontario, CanadaAge: 55-65Gender: femaleQuality: 5Value: 5Meets Expectations: 5From the first page of this book, I was part of this story. My attention was grabbed and held captive until I finished the last page. The characters are described in such a way that they become friends. I laughed and cried with Maybelle and her friends, and at times, wished I could give her a big hug and yes, even some advice. These young war brides are all held together by the common bond of a husband/boyfriend away at war, not knowing if or when they would return. This is something I have read about in history but it became very real to me in the telling of this story.
The book had enough twists and turns in the plot to keep my interest throughout . Perhaps it was not fast moving, however, it encompassed so many emotions and feelings along the way that the reader is totally involved. The time is needed to process these and identify with the characters.
I believe my favorite part of the story was knowing that Maybelle was NOT a quilter, not even a sewer! I had to sit and giggle at some of the silly thoughts and actions . Her determination was clearly evident as the quilt grew and grew, along with her faith, strength and friendships. This quilt was a symbol of hope and belief that her husband would return to her. What a wonderful way of showing how God supplies our needs in some very unexpected ways! -
debhgrtyPlymouth MAAge: Over 65Gender: Female4 Stars Out Of 5Maybelle in Stitches will leave you in stitches!November 29, 2014debhgrtyPlymouth MAAge: Over 65Gender: FemaleThis review was written for Maybelle in Stitches: Quilts of Love Series - eBook.Debs Dozen: 12-Word Summaries World War II welderette, ship-building, home-making, laughter, loss, love, friendship becomes family.
The time is World War II - 1943; the place is Chester, Pennsylvania; the setting is the Sun Shipbuilding and Dry Dock; the main character Maybelle Kazinski, welderette. Yes, you read that correctly welderette. In 1943, many women were called into action at home filling the jobs the soldiers and sailors left behind. So Maybelle became a welderette worked her way up from cutting bolt holes in the sheet metal to welding seams on the warships that came through their plant.
Maybelle and her best friend, Doris, both worked in the plant. Their husbands had gone off to war after a very short period of marriage in Maybelles case, two weeks. She longs for her husband, Holden, as does Doris for her husband, Mickey. Doris is lucky, though; she hears from Mickey fairly frequently at least as often as the V-mail gets through.
Maybelle, a tomboy of sorts, lives at home with her mother, Francine, who would put Betty Crocker and June Cleaver to shame. When Maybelles mom dies unexpectedly, Maybelle is lost she doesnt know how to do all those house-wifely things. Thank heavens Doris lives just down the street, and their boarder, Roger, is handy in the kitchen and as a scrounger, too.
Cleaning out her mothers things, Maybelle runs across a quilt her mom has started piecing together materials from Maybelles past her baby blanket and other memorable bits of cloth. Doris has the inspiration that they should finish the quilt despite the fact that Maybelle cant sew.
How the girls manage without their spouses, manage without Francine to guide them in the house or on the quilt, and how the war affects them with its effects, is a touching and wonderful story. I smiled in sympathy at Maybelles ineptness in the kitchen, cried when Francine died, giggled at the antics of their dog, and wanted to quilt along as they progressed. Youll love this story of the gals left behind during World War II and how they coped sometimes brilliantly, sometimes in spite of themselves.
Joyce Magnin has written several books including The Prayers of Agnes Sparrow, which was named one of the Top 5 Best Christing Fiction Books of 2009 by Library Journal. Joyce is mom to three children, has one grandson, and mothers a neurotic parakeet.
I was given a copy of Maybelle in Stitches by Abingdon Press for my unbiased review.
WandaNCAge: 35-44Gender: female4 Stars Out Of 5Maybelle in Stitches by Joyce MagninApril 13, 2014WandaNCAge: 35-44Gender: femaleThis book is about Maybelle Kazinski, a welderette for Sun Shipbuilding and Dock in Chester, Pennsylvania. Maybelle was newly married when her husband was called off to war. Now he is missing in action and she is left to wonder if she will ever see him again. Her friend, Doris is determined to help keep hope alive so when Maybelle finds an unfinished quilt her mother had been making, Doris insists on gathering a few ladies to help finish it. It is a crazy quilt made from material that Maybelle identifies as scraps from her family history.
Maybelle is pretty disheartened by her own lack of skills when it comes to things like sewing, cooking and cleaning, all of the things most women know how to do, and she gave up repeatedly. Her best friend, Doris, was always there to encourage her and nudge her along and I loved that. Everyone needs that kind of friend in their life. Everyone really came together as a group to finish the quilt but it was much more than that. They were all women fighting for the same cause. They all had loved ones at war and each knew the other's sadness and pain. They were a sounding board for each other, a shoulder to lean on. I love that the book was about the war. I love war torn stories. Reading about the devastation and havoc of war can really speak to a person and touch their heart in a deeper way. I did find it a little slow, however. I kept waiting for the pace to pick up but it never did. The storyline was good and I liked the characters but it failed to really draw me into the story, to hook me. It was set in 1943 and the language and setting was true to that time period. One of the major sayings in the book was "what a gas" or "it's a gas". I thought that was great. Anyone that likes sewing or the background of the war efforts (it was mostly about building and repairing war ships) will like this book. If you like a fast paced novel it might not be for you.
Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for my honest review. The opinions expressed are mine alone. I received no monetary compensation for this review.
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