Dr. Emerson EggerichsHarperChristian Resources / Other, N/AOur Price$26.493.6 out of 5 stars for Love & Respect, Book & Workbook. View reviews of this product. 7 Reviews
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Gail5 Stars Out Of 5April 21, 2010GailFor those of you that rated this with 1 star: Perhaps you did not attend a small study group and only read the book or just attended a seminar. Had you truly studied this Biblical-based book, you would feel as I do! I watched couple married 30 years, 1 year and all in between grow closer and closer with their spouse. The "light went on" - and my husband and I have never had such a CLEAR UNDERSTANDING of the differences between men and women. I GET IT and he GETS IT! This workbook really makes you think and if you answer honestly, you will reach a deep level of understanding and love you never had before. PLEASE - get this book, but look for a small study group to REALLY "GET IT"! My husband now gets the respect and he shows me love. We know how to end the crazy cycle when we do get on it! We have been married over 15 years and never had this level of love. It is the true STUDY in the workbook and with other like-minded couples that you realize men and women are so different...not wrong, just different... Ephesians 5!
Sheila5 Stars Out Of 5October 2, 2008SheilaI don't recommend many books but this book is definitely recommended reading! We saw Dr Eggrichs when this book was 'just out' and then purchased the book (back in 2005). WONDERFUL gift for weddings too. We also have the audio cds! I will continue to buy and share more!
john m5 Stars Out Of 5January 20, 2010john mEggerichs NAILS IT! He so clearly identified the "crazy" cycle that created disharmony in my marriage. Then he clearly provides practical means to break the cycle and build a strong marriage. Highly recommended for ALL newly weds...no all "weds"
Lenora4 Stars Out Of 5March 3, 2009LenoraThis book contains vital truths. It may seem redundant at moments, but it helps the point to "stick" in your mind. I would definitely recommend all couples go through this book.
Lenora4 Stars Out Of 5January 3, 2008LenoraLove the info in this book! It's right on the money! (and scripture!) All couples should read this. I would recommend it for small groups as well!
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