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MathTacular is a DVD-based adventure that will break through the barriers of math through creative, real-world examples, memorable examples, colorful visual learning, a fun tour guide "Professor Justin," and amusing problems that only math can solve! Show kids the practical value of Unbelievably Understandable Math™, as well as how easy it is to use in everyday situations.
MathTacular 4: Word Problems follows a unique format in the series. Detective Justin Time and Amber Waves are searching for Amber's poor porknapped pig! Kids will tag along as they track down the dreaded Word Puzzler, who left a string of word problems behind as clues. With simple, logical steps, Detective Justin and Amber Waves "crack the code" of word problems as they tackle one math puzzle after another.
Students can follow along with a sold-separately coordinating MathTacular 4 Student Workbook & Tool Kit workbook containing each problem in the DVD plus extra practice problems. As they progress, the word problems get trickier, but our heroes gain the skills to press on. The Math Word Problems DVD is designed to either play straight through for those that want to watch the DVD like a movie or it can be set to automatically stop after each sample problem to give kids the opportunity to try to solve it on their own. Once kids have tried their best, they can select "Continue," and can view the problem worked through on the DVD. At the end of the scene, Justin encourages the kids to try the following similar problems in the available separately workbook.
MathTacular4: Word Problems, covers a wide scope of mathematical skills while focusing on the skills necessary for Word Problems. Even if your kids aren't ready for the more advanced skills (like fractions and algebra at the end of the video), they'll love watching the case get closed!
This DVD is the last in MathTacular's 4-DVD Series. Carefully sequenced, it is suggested that the DVDs be used in order. The MathTacular4 DVD alone is perfect for grades 4 and up; if using the not-included workbook, it is recommended for grades 6 & up.
Title: MathTacular 4, DVD Format: DVD Vendor: Avyx Inc Weight: 3 ounces ISBN: 1935570013 | ISBN-13: 9781935570011 Ages: 11-13 Series: MathTacular Stock No: WW282957 |
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