No Longer Strangers: Transforming Evangelism with Immigrant Communities
Product Description
▼▲Don't let your cultural misconceptions or insensitivity alienate the people you're trying to serve. Instead, discover a kind of evangelism that honors the most vulnerable. With perspectives from immigrants, refugees, pastors, and theologians, this guide will help you navigate the power dynamics embedded in cultural, racial, and linguistic differences.
Product Information
▼▲Title: No Longer Strangers: Transforming Evangelism with Immigrant Communities By: Eugene Cho & Samira Izadi Page, eds. Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 224 Vendor: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. Publication Date: 2021 | Dimensions: 8.5 X 5.5 (inches) Weight: 9 ounces ISBN: 0802878652 ISBN-13: 9780802878656 Stock No: WW878656 |
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Publisher's Description
▼▲What does evangelism look like at its best?
Evangelism can hurt sometimes. Well-meaning Christians who welcome immigrants and refugees and share the gospel with them will often alienate the very people they are trying to serve through cultural misconceptions or insensitivity to their life experiences. In No Longer Strangers, diverse voices lay out a vision for a healthier evangelism that can honor the most vulnerablemany of whom have lived through trauma, oppression, persecution, and the effects of colonialismwhile foregrounding the message of the gospel.
With perspectives from immigrants and refugees, and pastors and theologians (some of whom are immigrants themselves), this book offers guidance for every church, missional institution, and individual Christian in navigating the power dynamics embedded in differences of culture, race, and language. Every contributor wholeheartedly affirms the goodness and importance of evangelism as part of Christian discipleship while guiding the reader away from the kind of evangelism that hurts, toward the kind of evangelism that heals.
Author Bio
▼▲Rev. Eugene Cho is the President/CEO of Bread for the World. He is also the founder/visionary of One Day's Wages, founder and former senior pastor of Quest Church, and the author of Overrated: Are We More in Love with the Idea of Changing the World Than Actually Changing the World? and Thou Shalt Not Be a Jerk: A Christian's Guide to Engaging Politics.
Rev. Dr. Samira Izadi Page is the founder of Gateway of Grace Ministries, an outreach ministry to refugees. She is a Muslim-background believer from Iran and a sought-after speaker, workshop leader, and church mobilizer. She has a doctorate in missiology and is the author of Who Is My Neighbor?
Editorial Reviews
▼▲ Ed Stetzer
dean of the School of Mission, Ministry, and Leadership at Wheaton College
"No Longer Strangers makes a significant and insightful contribution to the ongoing discussion about Christianity and immigration. The authors understand that each person who wishes to immigrate is created in the image and likeness of God and should be treated as such, including in how the gospel is brought to them. This book provides a vision of what that looks like for the church. It is not the first word or the last word on the topic, but it is an important word for all church leaders and Christians doing evangelism with immigrant communities. The authors raise good questionsas you wrestle with both the problems and proposed solutionsyou will be inspired to think about ministry in your context. Youll be grateful you read this bookyoull be more self-aware as a Christian and better able to equip your church for Christlike engagement with your immigrant neighbors."
J. D. Greear
pastor of The Summit Church and 62nd president of the Southern Baptist Convention
"We have forgotten as an American church what it means to engage in a healthy, holistic, and effective evangelism. We have been operating a sports car with eight cylinders on only two cylinders. Eugene Cho and Samira Izadi Page have edited an important volume that engages the significance of evangelism while recognizing the power of the gospel at work in the marginalized communities. This book calls us to rediscover an expression of biblical Christian faith that does not ignore those who will form the spiritual backbone of the next evangelicalism."
Soong-Chan Rah
author of The Next Evangelicalism: Freeing the Church from Western Cultural Captivity
"God is up to something dramatic. The mass migration that now brings us into contact with people from every tribe, tongue, and nation is both a profound privilege and a daunting responsibility. This book is a deeply important and much-needed guide to how we can live out the gospel in its fullness to the treasured strangers among us. It will inspire and challenge in equal measureand will stir your spiritual imagination to new expressions of a worthy witness."
Scott Arbeiter
president of World Relief
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