Love Divine and Unfailing: The Gospel According to Hosea
Stock No: WW380752
Love Divine and Unfailing: The Gospel According to Hosea  -     By: Michael P.V. Barrett

Love Divine and Unfailing: The Gospel According to Hosea

P & R Publishing / 2008 / Paperback

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P & R Publishing / 2008 / Paperback

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Product Description

After establishing the historical and theological backdrop for Hosea, Love Divine and Unfailing focuses on the connection between Hosea's marriage to Gomer and the Lord's marriage to his people. Though many were deaf to Hosea's preaching, even the dullest could see his grief, sympathize with his sorrow, and wonder at his persistent love. Hosea's marriage was a living sermon: What Hosea did for Gomer, God did for Israel; What Gomer did to Hosea, Israel did to God.

Product Information

Title: Love Divine and Unfailing: The Gospel According to Hosea
By: Michael P.V. Barrett
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 240
Vendor: P & R Publishing
Publication Date: 2008
Dimensions: 8.5 X 5.38 (inches)
Weight: 11 ounces
ISBN: 1596380756
ISBN-13: 9781596380752
Series: Gospel According to the Old Testament
Stock No: WW380752


Love Divine is a clear, honest, panoramic treatment of the book of Hosea, poignantly showing how Hosea and Gomer’s treatment of each other reflected God and Israel’s treatment of each other. Dr. Barrett excels in unfolding his views logically on solid exegetical, hermeneutical, and theological grounds. The book is compelling in its Christ-centeredness and is a masterpiece in expounding God’s loving and gracious covenant in its internal and external dimensions. Love Divine is also true to the personal experience of covenantal grace in the lives of believers. All of this makes it a sheer delight to read. Every pastor should study Love Divine before preaching from the book of Hosea, and every Christian will find it enlightening and God-glorifying.
-Joel R. Beeke

At last a series on the Old Testament designed to provide reliable exposition, biblical theology, and a focus on Christ. These books should be like manna in the desert to pastors, preachers, teachers, and many individual Christians who struggle to come to terms with how to read the Old Testament.
-Sinclair B. Ferguson

One of the most urgent needs of the church is to grasp how the many parts of the Bible fit together to make one 'story-line' that culminates in Jesus Christ. This series of books goes a long way toward meeting that need. Written at a thoughtful but popular level, it deserves wide circulation.
-D.A. Carson

The book is marked by exegetical insights, its practical and experimental nature, and its christocentric focus. One of the more helpful sections of the book is Dr. Barrett's discussion of the christological nature of Hosea's covenant theology. He gives a cogent explanation of covenant theology and the relationship of the various covenant administrations, leading to their fulfillment in the new covenant.
-Jospeh A. Pipa

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