Logic of Evangelism,
Stock No: WW2804330
Logic of Evangelism,    -     By: William J. Abraham

Logic of Evangelism,

Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. / 1989 / Paperback

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Stock No: WW2804330
Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. / 1989 / Paperback

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Product Description

Abraham argues, in contrast both to the traditional focus on proclamation and to the more recent emphasis on church growth, that evangelism should be construed as primary initiation into the kingdom of God. Fleshing out his thesis by discussing how conversion, baptism, morality, the creed, the gifts of the Spirit, and the classical spiritual disciplines are related to kingdom initiation.

Product Information

Title: Logic of Evangelism,
By: William J. Abraham
Format: Paperback
Vendor: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.
Publication Date: 1989
Dimensions: 8.25 X 5.25 X .5 (inches)
Weight: 9 ounces
ISBN: 0802804330
ISBN-13: 9780802804334
Stock No: WW2804330

Publisher's Description

In this book William J. Abraham attempts to address the dearth of modern theology on the topic of evangelism. In contrast both to the traditional focus on proclamation and to the more recent emphasis on church growth, Abraham argues that evangelism should be construed as primary initiation into the kingdom of God.

Fleshing out his thesis by discussing how conversion, baptism, morality, the creed, the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and the classical spiritual disciplines are related to kingdom initiation, Abraham seeks to articulate the implications of his theory of evangelism for the practice of evangelism.

Besides holding forth a specific norm regarding how evangelism should be understood, Abraham also maintains that the sorely needed critical discussion about evangelism should proceed in a particular way--not by drawing up new, specialized schemes but rather by bringing to bear on the topic relevant material from a number of appropriate disciplines. The book thus seeks to provoke or inspire other scholars to pursue critical reflection on evangelism, to further develop the new ground broken here.

Author Bio

William J. Abraham is Albert Cook Outler Professor of Wesley Studies and Altshuler Distinguished Teaching Professor at Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University. His other books include The Logic of Evangelism and The Logic of Renewal.

Editorial Reviews

"Of the evangelism books currently available, Abraham offers the deepest and most penetrating analysis of what evangelism is and ought to be. His argument is narrowly focused but has wide ramifications. . . Theological depth and a holistic approach to the Christian life make this book a powerful foundation for evangelistic practice."

Clergy Journal
"Rarely do evangelism books bring depth to critical theological thinking. This one does. . . This book is for those willing to accept a challenge. It is tightly argued and well written; the argumentation is thick. . . This book will provoke and promote a great deal of theological discussion. This is Abraham's aim, for he wants to begin earnest theological thinking about evangelism again."

Evangelical Missions Quarterly
"A profound and challenging book."

Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society
"This extremely thoughtful and theologically astute consideration of evangelism is an attempt to wed theological concepts with evangelistic practice. . . Surely Abraham has made a positive contribution in redirecting evangelism from the human axis to the divine. He has struck the right tone in pleading for a credible communication of the gospel by the whole community of believers."

Library Journal
"Abraham subjects the theory and practice of evangelism to modern theological reflection. He points out that very little critical theological thought has been applied to this area. . . In an attempt to foster such serious study, Abraham takes a logical and scholarly approach. . . An excellent and scholarly work long overdue in the field."

"Abraham's integration of theology and the practice of evangelism...makes his The Logic of Evangelism the most significant contribution to the study of evangelism in our generation!"

The Mennonite
"The Logic of Evangelism should be priority reading for both those committed to evangelism and for those critical of it."

Theology Today
"Abraham has a high view of the kind of critical theological reflection that should attend all areas of ministry and undertakes to bring it to bear in a lucid and comprehensive study of evangelism that will be useful for pastors and teachers alike. . . There can be little question that this book puts the North American discussion of evangelism on a new footing. It achieves the status of a major programmatic statement about how evangelism may be thought about and practiced in the church."

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