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Londonderry Dreaming: (Novelette) - eBook
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Product Information
▼▲Title: Londonderry Dreaming: (Novelette) - eBook By: Christine Lindsay Format: DRM Free ePub Vendor: White Rose Publishing Publication Date: 2014 | ISBN: 9781611163452 ISBN-13: 9781611163452 Series: Passport to Romance Stock No: WW50917EB |
Publisher's Description
▼▲Author/Artist Review
▼▲Author: Christine Lindsay
Located in: British Columbia, Canada
Submitted: February 05, 2015
Tell us a little about yourself. I was born in Ireland, and am proud of the fact that I was once patted on the head by Prince Philip when I was a baby. My great grandfather, and my grandfather—yes father and son—were both riveters on the building of the Titanic. Tongue in cheek, I think it's fair to say that as a family we accept no responsibility for the sinking of that infamous ship. Stories of my ancestors who served in the British Cavalry in Colonial India inspired my multi-award-winning, historical series Twilight of the British Raj, Book 1 Shadowed in Silk, Book 2 Captured by Moonlight, and Book 3 Veiled at Midnight. Londonderry Dreaming is my first contemporary romance set in N. Ireland. I live on the stupendously beautiful west coast of Canada with my husband and our grown up family. My cat Scottie is chief editor on all my books.
What was your motivation behind this project? I usually write historical novels, but when I heard that Pelican Book Group was looking for novels set in Londonderry N. Ireland, I simply had to write it. I was born in Belfast not far from there, and I've visited the beautiful ancient walled city of Londonderry.
What do you hope folks will gain from this project? Much of Londonderry Dreaming is inspired from my own family in Ireland. The bed and breakfast that my heroine Ruth stays at is based on my memories of my cousin's home in Country Fermanagh. The romantic kissing scene is set on the strange volcanic rock formation called the Giant's Causeway, one of the biggest tourist spots in all of Ireland.
How were you personally impacted by working on this project? This book was pure fun for me to write. All those memories I could draw from on my trips to Ireland, and of course the humor that I nabbed right out of conversations with my own cousins. I had many a laugh writing Londonderry Dreaming.
Who are your influences, sources of inspiration or favorite authors / artists? For my historical novels my biggest influence is Francine Rivers, but for this light-hearted contemporary romance Londonderry Dreaming, I would have to say my influence is JoAnn Durgin, who is not only a dear friend, but one of the critique partners on this book. A Christian romance that sizzles, but also has a strong spiritual take-away.
Anything else you'd like readers / listeners to know: Stay tuned for my next book coming out with Pelican Book Group---Sofi's Bridge.
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