4.9 Stars Out Of 5
4.9 out of 5
5 out Of 5
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5 out Of 5
(5 out of 5)
Meets Expectations:
4.9 out Of 5
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of customers would recommend this product to a friend.
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  1. S.B,
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    love this!
    January 5, 2015
    What a great book to read to emphasize that giving is more important than getting! Our 4 year old daughter was showing signs of the gimmies this holiday season. It's hard not to, when everywhere we go people are asking, "What do you want for Christmas?" This book gently shows how Sister and Brother Bear learn this important lesson; "It is more blessed to give than to receive." So glad the Berenstains have moved towards including biblical lessons in their books. Jus one more reason to love their books.
  2. Dee
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    Good Book Anytime of the year!
    January 16, 2015
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    This Berenstain Bears book was given for Christmas our grandchildren, aged 3, 4, and 8, knowing there were lists of things they wanted and this little book gives them the message that they can give, as well as receive. Good lessons from all the Berenstain Bears books, as usual.
  3. ChildofGod
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    Great Story
    January 7, 2015
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    Wonderful book, gave it to a very loving and giving sweet child who loves to give gifts and see other's happiness.

    The Bear's are always teaching great valuable lessons to children and adults alike.
  4. ajoy13
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    Wonderful lesson for littles
    November 4, 2014
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    I have always adored the Berenstain bears books and was excited to see one about the joy of giving! The book met expectations :) It is thoughtful and well written with beautiful illustrations!
  5. Annette
    Mechanicsburg, PA
    Age: 25-34
    Gender: female
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    Excellent book!
    January 6, 2012
    Mechanicsburg, PA
    Age: 25-34
    Gender: female
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    I love the real meaning of Christmas with Christ Jesus's birth and how to apply it to real life simply for children in this book!
Displaying items 1-5 of 15
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