1. Marking the Masses
    Thomas J. Hughes
    Ingenuity Films / 2023 / Trade Paperback
    Our Price$19.13
    4.0 out of 5 stars for Marking the Masses. View reviews of this product. 1 Reviews
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    Stock No: WW8221072
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  1. belair82g
    Fort McMurray, Alberta
    Age: 25-34
    Gender: male
    4 Stars Out Of 5
    Important book but one major flaw
    September 26, 2023
    Fort McMurray, Alberta
    Age: 25-34
    Gender: male
    This is a very important and timely book. It gives great information on the mark of the beast and the history of what the Elite has done in the past and what they will do in the future. And explains about the AntiChrist and the control that he will have on the world. The only real problem that I have with the book is that it teaches a pre-trib rapture. I honestly believe the concept of the pre-tribulation rapture is one of the great end times deceptions being taught in the churches today. I honestly don't believe that the Bible supports this popular view of the end times concerning the rapture!!
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